View Full Version : L I N K E N P A R K
BC Lightning
08-22-2004, 12:22 PM
First off thanks TLISS for hooking me up with the tickets. The tickets were right in section 101 on the floor, the middle of the stage, and 1 row passed the pit. Were we freaking close. Ghostface came on roughly around 4:00. He was ok, it was a good time to leave to go get beers :beer: (which were 10.50 for a 24oz. :eek:) He and his "group" raped until about 4:30. Not a bad start. At 5:00 The Used came on, and wow did the rock!!! They played a full set and finished up around 5:45. This is where it starts getting crazy!! Snoop Dogg came on. Holy S**T!! Thats all I can say. He came out wearing a Rangers Jersey drinking Jin and Juice. The place is now extremely hype and packed full of 60,000 people screaming and yelling to Snoop Dogg. He played until 7:30 and left people thinking it couldn't get better. Well At 8:00 KORN absoutley blew up. They just came on staged and rocked for about five songs creating so much adrenaline. By this time the pit is going crazy. They were awesome. Now four groups down, and LINKEN PARK is up next! At 10:00 they came out and is was the most amazing thing to listen too. There is no real way to describe the energy that was created. All I can say is that it was the best concert I have been to :bows !!
08-22-2004, 02:54 PM
Not to hijack this thread, BUT
Being old school, here is my :ron:
Best concerts,
Queen, Led Zepelin, ELO, Ted Nugent.... all of them in the late 70's...
08-22-2004, 03:00 PM
All that badassedness and no pictures? What were you thinking? :hammer:
Sounds great, wish I had been there to see it.
08-22-2004, 03:03 PM
Glad you had a good time. I couldn't believe that lady was selling such good seats, but since I didn't have a chance to go, I figured I would pass the good deal on. I've seen Linkin Park and Korn in concert before, and they put on a kick ass show. I bet it was awesome!
BC Lightning
08-22-2004, 05:05 PM
I know I didnt remember tograb the camera that was by the door that I left out to bring :hammer: . I'll upload some pics I took with my camera phone, the quality wont be great, but its better than nothing. Once again thanks Tom.
08-22-2004, 05:13 PM
You have to understand that there's an art and science behind properly pulling off a :ron: . Keep trying, Grasshoppa'. :D
Hmm.... bad-ass concerts I can think of off-hand: Metallica, George Strait, Clay Aiken (Laney's idea :rolleyes: ).
I'd like to see Korn/Rammstein one of these days. Did they play Korn's Got the Life, Did My Time or Tear Me Down? knana
Every time I'm jammin' on those tracks in the L, I feel like I need to hear that blower whine screamin' at me too! :bows
Not to hijack this thread, BUT
Being old school, here is my :ron:
Best concerts,
Queen, Led Zepelin, ELO, Ted Nugent.... all of them in the late 70's...
Tex Arcana
08-22-2004, 05:14 PM
Not to hijack this thread, BUT
Being old school, here is my :ron:
Best concerts,
Queen, Led Zepelin, ELO, Ted Nugent.... all of them in the late 70's...
Late 70's, huh?? And you actually REMEMBER them?? :rll:
Tex Arcana
08-22-2004, 05:15 PM
You have to understand that there's an art and science behind properly pulling off a :ron: . Keep trying, Grasshoppa'. :D
Hmm.... bad-ass concerts I can think of off-hand: Metallica, George Strait, Clay Aiken (Laney's idea :rolleyes: ).
I'd like to see Korn/Rammstein one of these days. Did they play Korn's Got the Life, Did My Time or Tear Me Down? knana
Every time I'm jammin' on those tracks in the L, I feel like I need to hear that blower whine screamin' at me too! :bows
:confused: you can drive and listen to music at the same time?? :evil:
08-22-2004, 08:36 PM
Late 70's, huh?? And you actually REMEMBER them?? :rll:
Yeah, hard to believe.. but I was working security at the concerts and so I got in free and got to see most of the show.. unless I was working backstage.. did a lot of them for a while.. did the double header on Thanksgiving Day of ZZ Top. Have seen Diana Ross at the Summit, Village People, The Isley Brothers, Frankie Beverly and Maze, etc etc. The most strange lineup was Artful Dodger, Bob Seger and then Kiss.. go figure that one out. Saw Sammy Hagar when he was with his first group before going solo and thats before Van Halen. Lynard Skynard was a very loud and rowdy crowd, first time we had to literally throw someone out of the place.
We went to go see Duran Duran at the place in Dallas named after a Vodka a year or two ago, and that was pretty good, and pretty warm too..
Oh well I ramble.. maybe someone will start a post of their favorite concerts.
08-23-2004, 12:20 AM
Monsters of Rock was pretty good, good enough I dont remember any of the bands except Van Halen.......we took a tour busload up with one of the radio stations and got trashed on the way there and kept it up on the way back....but that was in my younger days.
I would have to say Ice T (in his cop-killer days) opening for Metallica with GNR closing was my fav concert. There was a 2 hour wait between Metallica and GNR and the crowd was getting restless. Behind the stage was this huge set of tv screens probably 40ft high so the camera guys started picking out the hot well endowed chics with short, low cut tops and put them on the "big" screen for the whole crowd to see. Well one thing led to another and you know drunk girls with 50,000 screaming cheering guys......we got to see some 40ft tall boobs!!!! knana knana
It was all fine until this one slightly "healthy" girl flashed......and got booed by 50,000 guys!!!!! :evil :evil Talk about and ego buster!!!!! I never laughed so hard in my whole life.
