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09-03-2004, 10:16 PM
Fred Glenn Lives in FLA

Not sure if his place is in the path or not .. Hopefully he can post

Hope you are OK Fred


09-04-2004, 01:09 PM
Maybe he was was one of the smart ones that got the heck out of there before the traffic jams.

Heck, maybe he is sitting in a traffic jam on 75.......

I haven't had the news on yet today, but last night the Hurricane was quickly turning down the volume. They had it at a category 2, the last I heard.

Good Luck Fred....stay dry


09-04-2004, 01:32 PM
Email response from Fred

We think we will get a lot of rain and tropical force winds of not more that 74 mph. I will be heading for Texas on the 14th! See you then!


Flats Man
09-04-2004, 02:14 PM
Well here is what it looks like right now. We are starting to get some of the first bands of Thunderstorm coming over the house here on the beach. No rain yet however! http://www.baynews9.com/images/wx/doppler/state/1094320806.jpg

I have all the trucks in garages!! lol Thanks for the thoughts!

09-04-2004, 02:28 PM
This gives a whole new meaning to cover your a$$. Good luck out there bud.

09-04-2004, 02:43 PM
Fred - Where are you on the map ??

09-04-2004, 03:26 PM
Well all my family is in west palm beach. This morning a tree fell on my grandmas house, Uncles rent houses are all with out power. All my family is at my grandmas house hiding out. Trees are uprooting all over the neighborhood... Its getting real nasty and is supposed to get worse. All the gas stations etc are empty, food etc is all gone.

Lets keep all our friends in our prayers and hope they get out of this with out a scratch.

Flats Man
09-04-2004, 04:02 PM
Hey Doug, I am just west of Tampa Bay on the western most point of land. Maybe we can get Sixpipes to put an arrow on the map or something! I don't know how to! lol


It is starting to get windy here now.

Flats Man
09-04-2004, 07:00 PM
We are getting our third major band coming through right now!


09-04-2004, 07:24 PM
We are getting our third major band coming through right now!


I was just watching the news........Fox news is all over it. Your not one of the guys on TV trying to save their boat, are you:rll: .

Be careful out there.

Flats Man
09-05-2004, 06:37 AM
Well there is no Tarpon fishing anywhere in the State today!

09-05-2004, 05:03 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is a member of the Glenn clan right? These are the guys who look at tornado's and go "Ha, be gone puff of wind", The men who say, "This ain't a blower, THIS is a blower"...

No worries... I'm more scared for the storm, it'd be wise to steer clear lest it incur the wrath of the Glenn's...

09-05-2004, 05:41 PM
Been to any "Hurricane Parties" yet?:beer: I hear they're big down there.

I've read on other boards that FL. residents in gated communities are trapped inside since the electricity is out and the gates can't open. :cool:

Take care. :tu:

09-05-2004, 05:45 PM
Yep. heard form Fred just now. Power has been out for about 5 hours, but only 75mph winds and not that much rain. Looks like everything is cool. :cool:

Flats Man
09-06-2004, 07:55 AM
Well Power is back on for the time being! It came on around midnight. The Florida Hurricane Parties are pretty wild but we just had a nice quiet evening at home. It was a pleasant reflection back on my childhood days before TV. That's right, I was born before TV! We had a nice dinner by candle light with no TV to watch. We had the battery operated radio on and were listening to the storm progress. It reminded me of my early days on the farm in Texas when the whole family would sit down to eat and talk with no distractions. After dinner, everyone would sit around the radio and listen to "Boston Blackie" and "The Innersanctum" (SP?) Then everyone would go to bed at around 9 PM cause we got up early to start the chores on the farm. It sounds pretty boring but it wasn't!

