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View Full Version : New shocks for Gen 1 and 2's.

06-07-2004, 12:09 AM
KYB is making a truck shock now I think it will be a good alternative to the Bilsteins. The gen 2 shocks will be about 280 a set and gen 1 shocks will be around 225 a set. I will put a set on my gen 1 soon. Reading their literature they seem to make a quality product. I know they are popular in racing.

http://kyb.com/shocks/monos.JPG (http://kyb.com/shocks/monomax.html)

George G.
06-07-2004, 08:24 AM
I wonder how they will perform? They've actually always had a shock for truck applications(at least for old body style truck). The monomax must be a new design. I had put KYB's gas-a-just on my 93 when I had it, that and poly bushings (front and rear) and it made a world of difference in cornering...I only wish the HD cornered like my old 93:(

06-07-2004, 09:04 AM
Accoring to KYB their Monomax is 15-20% stiffer on rebound than the Gas a Just line. David had them on his old HD and loved them.