View Full Version : Compassion. Where'd it go?
07-26-2002, 09:53 AM
I got up this morning, as I do every day to go to work. I left my house and started driving down the street. I got maybe half a mile before noticing a obviously dead kitten in the road. While my heart twinged, it was clearly dead.
I continued down the road another half block and there was another kitten, a little month old black female sitting in the middle of the road, obviously been hit, but awake, alert and looking around, while countless drivers proceeded to drive right over her without so much as a care.
I whipped around, went back, blocked the lanes with the marauder and grabbed a blanket from my trunk. A quick inspection revealed no open wounds, but the cat was in shock from being hit. I took her down to the local animal hospital this morning and fronted the $300+ dollars to get her checked out.
Unfortunately, after being checked out and x-rayed, the kitten sustained massive trauma to the abdomen that would've required major surgery to correct. Ultimately, I had to have her euthanized. But at least she received a little bit of compassion and care.
What really ****es me off is that people were more content to drink their latte's and talk on the cell phones while running over a clearly alive animal in distress that was trying, feebly to get out of the way. Are these the same people who would just keep on going if you got hit by a car?
Ultimately, The $500 bucks this episode cost me will be forgotten, but the little kitten who spent about a month on this earth won't be.
At the end of the day, I feel just a little bit more bitter towards people in general. Especially the ******* who dumped the kittens in the street to begin with.
George G.
07-26-2002, 10:17 AM
:crying: I don't know what to say!:crying: Although I will admit I would've kept on driving, It's nice to know there are some people with enough heart...and money, to try and help an animal in distress. Poor little kitty! I think the vet shoulda fixed her up for no charge.
As Bob Barker always says "please spay or neuter your pet today" so we can avoid the over population of the little kitties.
07-26-2002, 10:50 AM
:crying: :crying:
Dammit Logan.....make me :crying: why don't you. Glad to see your heart is in the right place. I hope you made some coffee-drinking rat ba$tard late for work! I am definitely an animal person and would rather see a human run over by a car than a small helpless animal.
One has to think about the power we have over the animals we have and wonder why we abuse it so much. Kinda sad really.
Too bad the little guy didn't make it. You might have had a new pet.
07-26-2002, 10:54 AM
07-26-2002, 11:11 AM
You'rie a good man Logan.....looking forward to meeting you someday. It's people like you that help even it out for the dumbasses that seem to dominate the earth.
You have some good karma coming your deserve for the jackass that dumped those kittens.....welll.....
07-26-2002, 11:15 AM
Damn that was a sad tale:crying: I guess you are a cat person since you drove the L to Kentucky for a thousand dollar cat. If I see wounded squirrels or animals in the road I look for signs of life or extent of damage. If I think they are too badly injured or dangerous to handle I will center a tire over them or offer them free lead to end their missery. I don't want them to suffer for hours before they die. Different school of thought I know but it seems to balance the humane and practical. I can't stand to see animals suffering do to human neglect:mad: But those animals that dart out on roads are sometimes hard to avoid. I had a girlfriend one time alomst put a car in the trees trying to avoid a squirrel. I raised hell about her priorities on that one... Oh well, be kind to the furry ones :tu:
07-26-2002, 12:32 PM
It just bothers me that people can go to church and preach compassion and caring, while at the same time, 98% of those same people are the very ones cruising over top of injured animals and turning a blind eye.
Sigh...Whatever happened to all gods creatures and all that jazz?
George G.
07-26-2002, 12:48 PM
So does this mean I'm a bad person for going Dove huntin', or rabbit huntin'?
Does this mean no more turtle shootin'?
I would've loved to help the fur ball, but try explaining that to my boss for my being late! Plus, I'm not sure how busy this street or hwy was when you aided the kitten, but you won't find me attempting to stop traffic!
George G.
07-26-2002, 12:50 PM
And by the way...
Originally posted by tliss
......I am definitely an animal person and would rather see a human run over by a car than a small helpless animal.