At any rate back to the 2 hour wait......GNR finally "stumbled" onto stage except of Duff.......2 security guys literally led him onto stage, hung his axe on him......and I am not kidding had to put his hands on the guitar for him. But the first note that Slash hit Duff came right around and started playing and "woke" up........Found out later he was a huge heroin addict and they used to pump him up b4 each concert with 2 iv bags and some anti heroin drip just so he could get coherent enough to play.
By the way the guy that fixes Slash's guitars when they get broken works out in Garland. He fixed a '71 Les Paul Deluxe Cherry Sunburst for me that had the headstock broken completely off. It is sooooo sweet sounding now and the work was top notch. If anyone needs any guitar worked on let me know, I can hook you up!
I hate remakes of songs but GNR's remake of Knockin on Heaven's Door live was over the top!!! :bows :bows
08-23-2004, 07:39 AM
Im so old that I dont even know what a GNR is .......
Actually I figured it out - Just shows that I am far from the "in" crowd ..
:ron:Saw RCB in Concert at Darien Lake - A small outside venue - I was standing about 10 feet from the stage with a dozen really good freinds - That was one of the best concerts that I remember. One of the best concerts that I dont remember was R about 22 years ago. They played about 3 hours from where I was going to college - The drive over in an old Nissan 240 with 2 couples and lots of intoxicants was fun... Cramped but fun. But as I said I dont remember much about the actual concert except that every song R played sounded mind numbingly alike... /:ron:
BC Lightning
08-23-2004, 12:19 PM
Ronald, KORN played all three of them - Got the Life, Did My Time or Tear Me Down.
08-23-2004, 04:52 PM
:bows I'm running down to the L and grab my burned CD and jam on those tracks now! These 15s in the house bump! :nana2
I could kick myself for not seeing Korn/Rammstein back in '99 here in DFW on the Family Values Tour.:hammer:
Who the hell is RCG? BTW, GNR = Guns n' Roses.
You were once a concert bouncer? :confused: I once worked bar-staff at a country-club in college with all the doctor/lawyer wives showing off all their "upgrades" :tu:. I always mixed their drinks pretty strong - they liked me. :D
Ronald, KORN played all three of them - Got the Life, Did My Time or Tear Me Down.
08-23-2004, 05:35 PM
Who the hell is RCG? BTW, GNR = Guns n' Roses.
You were once a concert bouncer? :confused: I once worked bar-staff at a country-club in college with all the doctor/lawyer wives showing off all their "upgrades" :tu:. I always mixed their drinks pretty strong - they liked me. :D
RCG= robert cray band
R = Rush
The point was that using initials on the net is kinda inconsiderate since clearly not everyone is in the "in" crowd...
:ron: No surprise I was a bouncer in my younger days - no big name acts though - mostly dive bars with local bands
08-23-2004, 06:14 PM
Oh yeah, I was much skinnier back then and a bit more rowdy..
There arent many acts that I would care to see that I havent seen.. I guess my biggest one is the original AC/DC. I think that would have absolutely rocked. Maybe even Robin Trower (Bridge of Sighs) would have been good to, but would have had to be back in the day.
But the price of being a security guy had it price too.. I almost had to do a Carpenters :vomit: concert once. But got out of it. It was a good way to go without having to pay for me and a date..
Other concerts that I have enjoyed of the non-musical type are Steve Martin in the King Tut phase and David Copperfield, a couple of times, also the Blue Man Group is an interactive musical pleasure that even the in-laws still talk about..
08-23-2004, 07:21 PM
RCG= robert cray band
R = Rush
The point was that using initials on the net is kinda inconsiderate since clearly not everyone is in the "in" crowd...
**Spoken in my best english accent**
"Hhrrmmpphh, To those I offend, my deepest apologies. Now, who is up for a good game of cricket?" :rll: :rll:
Duly noted by Tommy from the Overlord: Use of abbreviations= :hammer:
Now lets all go and :beer:
08-23-2004, 07:29 PM
I've never been a bouncer, but I've helped break up a few party/beer-fest fights. That wasn't pretty.:rolleyes:
Haha.... I have worked at Wal-Mart in my younger college days and it was the coolest thing (back then, anyway) to respond to "Code 500"s and chase shop-lifters through parking lots / neighborhoods even. Pretty dumb in retrospect, but it was fun.knana
We'd find empty boxes of KY, Trojans and Black and Decker power-tools stuffed all around Pets Dept. No joke!
Wal-Mart shoppers worry me sometimes.:eek:
The store mgr. at the time put a stop to the "Code 500" sprints because some dude was rounding a corner at full-sprint and knocked some old woman smooth on her @ss. :hammer: :rll: :evil
I'll stop now. :d
RCG= robert cray band
R = Rush
The point was that using initials on the net is kinda inconsiderate since clearly not everyone is in the "in" crowd...
:ron: No surprise I was a bouncer in my younger days - no big name acts though - mostly dive bars with local bands
BC Lightning
08-23-2004, 09:47 PM
I was suprised at the size of the bouncers there. One kid tried to jump the rows to make it to the pit an d all of a sudden a HUGE hand came out of no where and lifted the kid up off his feet with on hand :eek:. It was also very entertaining watching all the people getting kicked out of the pit.
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