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View Full Version : Uncool Picture on the Gallery

08-11-2004, 08:48 AM
I was viewing the gallery and when i got to Stormshadow's pictures, I got a little sideways when I saw the "shutupbitch" picture. Does anyone know why he put that up? My sister used to get her ass kicked by her husband and she looked like that picture at least 3 times before she left him. She never told us she was getting hit until the last time when my older brother, Wade made a surprise visit. I don't think that's a cool picture, especially if Stormshadow thinks hitting a woman and making her look like that is what being a man is all about.


08-11-2004, 08:55 AM
its gone....

Inappropriate :nono:

08-11-2004, 09:00 AM
I am sorry you had a bad personal experience with domestic violence. The pic is a little racey but I don't believe in censoring another because of my personal issues. If you knew Adam you would know there is no ill intent. I got a laugh out of it mself:rll: nothing to do with being a "man" or not just respecting the freedoms of this country and having a sense of humor.

08-11-2004, 09:00 AM
thanks :beer:

08-11-2004, 09:13 AM
It was not my intent to censor the picture or have it removed, that decision was made by the moderator, but I am not ashamed to say I appreciate him doing so. I was just voicing my opinion about the picture.

08-11-2004, 09:18 AM
It was not my intent to censor the picture or have it removed,
Um, yea it was. :bs

That said, it probably didn't belong in the gallery, either. I didn't see the picture, but I think I have the same one stored somewhere.

08-11-2004, 09:19 AM
That's fine I definately know it was questionable. Talon is a better place without it and probably without a half dozen members:D . This is not a democracy it is Doug's sand box and the Internet Overlord has spoken:bows . I remember when he took a pic of the UPS girl off my gallery, that was Unamercian IMO:bs I shall run back to my forum now...

UPS Girl

08-11-2004, 09:32 AM
half a dozen? i wonder who the other 5 are?

08-11-2004, 01:01 PM

My first reaction was to be upset that you would just post up and not pm me to let me know how you felt. My second thought was to look at if from your point of view. FYI I would have taken the pic down. I don't abuse women and I would come unglued if something happened to my sister, so I can see how you would be offended. For that I apologize. I however expect that if you don't like something I do in the future for you to come to me and be upfront about it and not try to guilt me into doing something in front of my peers.

08-11-2004, 02:06 PM
With the various photo galleries I am currently running I am sensitive to the fact that questionable pictures may be uploaded from time to time.

While they may not be intentionally bad - diff people can see things differently. I decided a while back that the easiest approach is to simply remove offending pictures.

With the lake gallery I set up I am especially careful of what gets posted and I manually approve each picture. The TALON gallery is different - I expect you folks to be careful and therefore dont moderate the pics. In the years we have been running a gallery I have only had to remove a couple pics - not bad in my opinion

I dont think anyone meant anything bad by either the shut up picture here or Terrys UPS girl - in both cases I felt that they were inappropriate for a lightning forum

No harm no foul - move on ....

08-11-2004, 02:31 PM
I manually approve each picture.
Dare I ask what is involved in manual approval?:eek2:

The UPS girl is gone? :confused: Geez, I really like UPS.

08-11-2004, 02:45 PM
Well, I just found the url of the UPS girl gallery.knana

Let's just say the pic Terry posted is the "tamest" one of the series. :eek2:

Let me check and see how much space I have left in my Gallery.:d :rll:

08-11-2004, 03:22 PM
Well, I just found the url of the UPS girl gallery.knana

Let's just say the pic Terry posted is the "tamest" one of the series. :eek2:

Let me check and see how much space I have left in my Gallery.:d :rll: Just post the URL ..... :evil
Or PM it to interested parties. :D

08-11-2004, 03:29 PM
Hey Adam,

Could you email me the bitch slap pic? I need a new desk top for my computer.


08-11-2004, 03:48 PM
Can't we just all get along!:d

08-11-2004, 03:51 PM
Can't we just all get along!:d

Hey Bobby..........did you get your wheel issues worked out?

08-11-2004, 03:53 PM
Just post the URL ..... :evil
Or PM it to interested parties. :D
How the heck does Ronald find all these links??????????

I have been searching, but can't find it. I'll take a link to UPS nirvana also please:cool:

08-11-2004, 04:02 PM
No I didn't I still need a rim!! Someone gots to have one I will even give them my crappy one also its still good not bent its just rusted from the brakes going out that time!!

Hey Bobby..........did you get your wheel issues worked out?

