View Full Version : Speeding/traffic violation advise?

06-16-2004, 05:07 PM
Well, I’m a little “concerned” as to how to handle this situation.

I’ve been searching TALON this afternoon on how to proceed and thought I’d post up.

To start with, I was nailed for 77/55 in Roanoke (Denton Cty.) by LIDAR last month at the TALON charity laps at TMS. I pled Def. Adj. (3 mos.) and sent them $186.

I’ve honestly quit speeding, too. :(

Last Thu., I was busted by The Colony PD (Denton Cty.) for an illegal U-Turn as I was turning into Autozone. I honestly didn’t see the sign as I was thinking about Mobil/Royal Purple oil and grocery shopping.

I went back later and yes, there is a No U-Turn sign. I turned on the protected green left-turn arrow and watched all around for other vehicles

I’ve called The Colony PD and am going in tomorrow to sign-up for Def. Driving and hope for the best. Thanks, Tex.

BTW, I have a spot-less driving record prior to this and have passed tons of background checks for previous IT jobs.

I know the name Martin Rubin has been dropped here as a good traffic atty. and my Viper friend Ronnie has Conrad Summers working a pending Frisco LIDAR tkt. for him for $50.

Any suggestions on how to get out of this?

Many thanks,


06-16-2004, 05:10 PM
Plead insanity. You might win. :D

06-16-2004, 05:25 PM
Go deferred...it's a different infraction. Generally the probation rules are no tickets for the same infraction during a specified time, I beleive it's different for different jurisdictions.

Nothing to worry about IMO..

example of ways around the system.

I've had a speeding ticket on deferred, gotten another speeding ticket and just postponed my court date until after the first deferred lapses and then just take deferred on the new ticket.

There are many ways around the system ,you just have to think it out.


06-16-2004, 05:27 PM
Yeah, what he said, Just tell them you have your own smiley. :ron:

:bows PS: I got hit with lidar here in carrollton, but luckily I wasn't speeding.

06-16-2004, 05:29 PM
Find a traffic attorney. Tell him what you just told us. Pay him to take care of it.. Done.

I have differed 3 tickets within 2 weeks before, through an attorney.. And you don't have to sit in court and waste an evening..

Tex Arcana
06-16-2004, 06:00 PM
NOW you folks know why I keep pushing the "Tex Method" of dealing with moving violations!!

It's simple!!

For the first ticket, take Defensive Driving: cheap, not too time consuming (max 6 hours for the online course), and not only does it dismiss your ticket, it gets you that 5% discount on the insurance. plus, you can only do it once in a calendar year, and deferred adjudication is automatically nullified on the next infraction, where DD is not.

Next, after taking DD (since you can't take it anymore for the calendar year), you go deferred adjudication. And try like hell to be a good boy or girl. If you get a ticket during DA, then try to get a lawyer to get it dismissed.

Third, after DA, you go lawyer and get the ticket dismissed. Costs a bit, but it keeps it off your record, especially if you're on DA for another one, or just out of DA and the chances of a judge throwing another DA is slim.

06-16-2004, 06:29 PM
NOW you folks know why I keep pushing the "Tex Method" of dealing with moving violations!!

That's my method as well. People get caught up in the whole deferred adjudication thing and forget it's actually quite a bit cheaper to just take defensive driving.

06-16-2004, 06:57 PM
I do it the same way as Tex and Damon.....for the same exact reasons.

For me...I always seem to get by for a year or so and then I suddenly get nailed two or three times in a few weeks.

Good Luck Ronald....and I would seriously talk to an attorney before you make any move. You may be stuck with what ya choose.


06-16-2004, 07:13 PM
Yeah, what he said, Just tell them you have your own smiley. :ron:
..... AND your an OKIE ........ :D

That might get them ROTF_L'ing just enough where they dismiss it.

06-16-2004, 11:38 PM
Thanks everyone for the more "constructive" comments. :D

I'll be heading over there to sign up ahead of time for Def. Driving to hopefully mitigate the 77/55 and U-Turn.

