View Full Version : Fess up, who totaled their L?

07-30-2002, 05:01 PM
I was walking around the body shop lot at my dad's dealership (Five Star Ford) and I come upon a nice, or was, white 01 L. There is some real carnage back there. The L had aftermarket rims, dark tint, and factory tonneau cover. This thing looked like it had a bout with a wall and lost horribly. Front end is almost completely gone. Ouch!

Talk about a fugged up L. I'd grab pics of it, but I don't have the camera with me. Hope the dude wasn't hurt, but he obviously didn't half-ass the wreck. Nice job bro! :tu:

Anyone's acquaintance?

07-30-2002, 11:06 PM
Did it have a Mexican flag in the rear window. Maybe it was that crazy L driver:D

07-30-2002, 11:12 PM
not the mexican , he has a '99 and I just tolked to him
I'll find out tomorrow I need to talk to a friend of mine
about my L. :banana:
(I think is not the MEXICAN the wreked one is an 01

J.D. Blackwell
07-31-2002, 05:21 PM
OK, I confess.......It was me.