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View Full Version : Kennedale: Drag Day, June 6

Tex Arcana
06-01-2004, 04:40 PM
DFW-SVTOA is having a Drag Day this comeing Sunday, June 6th, in the afternoon. Anyone interested, shoot me a PM, and we'll get you on the list. $25 per participant, spectators are free for the event, then when the track opens to the public, we get to hang around and watch the rest run.

I do have one question: what is the best way to prepare for the track runs? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

06-01-2004, 04:47 PM
If your running radials all ya need is:
1. a Helmet
2. check your tire pressure- I got my best times on radials with 28-30 psi hot. Don't smoke em, just spin em to clean em off.. and get some VHT on em :burnout:

Tex Arcana
06-01-2004, 09:53 PM
If your running radials all ya need is:
1. a Helmet
2. check your tire pressure- I got my best times on radials with 28-30 psi hot. Don't smoke em, just spin em to clean em off.. and get some VHT on em :burnout:
What is VHT?

06-01-2004, 11:15 PM
What is VHT?

I don't know what it stands for but, its the good stuff they spray on the track for traction...

It's like a thick, tacky rubbler cement that they spray the track with.