I'll be making phone calls tomorrow to a couple of attys to see what's up.
Driving 60-65 on the Toll-Way/GB Exp. s#cks! :hammer:

I was driving back yesterday from SBC/lunch with Elaine and I see this red '03/'04 L in my rear-view (fogs on - old gray haired guy/glasses driving) and he was closing in fast! He runs up on me and keeps on truckin' way ahead as I hit the DNTW.

I was thinking to myself... red Ls DO tend to stand out from the crowd.:twitch:


06-17-2004, 07:37 AM
Maybe being some guy's biaotch won't be so bad after all......:evil :evil

Sorry, I thought you might need some less constructive advice...:hammer:

06-17-2004, 07:42 AM
You need to own up to your sins, you freakin' law breaker :D .

I've never had to honor of fighting a ticket...I've just taken defensive driving and got the slate wiped clean. That'd be my suggestion.


06-17-2004, 08:36 AM
Maybe being some guy's biaotch won't be so bad after all......:evil :evil

Sorry, I thought you might need some less constructive advise...:hammer:
Hey, less constructive advise is my responsibility around here. :cool:

Tex Arcana
06-17-2004, 11:32 AM
Maybe being some guy's biaotch won't be so bad after all......:evil :evil

Sorry, I thought you might need some less constructive advice...:hammer:
You can play with the butt pirates all you want; me, I'd rather be a free man. :burnout:

06-17-2004, 12:15 PM
I dug back through some old posts on here and found Martin J. Rubin (214-599-9100) and explained my situation (as above). I spoke with his asst. as he was in court.

She says $55 for his svcs. Now, I assume I still pay court costs, fees, etc AND the cost of Def. Driving? I just want this OFF my record, asap.:(

Before that, I called Conrad Sommers' office (they don't do Denton Cty.) and they referred me to Phil Romero in Lewisville. PR's office quoted me $125. Why the big difference?

Elaine and I are going to discuss this evening and I'm thinking about going to M. Rubin's office tomorrow and get the ball rolling. Suggestions?

Oh yeah! The Legal Asst. at Martin Rubin's office said that the first tkt. was city and the U-Turn was county, so the 2 are separate and the two don't know about the separate offenses. Whew! :cool:

All this talk about Federal pound me in the #ss prison has me a bit upset! :eek:

I just hope they have conjugal visits. :rll:

I love that movie! :bows




Tex Arcana
06-17-2004, 03:48 PM
I dug back through some old posts on here and found Martin J. Rubin (214-599-9100) and explained my situation (as above). I spoke with his asst. as he was in court.

She says $55 for his svcs. Now, I assume I still pay court costs, fees, etc AND the cost of Def. Driving? I just want this OFF my record, asap.:(

Before that, I called Conrad Sommers' office (they don't do Denton Cty.) and they referred me to Phil Romero in Lewisville. PR's office quoted me $125. Why the big difference?

Elaine and I are going to discuss this evening and I'm thinking about going to M. Rubin's office tomorrow and get the ball rolling. Suggestions?

Oh yeah! The Legal Asst. at Martin Rubin's office said that the first tkt. was city and the U-Turn was county, so the 2 are separate and the two don't know about the separate offenses. Whew! :cool:

All this talk about Federal pound me in the #ss prison has me a bit upset! :eek:

I just hope they have conjugal visits. :rll:

I love that movie! :bows



Check thses guys out, too: http://www.dallasattorney.com/main.asp they're handling my son's ticket right now, and I think it's costing a total of $100, all costs included.

And ALWYAS ask those moeny questions.. lawyers love moeny, and will talk your ear off about it. Might as well get the cost menu, and do it al a carte... ;)

EDIT: And you should be nervous about FPMITAP, the fact you have a :ron: will make your dance card VERY full... :evil

06-17-2004, 08:43 PM
Prison??????????? From a traffic ticket?????????? Maybe county at most...if you don't own up to the ticket.

Go ahead and grow a mustache Ronald. It'll make you the most popular inmate in the jail:rolleyes: .
