View Full Version : Lucky to be alive !

07-20-2004, 11:01 PM
Crazy sh!t! :eek2: Just curious, does anyone notice anything odd about where the speedometer needle is sitting? :confused:

From another board verbatim:


A kid in Lindsborg had filled several balloons with acetylene then was shooting them with roman candles. We heard them go off about every 30 minutes or so. Then during the Lindsborg fireworks display at the college we heard the ambulances racing over towards my house. On the way home we saw all of the firemen & police at a house behind Viking Motorcycle company. Later I learned that the kid was Loren Dauer, son of Ron & Mae Dauer. I guess he had about 3 or 4 balloons left in the backseat of the truck, and when he reached in to pull one of them out he slid it just enough to cause static & BOOOOOOM!!!!!! He spent a little time in ICU in Wichita, but is at home now. He blew out both eardrums, had to have a lot of shards of glass pulled from his torso, face, & eyeballs. His nephew was either in the truck or close enough by that it blew part of his face off & required 30 some stitches to get it back. You see the damage to the truck, but the garage it was by was moved partly off of its foundation, and the people sitting in their lawn chairs watching this activity were jolted several feet backwards out of their chairs. Why he is still alive I don't know. You probably will say that was freakin' stupid, but think back on how many times you've done stupid things & lived to tell about it. I hear he is doing as good as can be expected. I hope maybe we learned a lesson.
God Speed Loren!!









07-20-2004, 11:27 PM
I could be really mean here, but there is a reason they don't normally transport acetylene in balloons, fer chrissake.

/tired of sharing my oxygen with some people


Cool pics though, so I guess some good did come out of it. :evil

07-21-2004, 08:13 AM
WOW! :eek:

That's insane. I wonder where he got the idea to do this? Probably just finished watching Joe Dirt.

I smell a lawsuit. If it were my kid I'd have no choice but to sue somebody. I'd never admit my kid was that stupid without help.

07-21-2004, 10:49 AM
Holy crap- I've done some stupid chit in my day (with the help of others) but usually had better sense to go that far.

Think his car insurance will cover it:evil

07-21-2004, 10:54 AM
WOW! :eek:
I'd never admit my kid was that stupid without help.
LMFAO!!! :rll: :rll:

07-21-2004, 05:50 PM
ive done some crazy stuff with an oxyfuel torch, but nothing quite that stupid. dumbest think ive done is a oxy/propane fueled potato gun. i used to blow up cups with acetylene/oxy, but thats about it.

07-21-2004, 10:15 PM
I used to manage a welding supply and acetylene out of the bottle is probably only second to hydrogen in explosiveness, Propane is bad but is kid's stuff compared to those two gases. That kid probably didnt have 3 or 4 cubic feet of gas and see what happened.

Also a good reason not to keep any bottle of gas in any enclosed vehicle (including BBQ propane bottles in a car, trunk, or enclosed camper). It can literally rip a truck to shreds if even the dome light gets flipped on. I have seen pictures of several vehicles that has happened to and some were alot worse than that kids truck.

07-22-2004, 05:39 PM
majority of the reason acetylene generators arent used much anymore:throw:

Tex Arcana
07-22-2004, 10:44 PM
Ronald, what's the link to this story??