View Full Version : The L put me in Jail
09-04-2004, 02:20 PM
Well, fist off im lucky very lucky. Last night coming home from a bar :beer: (shouldnt have been driving) a chevy truck starting talking smack about my L. Well sure enough we hit a stop light (there was absolutly nobody on the road except me and that chev). I was nice and let him go while I sat at the light before finally saying, screw it and floored it. I spun, caught up and past him, then hit about 120 mph as he faded in the mirror, slowed down and passed 2 colleyville cops. They pulled my over (the speed limit was 45..go figure) He sayed he figured I was clocked around 75 mph. I was honest to the cop, told him the chevy was wanting to race, and we left a bar. Turn's out I have a warrant in hurst for a speeding ticket. So they cuffed me and took me in. All I can say is I get what I deserve and they could have gave me a DUI and really screwed me. They cops were very cool actually. SO I had to get my parents to bail me out, and the cops let me drive my L home (I mean REALLY COOL :twitch: ) .
So my folks are trying to take the L away from me, they say its the cause of all my problems (out of money, tickets, jail...AND I guess it is, but its also my love of my life and the one thing I enjoy most out of life) So im kinda in the hole guys I owe my parents too much, im behind of all my bills (I couldnt even afford gas to go to the last meeting) and im looking for a second job to keep the L (any of you know of a weekend / after 5 job let me know). I'll do anything it takes to not get rid of my baby.
LESSON LEARNED...Driving home after drinking is STUPID :nono: and dangerous expecially if you can't resist a race. Im very luck im not still in jail or something dangerous happened to myself or someone else. Being honest and cooperative with a cop is always the best solution. Be carefull out there in our trucks, try to keep racing to the track.
09-04-2004, 02:32 PM
That truck has quite a record with the law. :cool:
09-04-2004, 02:35 PM
Yup...I think its possesed. I need to change my trucks name to The General Lee.
09-04-2004, 02:36 PM
Learning from mistakes is evolution...welcome to the next stage of your evolution. Just make sure you don't make the same mistake. You got off easy this time. What kind of sh!t would you be in now if you were racing at 120 and a drunk homeless guy walked into the street in front of you? You'd be going up the river for vehicular manslaughter, or worse, because you had alcohol in you, murder. You have got to keep that stuff in mind.
As far as bills, don't bite off more than you can chew. If you can't afford to modify the Lightning, DON'T! Learn to understand the difference between necessities and things you want, and make sure you can cover your necessities. I want a fully built motor in my truck, but the fact of the matter is I have a house payment, two car payments and all the other bills that go along with being married and having a house. Those things come first. If the Lightning is too much of a financial burden, you've got to decide what's best for you. If I was in your shoes, I'd choose survival and the ability to cover my bills. Your credit is most powerful and valuable asset. Screw that up, and you'll have to pay cash for EVERYTHING, including a house and a vehicle. And last time I checked those things were pretty expensive.
My two cents.
09-04-2004, 02:55 PM
I agree with Tom.
Consider yourself lucky and you got a break.
09-04-2004, 03:21 PM
That truck has quite a record with the law. :cool:
haha thats so true :eek2:
09-04-2004, 04:15 PM
You really DID get lucky. You do realize that a street racing violation is about as bad as it gets don't you?
I'd rather get a speeding ticket any day.
09-04-2004, 05:03 PM
Oh me I know how lucky I am, and I've learned my lesson it was a wake up call, I'll be saving the racing for the track for now on.
09-04-2004, 05:07 PM
and Tom...your absolutly right. I actually do make enough for bills, gas, rent, truck, etc.. but I had a emergency and had to fork out some cash a while back, im behind and havn't really recovered since. All my mods / bolt-ons came from my hot rod I sold back in march. BUT my budget obviosly is tight and someting has to go....might be the L.
09-04-2004, 07:02 PM
lucky is right from what im hearing in plano they now take your car as evadance(spelling) and set a court date and hold ur car/truck till then racking up a hell of an impound fee. one of the kids down the block said something about this not sure but i dont want to find out myself
09-04-2004, 07:49 PM
Oh me I know how lucky I am, and I've learned my lesson it was a wake up call, I'll be saving the racing for the track for now on.
If you are drinking.....stay away from the track too. Nothing pizzes me off more than smelling beer on some ignorant rednecks breath, while in the staging lanes. It makes me want to take out my pistol and shoot the focker right in the mouth.