08-11-2004, 04:54 PM
Mark/Uncle Rocks,

Ask and ye' shall receive! :cool: knana

Now, don't DARE 2x-click on this unless your at home and NOT at work!


How the heck does Ronald find all these links??????????

I have been searching, but can't find it. I'll take a link to UPS nirvana also please:cool:

08-11-2004, 05:33 PM
Mark/Uncle Rocks,

Ask and ye' shall receive! :cool: knana

Now, don't DARE 2x-click on this unless your at home and NOT at work!


All I can say is...........OMG..........you da man Ronald:eek: .

08-11-2004, 05:34 PM
How the heck does Ronald find all these links??????????

I have been searching, but can't find it. I'll take a link to UPS nirvana also please:cool: Wholly crap!! :eek2:
I'll bet she just got braces off her teeth!! :eek:

All yours, toooo young for me. :nono:

08-11-2004, 05:39 PM
Wholly crap!! :eek2:
I'll bet she just got braces off her teeth!! :eek:

All yours, toooo young for me. :nono:
She's not that young........LOL. She's at least 26 or 27:evil .

True Blue Aggie
08-11-2004, 05:48 PM
I'm offended......................that she has not delivered my package yet!

08-11-2004, 06:06 PM
I'm offended......................that she has not delivered my package yet! :rolleyes: I'm NOT EVEN gonna ask!

08-11-2004, 06:17 PM
Also, there's a solo/lollipop series of this same chick floating around. The girl has "skillz". :bows

Braces are not determinate of a female's age, Mark. Trust me.:cool:

I'll see what I can do later this evening and post-up. :tu:

08-11-2004, 06:26 PM
I'll see what I can do later this evening and post-up. :tu: Whatever ........
My brother-n-laws wifes sisters cousins daughter said something similar ........ :evil

:ron: :rll:

This thread has been hi-jacked ...... sorry :nono:

08-11-2004, 07:12 PM

My first reaction was to be upset that you would just post up and not pm me to let me know how you felt. My second thought was to look at if from your point of view. FYI I would have taken the pic down. I don't abuse women and I would come unglued if something happened to my sister, so I can see how you would be offended. For that I apologize. I however expect that if you don't like something I do in the future for you to come to me and be upfront about it and not try to guilt me into doing something in front of my peers.
well thought out and stated Adam.

08-11-2004, 08:58 PM
With the various photo galleries I am currently running I am sensitive to the fact that questionable pictures may be uploaded from time to time.

While they may not be intentionally bad - diff people can see things differently. I decided a while back that the easiest approach is to simply remove offending pictures.


Hey Doug, How come I click on some of the random pictures displayed and it says you dont have permission to view this?

08-11-2004, 10:20 PM
Hey Doug, How come I click on some of the random pictures displayed and it says you dont have permission to view this?
Make sure you are logged into the gallery - sounds like you need to login to get the cookie...

Tex Arcana
08-11-2004, 10:37 PM
How the heck does Ronald find all these links??????????

I have been searching, but can't find it. I'll take a link to UPS nirvana also please:cool:

Dude, he spends his WHOLE DAY talking to recruiters and surfing pr0n... :ron:

08-11-2004, 10:42 PM
Dude, he spends his WHOLE DAY talking to recruiters and surfing pr0n... :ron:Finding Ronald a job may be our only chance of saving the sanity of the forum.:d

08-11-2004, 10:53 PM
Of course I think he came across that pic while cruising Adam's gallery looking for more pics like this. One is okay the other is not....
Ref my original post

08-11-2004, 11:20 PM
Also, there's a solo/lollipop series of this same chick floating around. The girl has "skillz". :bows

Braces are not determinate of a female's age, Mark. Trust me.:cool:

I'll see what I can do later this evening and post-up. :tu:
I'm sure Ronald already has this, but for the rest of you...


Point it to a URL, and it grabs all the pics.

Not that I know or anything, I heard from somebody. :o


08-12-2004, 12:28 AM
Well, actually... it would probably lead to its hurried demise. :D

But, that's another thread.:burnout:

Finding Ronald a job may be our only chance of saving the sanity of the forum.:d

08-12-2004, 06:09 AM
Make sure you are logged into the gallery - sounds like you need to login to get the cookie...

It only happens on certain pictures though. Most of them are fine and I can view them.

08-12-2004, 04:00 PM
Of course I think he came across that pic while cruising Adam's gallery looking for more pics like this. One is okay the other is not....
Ref my original post

I have to say that I am partial t the one on the right.