View Full Version : Gregg Evans & JDM
08-15-2004, 03:55 PM
Guess they dont want there link here but its a thread over on the florida svt forums
08-15-2004, 05:05 PM
Sounds like them florida boys dont like JDM. Whats y'alls expirience with JDM here? Good, Bad? none?
08-15-2004, 08:42 PM
http://www.******.com/forum/showthread.php?%20postid=53822\ (http://www.******.com/forum/showthread.php?%20postid=53822)
Guess they dont want there link here but its a thread over on the florida svt forums
3 years later and a few malcontents that were banned are still taking childish shots and Steve Eppinger the webmaster of F150Online and myself -
Therefore I have added the site to the filter ...
08-15-2004, 09:24 PM
Sounds like them florida boys dont like JDM. Whats y'alls expirience with JDM here? Good, Bad? none?I'll tell you my experience. Before I met him, I had heard of some "issues". Heck...I was expecting him to have horns.
I usually see him at the FFW events. He is actually a pretty darned nice guy. I have watched him help folks out at the track on many an occasion(even the ones that have never done business with him). He offered to help me out with my tune in Orlando at no charge. I was stood up by a fellow at superchips that was suppose to tune my truck before the FFW event. Jim overheard, myself and Howard talking about it and told me he could set my tune up for the event if it would help out. The guy really didn't know me from Adam at that time.
Right now I am running 3, SCT's from JDM and my E.T's are 3 tenths quicker at a safer timing and A/F than I had before. This new tune was done by him on the Dyno..... versus the tune I had just after my built block was being done via mail order(which is really not the best way to get tuning done...Terry can hook us up locally now...Thank Goodness) experience with him has been it has with Terry Cole and Mike Troyer and Chickenears and Sal@PSP. I guess I am just lucky...LOL.
I know from owning a business that the more work you do...the more chances of getting an unhappy customer you have.
If JDM has a fault....IMHO it would be that they have so darned many customers that they get in an overload situation too often. It doesn't happen that much now as they are getting better at organizing, but when it was happening, they ticked off some folks.
As far as Greg E goes............that dude shouldn't be talking. He has his share of fork ups too. I happen to know this from personel experience.
None of these guys are perfect....but neither are we. If you make sure you are an educated'll decrease your chances of trouble.
08-15-2004, 09:34 PM
I guess if you are at FFW Jim is awesome. Unfortuneately FFW keeps him from TCB at the shop. He has had my engine at his shop for 2.5 months "fixing it". Of course this has held me up on a ten thousand dollar build up I am waiting on the engine for:mad: . I call him to work on tunes and he is either coming or going to FFW events.
08-15-2004, 09:46 PM
I guess if you are at FFW Jim is awesome. Unfortuneately FFW keeps him from TCB at the shop. He has had my engine at his shop for 2.5 months "fixing it". Of course this has held me up on a ten thousand dollar build up I am waiting on the engine for:mad: . I call him to work on tunes and he is either coming or going to FFW events.
Terry..................if you can get him to bring the motor to New Hampshire next week end....I can haul it back to you from there.
08-15-2004, 10:08 PM
THanx CrakRox,
He'd have to have fixed it first though...
08-15-2004, 10:15 PM
THanx CrakRox,
He'd have to have fixed it first though...
Well if you get inspired to call offer is always good. Hell...better still...I am leaving for NH wed morning. Get your arse in the truck and go with me. Then you can break a leg off in his arse. We will be back by Wed next week.
08-15-2004, 10:19 PM
I am covered at the shop I can't go nowhere for about two weaks:banana: I agree traveling with you would be an experience of a lifetime. Catch ya later:D
08-15-2004, 10:47 PM
I've meet Jim personally and have no beefs with him. I'm just amazed with the number of folks who go to him to build a motor. I'm not finger pointing anyone in peticular here just trying to understand it.
I'm sure JDM has expercience with building motors and knows Lightnings inside and out.
I'm sure there are a number of builders in this area that can build modular motors and have a tremoundous amount of expercience doing so. I would think any reputable shop that builds 4.6 blocks for supercharged applications is capable of doing so on 5.4's.
I just don't understand spending money out of state when it can't be easily brought back to the person who built it if there are issues.
If I'm taking out of my arse here someone please educate me.
08-15-2004, 10:53 PM
I just don't understand spending money out of state when it can't be easily brought back to the person who built it if there are issues.
If I'm taking out of my arse here someone please educate me.
I have often wondered the same thing. If I hadn't gotten the deal I did on my built short block....I would have stayed local also.
New Jersey is a long way if you have issues with something that cost that much.
08-17-2004, 07:27 PM
THanx CrakRox,
He'd have to have fixed it first though...
bwahaha...crakRox, what a classic :rll:
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