Anyway, we are still getting our Butts kicked with heavy rain and wind with gusts to about 40 mph! It should all clear out by late this afternoon! Here is the latest radar picture. I am sitting under all that yellow stuff! lol

09-06-2004, 08:26 AM
Well Power is back on for the time being! It came on around midnight. The Florida Hurricane Parties are pretty wild but we just had a nice quiet evening at home. It was a pleasant reflection back on my childhood days before TV. That's right, I was born before TV! We had a nice dinner by candle light with no TV to watch. We had the battery operated radio on and were listening to the storm progress. It reminded me of my early days on the farm in Texas when the whole family would sit down to eat and talk with no distractions. After dinner, everyone would sit around the radio and listen to "Boston Blackie" and "The Innersanctum" (SP?) Then everyone would go to bed at around 9 PM cause we got up early to start the chores on the farm. It sounds pretty boring but it wasn't!

Anyway, we are still getting our Butts kicked with heavy rain and wind with gusts to about 40 mph! It should all clear out by late this afternoon! Here is the latest radar picture. I am sitting under all that yellow stuff! lol

Damn....you are old:eek: . I was telling my kids how tough it was not having a remote control for the TV. They told me it didn't matter back then because we didn't have as many channels to choose from. They are actually right...LOL.

No TV????????? My gawd...............I bet there was alot of spousel abuse in those days, with no way to drown out her constant yacking, I guess the old timers just slap sh!t out of them.

Flats Man
09-06-2004, 08:41 AM
Yep, those were the "good ole days" when children were "seen and not heard"........same for the wives! Actually the Indians had it pretty well figured out! The Squaws would stay at home and cook and sew and do what ever the Squaws did back then, and the Braves and Chiefs would just hunt and fish all day! Then White Man had to come along and Screw that whole thing up!!! lol

09-06-2004, 10:25 AM
I've read on other boards that FL. residents in gated communities are trapped inside since the electricity is out and the gates can't open. :cool:
Take care. :tu:

Look at the red box on the gate - Its emergency access box -

They CAN get out they just dont know how...

09-06-2004, 10:30 AM

Look at the red box on the gate - Its emergency access box -

They CAN get out they just dont know how...

Hey Doug, its the same ones that couldnt figure out how to use the punch cards in the last Presidential election :rll: freakin' idiots :hammer:

09-06-2004, 11:02 AM
I was thinking the same thing - that's just what I read.

Maybe they are or aren't on a UPS system. You'd think by law they would have an emergency system to get the gates open manually at the least with instructions nearby.


Look at the red box on the gate - Its emergency access box -

They CAN get out they just dont know how...

09-06-2004, 11:03 AM
Hey Doug, its the same ones that couldnt figure out how to use the punch cards in the last Presidential election :rll: freakin' idiots :hammer:

Me and my family need to evacuate to avoid a hurricane ... Who wants to guess how long I would need to "open" the gate .....

May need some paint work on the Lightning after but it would be open

09-06-2004, 12:28 PM

Me and my family need to evacuate to avoid a hurricane ... Who wants to guess how long I would need to "open" the gate .....

May need some paint work on the Lightning after but it would be open


Flats Man
09-07-2004, 06:44 AM
Here we go again! http://www.baynews9.com/images/wx/HURRICANE.JPG

09-10-2004, 07:03 AM
They are tracking Ivan to hit directly on Tampa Bay Monday. How is this going to affect your Texas trip?

Flats Man
09-10-2004, 08:45 AM
Hey Terry,

I will have one hell of a tail wind on the way to Texas! Seriously though, We are planning to leave this place on Sunday night and go where ever Ivan is not! I stand a very good chance of loosing my house in this one so we will hang in Florida or Georgia until we know something for sure. If it hits here and we don't have a lot of damage, then I would leave for Texas around Wed or Thur! If We get hit hard, then my Texas trip and the Lightning Fest will not happen. Because of all the Hurricans (3) in the last month, I anticipated problems getting the stuff done to the Gen1 so I put a shift kit in it this past Friday. I am very happy with that and still plan to have you put the Art Carr in if you can. My Gen1 will also be at risk in this storm even though it will be in a garage at a multi level parking lot. If you have ordered the Art Carr, just let me know and I will send you a check for it or pay via Pay Pal. If it comes in and I am not there, just give it to the Sixer for safe keeping! Hummmmmm! Sixpipes has three Gen1's......maybe that is not such a good idea! If you haven't ordered it, lets wait to see if I still have a Gen1 by next week. I will PM you if I have power or a computer, other wise I will give you a call! Let me know what you want to do. Here is the latest: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ftp/graphics/AT09/refresh/AL0904W5+GIF/061503W5.gif

