View Full Version : Motorcycle Mayhem

07-16-2004, 05:26 PM
Anybody into street drags with bikes? How about some stunt riding? Every Thursday night around 10:00-10:30 a bunch of guys show up with a boat load of killer bikes off the 635 service road between Luna and Emerald. When I was in high school, I used to take my Chevelle SS cruising Forest Ln., then go do some drag racing down Emerald. I know it's not the safest thing in the world, and you can get a ticket just for being there, but these guys have been doing this for quite a while. The cops seem to let them have it for an hour or so, them they just show up and tell everybody to beat it. Sure is cool to watch some of these guys!

Maybe one night a couple of mad fast Ls will show up.....http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/thumbsup.gif

07-18-2004, 02:00 PM
I have been to this before and it is totally cool.....safer than you might think too or least as safe as street dragging gets. They close off a street and have one guy that controls everything and does all the flagging.

They all start meeting at the Sonic out in Garland about 8pm. They completely take over the place to the tune of 400 to 500 bikes. No cars can even get in the Sonic it is so packed with bikes. Then they all cruise over to the drag area about 10. Its a blast!!!!!

I am up for a big L showing some night.

07-18-2004, 04:15 PM
I used to go out around there and ride some wheelies.. But I've since then retired from stunting.. :)