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View Full Version : This May Be the Last LightningFest without Your Support!!

09-03-2004, 08:22 AM

I saw this posted on the NLOC board and I am gravely disturbed by it. I know we are going to have a tremendous showing up there, but the reality of it is if we don't support LightningFest we will lose it. I wrote a nice little book for eveyone in the thread. Do whatever you can to drum up some interest in the event. I personnally have been putting fliers on every Lightning and Harley truck I find to try and get a few more attendees from the DFW area, and have been hitting up the Ford dealers nearby to attempt to get their support as well. I know you guys are flagging down other Lightning owners to try to get them to join TALON, well, at the same time try to get them interested in LightningFest. I don't want to see this thing end.



Flats Man
09-03-2004, 08:38 AM
Tom, I saw the Thread that you just posted and joined the NLOC this morning. I had originally planned to pay for the event when I arrived but I have filled out the form and will send in my Lightning Fest Fee as soon as I can get hold of Sixpipes to find out what events he is entering. I hope you didn't keep the Old Guy out too late! I can't get to him via cell or home phone yet. I hope you didn't make him drink more that 1 beer cause he is a light weight you know! lol
Come on Guys, If I can drive this low tech Gen1 from Florida to Texas to Topeka, You can come to this event too!

09-03-2004, 08:46 AM
Tom, I saw the Thread that you just posted and joined the NLOC this morning. I had originally planned to pay for the event when I arrived but I have filled out the form and will send in my Lightning Fest Fee as soon as I can get hold of Sixpipes to find out what events he is entering. I hope you didn't keep the Old Guy out too late! I can't get to him via cell or home phone yet. I hope you didn't make him drink more that 1 beer cause he is a light weight you know! lol
Come on Guys, If I can drive this low tech Gen1 from Florida to Texas to Topeka, You can come to this event too!
I took it easy on him. I did keep him out past his bedtime, though! :evil


09-03-2004, 08:50 AM
Well I added my 2 cents

Lets see how many teenagers show up to kick my ass



09-03-2004, 09:57 AM
I have not registered yet either. Once I missed the discount deadline there was no rush to get signed up. I will register before we go.

09-03-2004, 10:28 AM
I have the same excuse as Crawford. I know they offer a lower rate up front to encourage early sign ups, but once the date passed there was no incentive to do so.

I'll go ahead and register today. Its a pay day, after all. :cool:

09-03-2004, 10:38 AM
I am alive and I registered in June. :D

My thoughts on LightningFest are as follows. I think it is very cool and I will keep going as long as it is an event. However, if it dies because of lack of national support, there will be an annual Texas meeting hosted by TALON. Guaranteed. :cool:

09-03-2004, 11:44 AM
I am alive and I registered in June. :D

My thoughts on LightningFest are as follows. I think it is very cool and I will keep going as long as it is an event. However, if it dies because of lack of national support, there will be an annual Texas meeting hosted by TALON. Guaranteed. :cool:
:tu: :tu:

09-03-2004, 12:30 PM
I remember last year we were some of the long haulers coming from over 500 miles away. Most if the attendees were back yard or neighboring state owners.

09-03-2004, 06:41 PM

Can we help "save" LightningFest and register (maybe the two of us separately if it would help) and possibly not attend?
Long story short, the employment situation changed this afternoon.knana

I'm kicking around the idea of leaving Plano/Frisco at 5pm that Friday and driving until 1-2am to roll into Topeka and return Sunday evening.

I REALLY want to be a part of LFest, but it's a new contractor gig and asking time off for LFest would be a big :nono: with them already OK-ing time off for that "W" word. Besides, Laney's a contractor too.

I'd SO want to be in the big TALON convoy rolling into Topeka on Thu. :bows


09-03-2004, 07:10 PM

Can we help "save" LightningFest and register (maybe the two of us separately if it would help) and possibly not attend?
Long story short, the employment situation changed this afternoon.knana

I'm kicking around the idea of leaving Plano/Frisco at 5pm that Friday and driving until 1-2am to roll into Topeka and return Sunday evening.

I REALLY want to be a part of LFest, but it's a new contractor gig and asking time off for LFest would be a big :nono: with them already OK-ing time off for that "W" word. Besides, Laney's a contractor too.

I'd SO want to be in the big TALON convoy rolling into Topeka on Thu. :bows


Not to hijack the thread, but we all know its been awhile for you... tell us about the job :tu:

09-03-2004, 07:21 PM

I'll explain a bit later this evening. Laney and I are headed out to celebrate and discuss.

Heck, I might just PM you if it offends the Federal TALON air-marshals around here. :rolleyes: :D

Take care...

Not to hijack the thread, but we all know its been awhile for you... tell us about the job :tu:

09-03-2004, 07:29 PM

If you cant go you cant go .. Job comes first ..

Congrats on the new Job.

Assuming you are off Thursday - There is no reason you couldnt roll with the Convoy as far north as possible then just break off and return ..