09-10-2004, 08:53 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family-

I hope your beautiful home makes it thru in good shape


Flats Man
09-10-2004, 09:23 AM
Thanks Doug, A friend sent me this picture of Francis and our house is just about where it is showing in the picture! http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/33Welcome_to_Florida.JPG

09-10-2004, 11:32 AM
Maybe this is God's way of letting us know that he doesn't want any Glenns in Florida. J/K! http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

Good luck out there Fred. Hope round 3 is the last man.

Flats Man
09-10-2004, 12:20 PM
Hey Crawford, at this point I am ready to move back to Texas! Besides, that is where my Grandkids live! I would like like to buy a lot out where Dennis lives and steal his Gen1 parts late at night! lol

09-11-2004, 09:57 AM
Looks like Ivan took a wobble to the west --- Now projected to be off shore

If it will wobble west one more time it will miss Fred.....


Flats Man
09-11-2004, 10:40 AM
Right now I am planning to leave for Texas on Thursday morning!! I should be able to Race on the 19th if all goes well! Keep you fingers crossed!

Flats Man
09-12-2004, 06:49 AM
I should be going through Tallahassee at around 1 PM Thursday, so I think I will put some new windshield wipers on the truck. Looks like I will need them


09-12-2004, 08:29 AM
I should be going through Tallahassee at around 1 PM Thursday, so I think I will put some new windshield wipers on the truck. Looks like I will need them


Use some Rain-X and then you dont have to worry about the wipers too much.

Flats Man
09-13-2004, 08:20 AM
Things are looking better for the Tampa Area! It looks like I won't be able to head for Dallas until Friday. Here is the latest: http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/TROP/DATA/RT/gmex-vis-loop.html

Flats Man
09-14-2004, 08:50 AM
Looks like we have made it with Ivan, although the poor people are going to get it in the Panhandle. This picture says it all! http://www.steakandcheese.com/downloads/Hurricane%20List.jpg

Flats Man
09-16-2004, 06:07 PM
Well, I am heading out early in the morning! I-10 is closed in several places so I will be going North on I-75 to 82, then 80 to 20 and on into Dallas! Just for grins, here is the road conditions in Alabama!

