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View Full Version : Lightning is Down

05-29-2004, 12:03 AM
well like the title says THE LIGHTNING IS DOWN AGAIN
while crusing at about 70mph N on I35 punched it a little bit to pass then it happend the truck died, just like if I had shut it off, pulled to the side and noticed that the pulleys wouln't turn when I cranked it but yet they would move if i turned them by hand. next day started checking it and i found that the crank had broke, aperantly i got a cast crank insted of a steal when i bought the block, and it snaped right at the top part where the oil pump and timing gears go,now i got no ride and worst thing about it no money to fix it need new crank, inpect the heads, gaskets, and much more, i'll post pics latter

05-29-2004, 01:36 AM
Sorry to hear about that Tony. I hope that everything turns out well.

05-29-2004, 08:08 AM
Damn that's pretty rotten luck. Were you expecting to get a forged crank? Is there any kind of warranty on your block?

05-29-2004, 09:58 AM
Soory to here about that- hopefully you can get it worked out soon

05-29-2004, 10:21 AM

Hopefully you can just replace the crank without a whole lot of extra expense. I would get in touch with Terry (should he survive his mystery weekend adventure). :cool:

05-29-2004, 10:38 AM

Sorry to hear. :( Hope you get the L fixed soon.


05-29-2004, 10:59 AM
There's a guy (J98) selling a 5.4L forged crank for sale over in the "parts for sale" section at dfwstangs.net


can't link directly to the thread for some reason:confused:

05-30-2004, 01:46 PM
Hmmm...if my crank is ok once Terry and I do the swap, you can have my crank. Not sure if it's good or not, cause I know one of the rods exited stage left through the block :eek:

If it helps you out though, you're more than welcomed to it.
