View Full Version : Who's Up for Midget Bowling at the Next Meeting??

05-25-2004, 10:17 AM
We need to liven up the monthly meetings. Let's start midget bowling! We just need someone to bring the pins!!

Who's with me??


05-25-2004, 10:43 AM
Sounds like fun. Where do we get our midgets?

05-25-2004, 01:35 PM
Midget bowling! Sounds like some batchelor party style action there. Count me in!

05-25-2004, 02:15 PM
Sounds like fun. Where do we get our midgets?
They should be there, so we'll be fine.


05-25-2004, 03:56 PM
if not maybe there is rent-a-midget place that has a few available

05-25-2004, 04:17 PM
Crazy sh#t! :eek2:



05-26-2004, 06:02 AM
I just discovered that this will be a BYOM (bring your own midget) event, so be sure to come prepared if you want to play.


05-26-2004, 09:34 PM
I am offended at the insensitive nature of this thread:evil . But I will help out anyway. Here is a good source for all your Midget paraphanelia.


This has been selected as official midget month and in China the "Year of the Midget" has begun. To celebrate this wonderful occasion, I'm here to offer you a few items at a very low, once in a lifetime, price. Books, video tapes, games, and many more items to choose from!BOOKS:* 101 Ways To Cook A Midget - One of the most complete cookbooks on midgets. Contains recipes from many famous chefs. There are a few favourites from Martha Stewart Living. Enjoy favorites like "Midget on a Stick", "Lobster Midget", and "Deep Fried Midget".Only $9.95 Order code #112* Raising Midgets For Fun And Profit - A step by step guide to raising midgets, from feeding to selling. Tips for just enjoying midgets are found on every page! Only $11.95 Order code #113* 101 Fun Things To Do With A Midget - A comical collections of things to do with a midget to spice up that boring evening."...Midget kicking, see how far you can kick that sucker!"Only $2.50 Order code #116VIDEOS:* Those Crazy Midgets - A collection of funny videos of midgets and the crazy misfortunes they encounter. See midgets fall into the lion's den, get hit by a car, thrown from a moving bus.... Two Hours of non stop laughter!! Only $5.95 Order code #114* Field Cleaning A Midget - A true sportsman guide to field cleaning a midget after it has been shot. (If you know how to gut and clean a pot belly pig, you'll have no trouble with midgets). Only $3.56 Order code #115GAMES:* Midget Bowling - A new rage sweeping the country. Don't use a ball to knock down ten pins, sling a midget down the lane! Contains a list of all USA Bowling Centers that now offer leagues for Midget Bowling. Only $5.75 Order Code #621* Catch The Greasy Midget - The game that is quickly replacing "Pin the tail on the donkey"! Fun for the entire family. No matter what your age, "Catch The Greasy Midget" will have you in stitches!Watch grandpa grab the midget's ankle, the midget squeals and slips away, the chase goes on! It'll have you doubling over with laughter!! Only $19.95 Order Code #213MIDGET ORDERING:---------------You too can have your very own Midget! Select from many different breeds. Buy 2 get the 3rd free! Order now and we'll send you, at no extra cost, a video tape on training your midget.-------------------------[ Cut Here ]----------------------------Order FormName _____________________________Address ___________________________________City _____________State _____Zip _____-____Order # Amount Price_____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________ TotalMail to: Midgets R UsStupid Little Runt LaneSmallville, Ri, 21321 & 1/2

05-26-2004, 09:51 PM
http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/135breed1-med.jpg (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=10256&size=big&password=&sort=1&cat=500)


The midget bites into an unsuspecting person't kneecaps, severing the lower leg, and injecting evil midget DNA into the victim's body.
The victim becomes comatose for a period of about 24 hours, during which many changes begin to take place.
Midget feet grow in from what was once the person's kneecap, the midget DNA reaches the victim's brain, and the victim, once a person, is no longer a person, it is a MIDGET!
The MIDGET wakes up, it's mind full of evil midget thoughts. Midgets must not be approached during this time, as they are nearly invincible, and ten times more powerful than mortal man.
The midget goes out into the world, hell-bent on destroying all things of height. THEY MUST BE STOPPED, RECRUIT AS MANY FREEDOM FIGHTERS AS POSSIBLE! HEIGHT POWER NOW AND FOREVER!!!

05-26-2004, 10:17 PM

05-26-2004, 10:22 PM

This is Tom practicing midget tossing back in the day.

05-27-2004, 05:56 AM
http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/135breed1-med.jpg (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=10256&size=big&password=&sort=1&cat=500)


The midget bites into an unsuspecting person't kneecaps, severing the lower leg, and injecting evil midget DNA into the victim's body.
The victim becomes comatose for a period of about 24 hours, during which many changes begin to take place.
Midget feet grow in from what was once the person's kneecap, the midget DNA reaches the victim's brain, and the victim, once a person, is no longer a person, it is a MIDGET!
The MIDGET wakes up, it's mind full of evil midget thoughts. Midgets must not be approached during this time, as they are nearly invincible, and ten times more powerful than mortal man.
The midget goes out into the world, hell-bent on destroying all things of height. THEY MUST BE STOPPED, RECRUIT AS MANY FREEDOM FIGHTERS AS POSSIBLE! HEIGHT POWER NOW AND FOREVER!!!

After seeing this, I don't think I want to do this anymore.:eek:


05-27-2004, 05:57 AM

This is Tom practicing midget tossing back in the day.
Practice makes perfect, baby! It's all about aerodynamics! None of these guys wanted to bite my kneecaps, though!