09-05-2004, 08:30 AM
my question is what was the chevy and if it was nothing special why did you need to go to 120 to prove you were faster im sure 60mph and 6 cars ahead of him would have proved your point. O I forgot alcohol. nevermind
09-05-2004, 10:14 AM
Wow - Go buy a lottery ticket - You are a lucky man.
Drunk, Street racing and speeding past a cop and you got nothing but a ride to jail for a previous offense ? Wow .. Heck buy me a lotto ticket ...
Another version of that story would have been - felony DWI, Street racing and loss of your Truck and finally Speeding in excess of 24 miles over which I think is a serious matter -
09-05-2004, 04:59 PM
Well, just for the record, I was'nt at all drunk, still dosnt justify what I did. And the chevy was with me the whole way until 120....Also rocks, I would NEVER drink at a track racing....I know I've done stupid things but I wouldnt do that.
09-05-2004, 09:15 PM
......snip....Also rocks, I would NEVER drink at a track racing....I know I've done stupid things but I wouldnt do that.
That's good to hear. Last year, I am sitting in my truck in the staging lane, when I hear a crunch come from my passenger side rear.
This dip stick, left his door hanging open when he pulled forward. His G.D. door hit my fricking truck. I was pizzed off, but hey, accidents happen. I stay cool and look for damage...he must have hit the bumper or something, because no damage was visable. Everything is cool, until King AssClown walks up appologizing. I could smell beer coming off his breath. It took everything I had not to loose my cool with this guy.... Like I said...I wanted to shoot him, right in the mouth. I guess it is good there where witnesses, so I couldn't get away with it. So I left it with a "watch what the Fock your doing"...he says sorry man...
Anyway.......I love to have a drink every now and then.....but I don't drink when I have to drive....I have a hang up about it.
Anyway....Doug put it his post again. And get me a lotto ticket while your picking up his.
Tex Arcana
09-05-2004, 10:01 PM"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
Seriously, you got damned lucky. You could be dancing with Bubba in D-block right now, instead of yakkin' with us on this, so be thankful.
I hate to hear ya selling the L, so find that second job, and pay off the bills. Kiss mom and dad's butts, and be a homebody for a few months, 'til you dig yourself out of this.
09-05-2004, 10:07 PM
U are very lucky man!!!:nono:
09-05-2004, 10:56 PM
As alot of us have stated, you're lucky and should count your lucky stars.
Don't do any of that stupid sh!t again! :hammer: You are very lucky that you aren't in jail right now and worse.
I graduated HS with a very nice female friend of mine as we went to the same church at the time. Shelly Gibson was her name ... I knew her parents fairly well - Mom/Dad did too.
Her parents were driving to work one Monday morning at 7am and some drunk SOB "forgot" to stop as they were driving past.
It killed Shelly's parents almost instantly, but he survived. He's doing big-time in McAlester, OK. the last I heard.
I'm bustin' your chops in a "tough-love" sort of way.
Don't do it again, please.:mad:
09-06-2004, 02:50 PM
Well, I appreciate all yalls suggestions, and replys. The only reason I shared this embarrasing story is that maybe some body out here can learn from my dumb as* mistake. Beleive me i've pretty much sat at home all weekend...frankly im embarrased about the whole situation. I just feel stupid and lucky. I should still be in jail.
Actually, I did buy 2 lotto tickets yesturday...I must have had all the luck sucked out of me winning tickets.
09-06-2004, 02:55 PM
As alot of us have stated, you're lucky and should count your lucky stars.
Don't do any of that stupid sh!t again! :hammer: You are very lucky that you aren't in jail right now and worse.
I graduated HS with a very nice female friend of mine as we went to the same church at the time. Shelly Gibson was her name ... I knew her parents fairly well - Mom/Dad did too.
Her parents were driving to work one Monday morning at 7am and some drunk SOB "forgot" to stop as they were driving past.
It killed Shelly's parents almost instantly, but he survived. He's doing big-time in McAlester, OK. the last I heard.
I'm bustin' your chops in a "tough-love" sort of way.
Don't do it again, please.:mad:
Sorry to hear Ronnald. You can count on it, I wont.
09-07-2004, 09:00 AM
No lecture from looks like you have had enough. Look at the title of your post....."L put me in jail" The truck did this by it's self:rll:
09-07-2004, 09:07 AM
i had a similar situation the first week I got the truck... i had an old warrant I didnt even know about... and got pulled over at 2am in Mansfield for no front license plate... he didnt give me a ticket for the plate but he knew I was toasted... he even told me when I started to get upset about getting pulled over for a lame excuse just to harass someone... he said well son, your getting away with alot tonight, consider yourself lucky... which I was, i would have easily failed any test he would have given me...
someone told me they cant give you dwi or anything if you have a warrant already... that seems like a really stupid thing to say... but heres the 4th instance that seems to prove it right.... weird...??
well, sorry to hear about your weekend, best of luck in keeping the L....