07-26-2002, 01:53 PM
Logan, I have no doubt that your compasion will do you well in raising your kids .........:)
07-26-2002, 02:26 PM
Sorry, but that's the way I see it. A human (not a child, of course, but an adult at least) knows better than to run into the road, and will generally not get dumped into the road by their dog. Put it this way, I have more compassion for our four-legged friends than I do for people. I'm not anti-human, I am just more pro-animal.
07-26-2002, 02:47 PM
Hmmm, I think I will go ahead and stir the pot a little more on an already Way off topic subject…what the hell right?
As I sit here reading these threads a couple of thoughts run through my mind…yes, as hard to believe as it sounds, it does happen from time to time.
I, (like Stang) am an avid hunter and a true sportsman in the respect that if I kill it, I do eat it. I see no problem with that as according to “The Good Book”, I was “Given dominion over all of the creatures (not creeps) on the earth and the fishes of the seas”.
I don’t think this is what we are talking about though.
We are talking about compassion. As I read through these threads I wonder how many of us here that are feeling empathy, sympathy or whatever else for the poor kitty, have ever driven by another say “Wounded Motorist”, you know the ones, broken down cars on the side of the road, flat tires…how many of us feel that same amount of empathy, sympathy or compassion for them?
Ya, if it’s a female we stop about 90% of the time, if she is good looking then its 100% for sure.
Do we get a sudden plummet in our compassion meter if the said “wounded motorist” may look like say, “Terry” (just messin’ with ya T)?
Think about it though, why is it that so many people are willing to stop and help the helpless, cute, defenseless cat, or quite possibly is that why we do help the cat…no real risk involved.
How many people can HONNESTLY say they would pull over to help a” wounded motorist” maybe someone with a broken down “78” Chevy Nova with dreadlocks, dirty clothes, more tattoos than hair, and only half of their teeth?
And furthermore, who among us would ever give this motorist $300. to fix his car…or even $50. but yet we would for a cat.
This is not to say that Logan or any of the rest of you wouldn’t…but in reality, how many of us really would?
Maybe that is where the problem really is…our compassion rests in our comfortability level.
Maybe the movie “Pay it Forward” should be a lesson taught in schools around 3rd or 4th grade…and tested yearly from then on.
Someone either pass the offering plate here or help me down off my soap-box…just my .02 cents
07-26-2002, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by andy_cain
Hmmm, I think I will go ahead and stir the pot a little more on an already Way off topic subject…what the hell right?
As I sit here reading these threads a couple of thoughts run through my mind…yes, as hard to believe as it sounds, it does happen from time to time.
I, (like Stang) am an avid hunter and a true sportsman in the respect that if I kill it, I do eat it. I see no problem with that as according to “The Good Book”, I was “Given dominion over all of the creatures (not creeps) on the earth and the fishes of the seas”.
I don’t think this is what we are talking about though.
We are talking about compassion. As I read through these threads I wonder how many of us here that are feeling empathy, sympathy or whatever else for the poor kitty, have ever driven by another say “Wounded Motorist”, you know the ones, broken down cars on the side of the road, flat tires…how many of us feel that same amount of empathy, sympathy or compassion for them?
Ya, if it’s a female we stop about 90% of the time, if she is good looking then its 100% for sure.
Do we get a sudden plummet in our compassion meter if the said “wounded motorist” may look like say, “Terry” (just messin’ with ya T)?
Think about it though, why is it that so many people are willing to stop and help the helpless, cute, defenseless cat, or quite possibly is that why we do help the cat…no real risk involved.
How many people can HONNESTLY say they would pull over to help a” wounded motorist” maybe someone with a broken down “78” Chevy Nova with dreadlocks, dirty clothes, more tattoos than hair, and only half of their teeth?
And furthermore, who among us would ever give this motorist $300. to fix his car…or even $50. but yet we would for a cat.
This is not to say that Logan or any of the rest of you wouldn’t…but in reality, how many of us really would?
Maybe that is where the problem really is…our compassion rests in our comfortability level.
