View Full Version : Stolen L
07-22-2002, 11:27 AM
Just talked to a buddy of mine. His wife left her '98 5.0 GT at Middlekoff Ford on Saturday to have some work done today. The dealership just called and said her mustang along with a L were stolen this weekend.
Anyone here have their L at Middlekoff?
If so, my deepest sympathy if it was yours. :mad:
George G.
07-22-2002, 01:24 PM
Ya think it was an inside job?
07-22-2002, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by stang_460
Ya think it was an inside job?
I guess it could be, but I have know way to tell. Is this the same dealership that someone caught the service techs racing their (his, not the techs) L?
07-22-2002, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by blueoval01
Just talked to a buddy of mine. His wife left her '98 5.0 GT at Middlekoff Ford on Saturday to have some work done today. The dealership just called and said her mustang along with a L were stolen this weekend.
Anyone here have their L at Middlekoff?
If so, my deepest sympathy if it was yours. :mad:
I've never seen a 5.0 1998 GT before. :)
But seriously, that sucks. I would think if they got away with a Lightning and any Mustang after 1995, they would have to beat PATS, so I would tend to think inside job.
George G.
07-22-2002, 04:47 PM
:confused: What's PATS?
07-22-2002, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by 98Cobra
I've never seen a 5.0 1998 GT before. :)
Humm, I had though it was a '99 but he told me it was a '98. Maybe I mis-understood him ..... :confused:
Ahhhhhhhh, I assumed the GT was a 5.0, but I suspect that it's a 4.6 ...... my f**kup ... sorry. :hammer:
07-22-2002, 05:31 PM
Does that mean the dealership will give them a new 2002!:D
07-22-2002, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by 380hp
Does that mean the dealership will give them a new 2002!:D
Insurance is gonna make them wait 30 days to see if it's found. So, in the mean time they have a rent car furnished by the Insurance ccompany.
07-22-2002, 06:12 PM
Thats not bad, but I would cry because all the things I'm doing to my baby. Good luck to them.
07-22-2002, 06:24 PM
The thieves entered a side door by prying it open.
Both Mustang and Lightning were the 2 closest vehicles to the main bay door in the service bay, and both had keys in the vehicles.
Thieves took mechanic tools and tires and loaded same into Mustang and truck (L).
Cleaning crew found door ajar Sunday evening.
The L was a '02 sold approximately 30 days ago and supposedly in the shop for "paint touch-up" ...... Hummm
If this dealership had a security system, then an "inside" job might be apparent.
That's what I know currently, and the dealership is being very "non-cooperative" with their customers.
07-22-2002, 10:17 PM
Well no offense, but I haven't heard much good about that dealership. Well, anything good, really, but especially about their service dept. Why would you leave keys in vehicles? Are they that stupid??!?!?!
Guess that explains how they defeated PATS!
(PATS stands for Passive Anti-Theft System. I short, there is a computer chip inside your key that must match a code stored in the PCM - if it doesn't, it won't start. So even a copy of the key won't work!)
Lil Nicky88
07-23-2002, 02:45 AM
Yeah, I went out to middlekauf one day to pick up my truck after having my cd player and my cruise control looked at. As I pulled in, I saw my truck pulling out and taking off (like they were in the dukes of hazzard or something) down plano pkwy. :flaming:
The service manager came and told me that they were just taking it for a test drive to make sure the cruise was working. It took them 45 minutes. :bs
needless to say, I hate that place.
07-30-2002, 04:53 PM
Update ........ Police found the Mustang down by Athens, Texas.
No word on the L, though.
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