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View Full Version : Warrant for my arrest

Aggie Mom
06-10-2004, 09:45 PM
Well it appears that when I traded in my mustang for the L back in December the dealer never took the old license plates off. I received a notice for a warrant for my arrest in the mail today. :eek:

....done in by a crappy 6 cylinder mustang. This day just gets better and better.

06-10-2004, 10:16 PM
You are the baddest Mom everknana :bows

06-10-2004, 10:25 PM
Well, I wasn't going to post up, but I might as well... today hasn't been that fun for me either.:(

Remember like a month or so ago when I was hit for 77/55 by LIDAR coming back from TALON's run at TMS? I worked 90-day def. adj. with them and sent them like $186.

I've settled down ALOT on the speeding, honestly. All was good until today.

I was running errands and trying to find Mobil/Royal Purple oil for the L in Frisco/The Colony. Had about 15 other thoughts going on in my head about errands, job-hunting, looking left-right for other cars, listening to news-radio, etc.

I see AutoZone and pull a U-Turn, cruise in there and get out.

I see the red-blue lights and a f150 Colony PD officer asking me to step back in the L for pulling a U-turn where I shouldn't have.:hammer:

I have the pink slip and an upset Laney to prove it! :D

This is not my month....


06-10-2004, 11:14 PM
Well it appears that when I traded in my mustang for the L back in December the dealer never took the old license plates off. I received a notice for a warrant for my arrest in the mail today. :eek:

....done in by a crappy 6 cylinder mustang. This day just gets better and better. More than likely it has to do with the title NOT being transfered to whoever bought the Mustang.
Go to the address listed on the warrant with all your paperwork from the sale of the vehicle. They will dismiss it.

Don't want Mom's Ass in jail :nono:

I could continue this into personal experiences ............ :ron: ,
Not ....

True Blue Aggie
06-11-2004, 12:07 AM
Check that off of the midlife crisis list......

06-11-2004, 01:25 AM
You beterere warch oute or Deputee Jr wil be nkocking at youre dorrr:eek:

danm its 130 6MA is gunnra hert:hammer: