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View Full Version : The Gen. 3 L is going on a "diet" ?

07-01-2004, 11:01 PM
Looks like SVT Corporate has hit the engine performance limit on the next gen. L (budget wise it seems) and is going to lighten it up a bit to "one-up" the SRT-10.

It's going to be interesting to see how the '06 Ls are going to hold up after a good year of hammering on them with these revisions. :cool:


It looks like they're also offering good deals on the remaining '04 SVT line-up, too.



07-02-2004, 12:49 AM
Nice find Ronald. I had trouble reading that without getting rip snorting mad.

I knew those sacs of wreaking sh!t would find an excuse to forgo the concept versian.

I can just hear them in the meeting now. "Let's build this big old piece of sh!t and tell them it's better. After all....the jerk offs at American Idol convinced everyone to buy a CD of a retarded slope singing out of tune. This will be funny...come on guys...let's do it. Hey and it will cost us 20% less to build and we can raise the price anyway. Hardy har har." As the room fills with cigar smoke and the stench of fat fockers, sweating in their 1000 dollar suits.

The good news is, I don't have to figure out how to sell my Gen 2, for a Gen 3 replacement now.


07-02-2004, 12:57 AM
Well, hang on now. I think Colletti has a good point. There are other areas of improvement that can be taken care of in addition of power. I mean look at it this way. The viper truck has a ton of power over the Lightning, but it barley edges the lightning out in any of the magazine test and I have yet to see a viper truck beat a L in the standing quarter.

07-02-2004, 07:10 AM
Personally, I think it's awesome that an article dated July 2 in Autoweek includes this sentence:

"Customers can sign up for the PowerLease program through June 30."

Now if I can just jump in the way-back machine I can take advantage of this offer...:rolleyes:

07-02-2004, 08:11 AM
Hang on Garrett. The Powerlease may be back soon....and expect rebates on the '04 Lightnings to happen within the next month. The 04 Cobra's are still standard rate APR and $0 customer cash and probably will be until Sept.

All the rebates in the world and SVT Focii still can't be given away...:)

07-02-2004, 08:29 AM
Nice find Ronald. I had trouble reading that without getting rip snorting mad.

I knew those sacs of wreaking sh!t would find an excuse to forgo the concept versian.

I can just hear them in the meeting now. "Let's build this big old piece of sh!t and tell them it's better. After all....the jerk offs at American Idol convinced everyone to buy a CD of a retarded slope singing out of tune. This will be funny...come on guys...let's do it. Hey and it will cost us 20% less to build and we can raise the price anyway. Hardy har har." As the room fills with cigar smoke and the stench of fat fockers, sweating in their 1000 dollar suits.

The good news is, I don't have to figure out how to sell my Gen 2, for a Gen 3 replacement now.


What part of the first link was bad news ?

But John Coletti, director of Ford's Special Vehicle Team, acknowledges that automakers have hit a wall on how much horsepower they can give a vehicle. So the automaker will make the next-generation Ford F-150 Lightning pickup go faster by removing weight and improving handling.
The way I read it is ... We have a 500 hp motor on the table - We cant simply keep turning up the HP wick to beat the Dodges of the world BUT there are OTHER things we can do to be SURE that our combination comes out on top.

That is a part of a larger interview where Colletti is talking about the fact that ALL manufacturers are going to be reaching a practical HP limit for cars that can be street driven and insured. The way I read it is that he is saying there is more to a performance vehical then pure HP - It is the power to weight ratio, handling, looks etc etc... NO where in that article does it say the Gen III is going to be less powered than the concept...

07-02-2004, 11:21 AM

What part of the first link was bad news ?

The way I read it is ... We have a 500 hp motor on the table - We cant simply keep turning up the HP wick to beat the Dodges of the world BUT there are OTHER things we can do to be SURE that our combination comes out on top.

That is a part of a larger interview where Colletti is talking about the fact that ALL manufacturers are going to be reaching a practical HP limit for cars that can be street driven and insured. The way I read it is that he is saying there is more to a performance vehical then pure HP - It is the power to weight ratio, handling, looks etc etc... NO where in that article does it say the Gen III is going to be less powered than the concept...

Hmmmm. I just read it again and I guess it doesn't say the 500 H.P. has been tabled.

I took the comments to mean they had decided on weight reduction, instead of H.P. increase..........maybe there is still some hope.

If they do a H.P. increase in addition to weight reduction, we will have one very fast truck:eek2: .


07-02-2004, 03:00 PM
Unless you are building a dyno queen, who cares what the HP is?

07-02-2004, 03:05 PM
If they do a H.P. increase in addition to weight reduction, we will have one very fast truck:eek2: .

That is exactly what I got out of the article. :cool:

Tex Arcana
07-02-2004, 03:06 PM
Hmmmm. I just read it again and I guess it doesn't say the 500 H.P. has been tabled.

I took the comments to mean they had decided on weight reduction, instead of H.P. increase..........maybe there is still some hope.

If they do a H.P. increase in addition to weight reduction, we will have one very fast truck:eek2: .

That article refers to a roundtable that included Colletti, where he stated that the maufacturers are going to have to watch out for unchecked power gains, partially because of engine limitations, but also because of government and insurance interventions. Given the future of gasoline and likely increases in CAFE, automakers are going to ahve to be careful with the power gains and how they affect those averages. And his last point was that there are people who can't HANDLE the kind of power people are expecting to see, and that will bring Big Brother and His Sleazy Brother (i.e., Government and Insurance) dopwn on EVERYONES asses like dirty diapers.

So be glad that they are even going to continue the performance vehicles... they could just kill them all.