View Full Version : need help bad!!!

06-20-2004, 03:49 PM
Ok I was cruising down the interstate today bout 70mph and then i heard this blop sound like i had a just got a flat tire or something so I slowed down and realized that my truck was running like chit. Acting like it has a miss or something. it barely idols and luckly got me home. The check engine light came on and i had it read and it said. P0171 System Lean Bank 1 P0175 System Rich Bank 2. Im not sure what that means and niether did the auto parts store that read my check engine light. The truck will still start but it is acting like I pulled a fuel injector off and it is missing on a cylinder. any help would be greatly apprecitated.

06-20-2004, 05:37 PM
Sounds like you might have blown a spark plug to me. :( You might start by checking them.

06-20-2004, 05:39 PM
ill try that any other suggestions

06-20-2004, 05:52 PM
Spark plug got shot out.

06-20-2004, 06:00 PM
so what is bank 1 --- bank 2 im sure thats in reference to left and right on the motor but not sure which is which

06-20-2004, 06:01 PM
also is this bad, will i always have problems with this or do i just tighten it back down and it will work fine, what causes this

06-20-2004, 06:43 PM
so what is bank 1 --- bank 2 im sure thats in reference to left and right on the motor but not sure which is which

You are right on the bank part. it doses represent a side of the motor, usualy when its referring to the O2 sensors.

As for the plug blowing out it can be bad. Sometimes you have to pull the head. What happens most of the time is the thread in the head for the spark plug get screwed up when the plug comes out. Most times this happens because over time the plug loosens up in the hole.

06-20-2004, 09:46 PM
so if ford sees that i have changed the spark plugs they wont warranty it will they. also is there any way that all it did was work its way loose and just needs to be tightned up

06-20-2004, 10:17 PM
so if ford sees that i have changed the spark plugs they wont warranty it will they. also is there any way that all it did was work its way loose and just needs to be tightned up

Wouldnt hurt to see if it just came loose. Hopefully thats all that happened. Its a pain to do but i check mine on a regular basis, since mine is a 99 and has like 3 threads for the spark plug to hang on to for dear life.

06-20-2004, 11:17 PM
Welcome to the blown plug club...been there done that.

Take it to the dealer, if under warranty they will fix it, if past warranty they will at least partially fix it.


06-21-2004, 12:16 AM
ok i just check everyone of my plugs and none of them were loose at all so now what

06-21-2004, 12:24 AM
Given that,

You might have a blown head gasket. It's happened.

ok i just check everyone of my plugs and none of them were loose at all so now what

06-21-2004, 12:31 AM
with only 6000 miles on the motor, I was also just chill riding.

06-21-2004, 12:34 AM
also it wont even idle if it was a blown head gasket it would at least idle then run bad when it actually built boost

06-21-2004, 12:36 AM
At idle does it make an obnoxious plopping sound? If it is quiet and jsut missing either a burn't or broken plug, or it detonated and blew a vacuum line off or such.

06-21-2004, 12:38 AM
not really just kinda shakes the whole truck

06-21-2004, 12:51 AM
Well you would know a blown plug it sounds like Uncle Buck coming down the road. Do you hear any type of vacuum leak or whistling? Check the vacuum lines and hoses on the driver side of the motor. One may have been blown off. Then I would pull plugs and check for broken ceramics and melted electrodes. I am going to bed now. The passenger side is bank one cyls 1-4, the drivers side is bank 2 cyls 5-8.

06-21-2004, 08:28 AM
check the vacumm line coming out of the top of the EGR. Make sure it has not melted in half against the EGR tube running down to the exhaust. (drivers side)

Mine did this while driving and it felt like it was on 6 cyclinders and could hardly idle.

06-21-2004, 05:33 PM
well guys i am clueless I just changed all the spark plugs check every vac line i could fine and all of them are fine and my truck still runs like crap. I give up. I am going to have to call and see if my warranty covers towing so i can have it towed to a dealership. Closest one to me is like 40 miles. Thanks for all of yalls help although any other suggestions would be appreciated.

06-21-2004, 05:43 PM
well guys i am clueless I just changed all the spark plugs check every vac line i could fine and all of them are fine and my truck still runs like crap. I give up. I am going to have to call and see if my warranty covers towing so i can have it towed to a dealership. Closest one to me is like 40 miles. Thanks for all of yalls help although any other suggestions would be appreciated.

My truck had a slight miss for a while, and I recently took it to Terry for some other work, and told him about the miss. It would also detonate at 80 mph and above. Turns out Terry said the fuel filter was clogged. He put in anew filter, and no more miss, and no more detonation. Think it's possible you might have a big chunk of trash in your fuel line? Try blowing it out with an air hose and check your filter.


06-21-2004, 09:51 PM
check the vacumm line coming out of the top of the EGR. Make sure it has not melted in half against the EGR tube running down to the exhaust. (drivers side)

Mine did this while driving and it felt like it was on 6 cyclinders and could hardly idle.

This would have been my guess as well. If the vacuum line that comes off the EGR leans up against the hot EGR tube it will burn a hole in the line, which will cause the truck to idle and run like a$$.

06-21-2004, 10:44 PM
I am assuming this is the vac line that you all are refering to if so I have checked this line about 5 times and have found no burn markes or holes. Do any of you think that maybe a O2 sensor going out could cause it to run as bad as it is.

06-22-2004, 12:19 PM
Well guys just wanted to thank all of you for your advise and help, but the L is in the hands of the ford dealership now. They are supposed to let me know how bad it is messed up this evening I will let you all know in case anyone else has these same problems. Thanks again

06-22-2004, 02:04 PM
Ok I was cruising down the interstate today bout 70mph and then i heard this blop sound like i had a just got a flat tire or something so I slowed down and realized that my truck was running like chit. Acting like it has a miss or something. it barely idols and luckly got me home. The check engine light came on and i had it read and it said. P0171 System Lean Bank 1 P0175 System Rich Bank 2. Im not sure what that means and niether did the auto parts store that read my check engine light. The truck will still start but it is acting like I pulled a fuel injector off and it is missing on a cylinder. any help would be greatly apprecitated.


Oxygen sensor not switching - system was at adaptive limits - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control



Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control



Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was rich - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control



Oxygen sensor was slow in switching Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control



Oxygen sensor not switching - system was at adaptive limits - Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control

06-22-2004, 04:02 PM
Well guys not good. Just came back from the dealership and I have no compression on my number 7 cylinder. They said its either the rocker arm or there is a hole in the piston. Either way they are having a svt person come and look at it to see if they are going to warranty it or not. They should with no problem, because I actually brought the truck in 3 days after I bought it because it was smoking and i thought it was leaking oil. Well they looked over and said no not leaking and when i mean look thats all they did was Look. So I think it is because of that. I will update tommorow and let yall know what they say. Another problem the dealership it is at does not want to work on it if it has a hole in the piston. So then I have to have it sent to Orange and pay a tow truck because the dealership in town does not want to mess with it.

On another note I have some parts laying around that I was goin to put on the truck and didnt. If anyone wants to make me an offer for them.

Super Chip Programmed by Terry for an 01 Lightning

Filter Kit

Lower 4lb pulley and belt

All this came from terry. If they wont warranty it I will have to save some pennies and this will help.