Maybe the movie “Pay it Forward” should be a lesson taught in schools around 3rd or 4th grade…and tested yearly from then on.
Someone either pass the offering plate here or help me down off my soap-box…just my .02 cents
I wont bore you with the details but I have been burned too many times by stopping to hlep change tires or give ride back from gas station or picking up hitchhikers...
My comfort level is way down and it is the exceptioon rather than the rule when I stop now.. The limit is pretyy much naked centerfolds with nice cars, other than that I dont stop..
I have 2 dogs that get treated better than most kids. BUT I rarely stop for injured anumals because I cant help them and I dont want to get rabies and it tears me up too much...
07-26-2002, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Sigh...Whatever happened to all gods creatures and all that jazz?
The verses you are thinking of must be in First or Second PETA. :p
Religion, politics, and abortion (throw in animal rights if you want) are a few subjects that will divide an organization. I speak from first hand experience. I would prefer not to know everything about everyone cause it could get down right scary and if you got to know me real well, you would understand what I'm talking about.
For the record, I probably would have stopped, but I surely wouldn't have made the Vet $500 richer. In the grand scheme of things, I don't know if that makes me a better or worse person than anyone else. Thank the Lord my immortality doesn't hinge on such things. :cool:
07-26-2002, 04:26 PM
Cat soup? a la turtle head soup or something? :confused:
no..really...shoot all the Soccer Mom's in their 6,000 pound Suburban's on the Cell Phones of Dallas... :eek: Road kill waiting to happen...
07-26-2002, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by MadMax
no..really...shoot all the Soccer Mom's in their 6,000 pound Suburban's on the Cell Phones of Dallas... :eek: Road kill waiting to happen...
Now, I do know there are laws against that. :p .
07-26-2002, 04:43 PM
duh...ova and out..testing new broadband is sweet...millisecond delay rocks! tracert looks good...Rock and Roll baby (austin powers twang)
My utmost apologies if I ruffled some tail feathers...promise to do it again...same time, same station.... :D
07-26-2002, 05:06 PM
New bumper stickers available at the next meeting.
07-26-2002, 06:02 PM
Have another drink Max...
07-26-2002, 08:15 PM
Everyone must believe in something. I believe I'll have another drink. - W.C. Fields
07-27-2002, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Sixpipes
New bumper stickers available at the next meeting.
ps.....shaved beaver rules! :D
George G.
07-27-2002, 04:30 PM
Mmmmmm, shaved beaver!
07-27-2002, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by andy_cain
As I read through these threads I wonder how many of us here that are feeling empathy, sympathy or whatever else for the poor kitty, have ever driven by another say “Wounded Motorist”, you know the ones, broken down cars on the side of the road, flat tires…how many of us feel that same amount of empathy, sympathy or compassion for them?
I'll put it out there real simple like for ya. Wounded kittens *probably* won't mug you or try to steal your truck. Believe it or not, there are people who prey on good samaritans. That's part of, but obviously not the whole, reason you stop for a hot chick but not a scruffy dude. Less chance the hot chick will jump you. and if she is really grateful, its all bonus, baby!
07-28-2002, 01:35 AM
Amen brother! I experienced a situation on the tollway with my late 'stang and people just drove by me while i'm hugging the center divider. Anyways . . .that's another story . . .
Amidst the armani and fake smiles and comparing bank accounts . . .MOST people are genuinely compassionate . . . at least I want to believe that . . . then of course you have the select few that screw up that theory.
Every little bit counts and that was a nice thing you did anyhow . . .
07-29-2002, 12:05 PM
I gotcha back Logan! I stopped traffic on 720 in Little Elm A.M. traffic to help a turtle with his quest to the other side of the road. The L" makes a great roadblock! I have no problem dealing with people with short tempers, esp. when they're close enough to read the BadCarma sticker one the back of the window!:D I've become a little more compassionate since I started caring for critically ill children and their familys, esp. the abused ones. As far as people on the side of the me thats a courtesy, and courtesy in this town can get you carjacked and possibly killed. My .02$
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