ROUTE (http://www.dot.state.al.us/closures/default.asp?sort_id=closure_route&type_id=A)STATUS (http://www.dot.state.al.us/closures/default.asp?sort_id=closure_status&type_id=A)COUNTY (http://www.dot.state.al.us/closures/default.asp?sort_id=county_id&type_id=A)LOCATIONREASONPOSTED (http://www.dot.state.al.us/closures/default.asp?sort_id=closure_date_created,closure_t ime_created&type_id=A)AL 44ClosedMarionAL 44 at MP 6.4 just east of Corridor X - US 78Road closed due to a earth slide. 4/8/2004 11:46I 20/59AdvisoryTuscaloosaInside EBL/NBL at MP 71.00 and MP 72.00Guardrail repair9/8/2004 09:38SR 188AdvisoryMobileBayou La Batre Bridge (Lift Span)Bridge closed to marine traffic. Bridge remains open to vehicular traffic.9/15/2004 13:22US 90 and US 98ClosedBaldwinCochrane Bridge to Spansish FortClosed due to flooding9/15/2004 12:12SR 135ClosedBaldwinInside Gulf Shores State ParkClosed due to flooding and high winds.9/15/2004 09:56SR 161ClosedBaldwinSR 180 to SR 182Closed due to flooding and high winds9/15/2004 09:56SR 180ClosedBaldwinFort Morgan to Bear PointClosed due to flooding and high winds9/15/2004 09:55SR 182ClosedBaldwinFlorida Line to Little Lagoon Pass (Gulf Shores)Closed due to flooding and high winds9/15/2004 09:55SR 59ClosedBaldwinIntercoastal Waterway to SR 182Closed due to flooding and high winds.9/15/2004 09:54SR 182ClosedBaldwinLittle Lagoon Pass to West EndClosed due to flooding9/15/2004 09:50SR 193ClosedMobilefrom SR 188 to Dauphin IslandClosed due to flooding 9/15/2004 09:17US 98ClosedMobileBankhead TunnelClosed due to potential flooding9/15/2004 06:25I 10 Welcome CenterClosedBaldwinFlorida State LineClosed due to damage from Hurricane Ivan9/16/2004 16:35I 10 Welcome CenterClosedMobileMississippi LineClosed.9/16/2004 16:35US 98ClosedBaldwinFlorida State LineUS 98 over Escambia River closed in Pensacola, Florida due to bridge damage caused by Hurricane Ivan. Use alternate through routes. Travel to and through Pensacola is strongly discouraged.9/16/2004 16:31US 90ClosedBaldwinFlorida State LineUS 90 over Escambia River closed in Pensacola, Florida due to bridge damage caused by Hurricane Ivan. Use alternate through routes. Travel to and through Pensacola is strongly discouraged.9/16/2004 16:22SR 5ImpassableWalkerM.P. 184 between Jasper and Carbon Hill9/16/2004 15:45SR 269ImpassableJeffersonnear GorgasTrees and power lines entangled in roadway9/16/2004 15:41SR 79ClosedJeffersonat Tallapoosa St. and I-59Water over roadway9/16/2004 15:36SR 59ImpassableMonroeFrom Baldwin Co. Line to SR 21 at UriahTrees, debris and power lines in roadway9/16/2004 15:24US 84ClosedMonroeFrom Ala. River Bridge to SR 21Trees and debris in roadway9/16/2004 15:13SR 149 ImpassableJeffersonat Sanford Univ.Trees and Power Lines entangled in roadway9/16/2004 15:10I 65AdvisoryStatewideTravel with caution 9/16/2004 13:29SR 223ImpassablePikefrom Bullock Co. Line to US-29Trees in roadway 9/16/2004 13:23US 80ClosedMaconCity of Tuskegee - Downtown AreaFlooding - water over the roadway.9/16/2004 12:00SR 21ImpassableMonroeFrom US-84 to MonroevillePower poles and trees across roadway9/16/2004 11:30SR 130ImpassablePikeat Shiloh NE of BrundidgeTrees in roadway9/16/2004 10:30I 10 EastboundClosedBaldwinFrom SR 59 to Florida LineClosed to all non-emergency traffic due to closed interstate and state routes in Pensacola.9/16/2004 08:42US 84 OpenCoffeeEast of Elba Just outside the City LimitsTrees removed9/16/2004 08:05I 59/20 Rest AreaClosedSumterNear Mississippi State LineNo Power and Entrance Ramp closed due to earth slide9/16/2004 07:47US 90/98ClosedBaldwinCausewayWater and debris in roadway.9/16/2004 07:15SR 167OpenCoffeeNorth of Enterprise BypassTrees in roadway have been removed9/16/2004 06:58SR 189OpenCoffeeNorth of Junction 134Trees removed9/16/2004 06:57SR 52OpenGenevaWest of Sampson between MP 12 & 139/16/2004 06:36US 231OpenPikeNorth of Troy at Conecuh River Bridge9/16/2004 06:32SR 125ImpassableCoffee0.5 miles South of VictoiaNorthBound lane blocked due to fallen tree.9/16/2004 06:30SR 21ImpassableMonroeSR 21 North of Monroeville to near Limestone CreekTrees across roadway.9/16/2004 03:37SR 47ImpassableMonroeFrom M.P. 3 north of US-84 to MonroevillePower lines and trees are across roadway9/16/2004 03:35All County routesClosedCoffeeThroughout the countyDebris in roadways9/16/2004 03:13Select column heading to sort records.