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View Full Version : Fantasy Football ?

08-06-2004, 05:40 PM
hey guys, had an idea...

iv played fantasy football now for about 6 years... Im a football and sports freak... its the one true love of my life.... well besides for the wife and kid... lol

anyway, I play fantasy football on espn every year along with fantasy basebll, basketball and hockey too... hahahaha, im a junkie...

anyway, was wondering if you guys would all be interested in getting a league together.. we can do it on ESPN.com which is the best, but cost money... or we can just do it on yahoo or somewhere for free.... we can all meet up at someones house and have a live draft and drink beer, etc

i say we do the free version on yahoo or somewhere and then say all pitch in like $25 or whatever and the winner takes all...

i can hook us up with a traveling trophy for the champ and can be passed on for years kinda like stanley cup and stays in talon!!!

well if anyone is interested, post it up here.... we would need at least 10 people

08-08-2004, 02:24 PM
I'm game, been running my family league for the last 6 years. :beer:

08-12-2004, 09:25 AM
we cant get 10 guys together for this?

08-12-2004, 03:22 PM
I play the ESPN and Sporting News freebies every year. The Sporting News has a twist though, it allows only 10 trades a season..it makes you think a little harder. I'd play either way.

08-13-2004, 08:43 AM
If I had a spot in my local/family league i'd offer it to ya since we aren't getting 10 here it seems, but we've got our same 12 this year (first time ever the same 12 are in it..) 8 of us have been there all 5 years

08-14-2004, 09:04 AM
well its cool, i have a keeper league I play with same 10 guys every year too... our draft is tommorw (sunday) and cant wait!! we get to keep 3 keepers from year to year..

check this...

these are who Im starting the draft with:

PHolmes, LT, RMoss