View Full Version : This scam is downright BOLD!!

07-01-2004, 02:25 PM
Person Z gets a call on cell from person X ........

X says, " .... they are needing to verify information from the National Do Not Call list (NDNC)....."
X gives name and address of Z ...
Z says "Yes that's correct".
X says, "From this information (NDNC) you indicated that it had cost you $1200 because of past telemarketing calls" ...
Z doesn't remember entering that information, but says, "OK".
X says, "...we are willing to settle this claim in part and give you $900."
Z says, "OK".
X says, "..... we will transfer this settlement directly to you, please give me your Bank Routing number ......" :eek2::eek2: :Bullshit :eek2::eek2:

This is a short condensed version of the whole conversation, but I hope you get the idea.
Nope, wasn't me that got the call ...... heard it on the radio this afternoon.