View Full Version : Walmart shootoff

06-18-2004, 02:53 PM
damn, there is a standoff in Walmart off 1-20 and Carrier Parkway... supposidly some dudes started shooting at cops out in parking lot and now its moved inside.... not sure much more...but damn, its times like this i would LOVE to be on S.W.A.T.

06-18-2004, 04:20 PM
It's over now evidently: http://www.nbc5i.com/news/3434074/detail.html

What is wrong with this world?!? Beheadings in Iraq of US nationals (the 2nd today, evidently), throwing women off of overpasses at 75/George Bush and making like SuperMan to the traffic below yourself?:(

As my 86 yo. grand-dad Ralph Brown says... "Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction."

Be good, ya'll,