Personally I wouldnt register and pay unless I knew I had a reaosnable chance to attend


TP Derrick D
09-03-2004, 07:34 PM
I have the same excuse as Crawford. I know they offer a lower rate up front to encourage early sign ups, but once the date passed there was no incentive to do so.

I'll go ahead and register today. Its a pay day, after all. :cool:

I haven't registered yet either, I have made hotel reservations and have my "to do " list ready.I'll pay at the gate.I lose the discount but with my parents and other family in another state I have experienced too many pop -up emergencies to plan months ahead and have something happen. I paid at the gate last year also and probably will do the same if they have one in the future.I hope everyone is just glad I go. I understand some of the comments on NLOC. Last year you that went remember it was on my wedding anniversary.I didn't catch a lot of yappity-yap from wifey about it but she did let me know I was away on our day. Awyway I can't make meetings because of commitments and I forgo some of the smaller get togethers for the the larger ones so I don't have to hear the yappity about my car/truck events. I'm glad to live within 500 miles of 2 FFW events and all the local action(racing,shows,cruising..etc)I can handle. If this is the last one,I 'll remember having a ball at both of them. :)

09-03-2004, 07:36 PM
Just make a thread for that topic Ronald...then we will all talk about your new job:cool: .

I had not paid for registration either. Mostly the same reason as the others...I missed the deadline for the discount, so I figured I had no reason to rush.

I did get set up last week....but mostly because I happened to be online and noticed the Pay Pal thing. I really didn't know that there was an issue with the number of participants.

Maybe Big D will get a bunch of sign ups that are waiting like some of us where doing...........but that thread is a tad risky...it could offend some folks that are on the edge.


Tex Arcana
09-03-2004, 09:50 PM
Just make a thread for that topic Ronald...then we will all talk about your new job:cool: .

I had not paid for registration either. Mostly the same reason as the others...I missed the deadline for the discount, so I figured I had no reason to rush.

I did get set up last week....but mostly because I happened to be online and noticed the Pay Pal thing. I really didn't know that there was an issue with the number of participants.

Maybe Big D will get a bunch of sign ups that are waiting like some of us where doing...........but that thread is a tad risky...it could offend some folks that are on the edge.



09-04-2004, 12:17 AM

Thanks! We'd like to attend and contribute to LFest's future, but we may not be able to attend.:o

We thought we could help out with registration fees/overall revenue with a coupla' "no shows" in a slow Red '02 L. :cool:


It's an initial 3-6 mo. Informatica Consulting/Development gig with T-Mobile here in Plano. (You know the TV commercials with Catherine Zeta-Jones?):bows

It's been a while by choice - looking for the right local opportunity.


You just gave me an idea! :D


Hang in there! :tu:

Let's keep this thread on-topic, shall we? :rolleyes: :D


If you cant go you cant go .. Job comes first ..

Congrats on the new Job.

Assuming you are off Thursday - There is no reason you couldnt roll with the Convoy as far north as possible then just break off and return ..

Personally I wouldnt register and pay unless I knew I had a reaosnable chance to attend


Flats Man
09-04-2004, 06:02 PM
I just sent my Lightning Fest fee into Nan at the NLOC! It is pretty easy to do it via paypal using their form. I just found out that I am going to have three Generations riding along in the Old Gen1. My Son and Grandson will be going along for the trip to Topeka! My Grandson says that he is going to be a NASCAR driver when he grows up! I wonder where that comes from? lol

09-04-2004, 11:19 PM
I don't know if you guys have noticed, but it appears as though if you register by Sept 20 you will be included in most of the drawings for door prizes:


With that being said, the incentive to sign up and pay before heading up there remains. If you were thinking about just paying at the gate because there is no incentive, think again....


09-04-2004, 11:23 PM
For those NOT registered yet but who have NLOC board usernames please list in this thread or PM me.


09-05-2004, 10:29 AM
Have not registered yet. Will do so on or about the 15th. (pay day)

09-07-2004, 10:33 AM
Registered this morning and paid.

T Hogg
09-15-2004, 08:38 AM
For those NOT registered yet but who have NLOC board usernames please list in this thread or PM me.


As soon as I get my $$ pit finish and tested, I'll be sending in my $$. I should be finish Mon or Tues if everything goes well.

I'm working my a$$ off and spending so much $$ that my bank turned off my check card b/c they thought someone else was using it.

Also on a side note, I didn't want to registered too early and cause a attendacnes drop. :d

09-15-2004, 09:13 AM
As soon as I get my $$ pit finish and tested, I'll be sending in my $$. I should be finish Mon or Tues if everything goes well.

I'm working my a$$ off and spending so much $$ that my bank turned off my check card b/c they thought someone else was using it.

Also on a side note, I didn't want to registered too early and cause a attendacnes drop. :d
Excellent! Glad to see you're coming with us!! Are you going up Thursday with the big convoy?
