View Full Version : F'ing neighbors.

08-18-2004, 09:03 PM
Last holiday we had my dad came over and helped me mow the yard. He brought over some lawn equipment and parked in front of the neighbors mailbox across the street. She came marching out huffing and puffing about we better move the truck so she could get her mail. My dad told her that they don't bring mail on holidays and she said Oh well, so he moved the truck.

Tonight I get home at bout 9pm and find the neighbors have a moving truck out front. They have about 10 or so guys over helping and have about 5 or so cars parked all about. Son of a bitch if one of their cars isn't in my driveway! I rolled up on them and asked if they knew who's car that was in my driveway. Same female that told my dad to move his truck said that it was theirs. I said no its not. I know you wouldnt park your GD car in my MF driveway after the way you acted. Some of the guys bucked up and said chill out its just a car and one popped off where do you want me to park it. I shoulted a few more cusswords and went inside.

I thought it was great that karma came back to bite her in the ass.

08-18-2004, 09:24 PM
I thought it was great that karma came back to bite her in the ass.
Hells yeah! Own3d!! :)

08-18-2004, 09:25 PM
:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

http://picture.funnyjunk.com/pics/0308.jpg (http://www.funnyjunk.com/p/dumbthieves-jpg.html)