09-07-2004, 07:15 PM
someone told me they cant give you dwi or anything if you have a warrant already... that seems like a really stupid thing to say... but heres the 4th instance that seems to prove it right.... weird...??
No, definitely not correct. If you hear about that happening, it's most likely them cutting you some serious slack and just arresting on the warrant and not filing DWI, as you'll be off the road either way.
04-13-2005, 09:54 PM
That truck has quite a record with the law. :cool:
haha, thats funny, i just found that post. yes ronald, that truck does have quite a legal record. by the way mike, how is she runnin for you? call me some time. id love to get to see it again. I've read a few of your threads and it seems like that truck has had an identical effect on all of its owners.
04-15-2005, 07:09 PM
Hmmmm.... Personally, I would've just impounded your vehicle, tossed your ass in jail, waited til 3am to call your parents and then dreamed up every damn charge I could for you...
Guess it's a good thing I ain't a cop...
Don't take it personally, I'm a complete ass most of the time...
04-16-2005, 09:30 PM
i can tell buy the post your a young chap,,,,im all for u young guys i was there once,
point is u need a kick in the wahooga,,,,,,no buts,u do,, drink and truck ,i would have punched ya ,big style,
back to u and the post ,,,ok
u aint all bad ,,,,,,if anything did happen which it didnt u never turned key to set out to do it , and yes there buts,
let me tell ya a story ,
i was young ok,,,,,,,,loved it if i couldnt drive it like i stole it i didnt own it,,
bikes ,cars ,,,,if it had an engine ok ,,,,it was red lined,,
i am probably the worste case u would ever come across i know i was ,uk record holder for it ,nothing that im proud of or should any one,
buy the age of 20 ,,,,i had lost my licence 5 times ,,,, work it out huh
bad ,,, most of which was for racing ,,,,,,,dont get me wrong i got of with it more times than i got dun for ,
probably the best one ,well i say best ,lets say the one all my mates and stuff stil talk about was ,the croozin on bike night ,,,
i pulled up on my motor bike ,,and some guy thought i wil beet him ,
as we pulled away , i blow him of with in a few hunderd yards ,,but to show of as i would do i held back to let him catch me ,,,,,,and every one else that would watch ,,so i pulled it on back wheel,,,,,,,and kept it up for ages passed a few cars ,and a truck ,infront of the truck was a police car ,,,,
i dropped it and took of ,the guy i was racin did right thing and stopped i didnt ,,,,but i came back and owned up to it ,the police kicked me ,made me feel bad and said dont do it again,realy humilated me infront of hunderds ,the guy i was racing stuck to em to be smart ,,big mistake ,,,he said i charge one i charge 2 ,we both got pulled ,,,
now no getting away from it it wasnt my first time i was totally burgerd,, they said the lawer did ,take youe tooth brush its over u are going donw for 9 month ,, and court came i had to apear in person as i was going to jail,hell,
well court was full of bikers whores and stuff ,i walked down the corridor all i heard was ,this is the biker guy ,they started cheering ,not funny
my legs was giving way ,,,,i got into court and the guy i was racing was first ,he was in a car buy the way ,, he got read out 6month disq from driving ,then hes said my name i stood up,,as he said as the bike was on front wheel ,,,,,the court went mad,,,,,,,,,screaming cheering ,,,,7 people were dun with contempt,,, and a riot started ,,i got away with a 9 month disq from driveing ,
now that was lucky ,,
i regret it every min of it , to a young guy it sounds maybe hip and rap ,,
on another side i had been kicked out buy my parents , i lost my bike lost my licence hell nearly my job ,,,,,,i was down ,,,,, i was so sos lucky not to go to jail ,,
since then i have never tried it again ,i leave it for race tracks , sure we all have a lil fun ,but it can go so wrong ,,,, i bean there to many times...
so u kick your own wahooga ,and take a think next time laddie,,
(buy the way how close was the chevy) , :tongue:
04-17-2005, 02:13 AM
It seems somewhat hypicritical to see some of the lecturing this guy is getting. I have read plenty of stories of people on hear racing other cars (and trucks) on the road, I bet a few of those srories happen after a get together, or on the way home from a night on the town with a little alcohol involved. i do hope he has learned fom this, and don't condone street racing or drinking/driiving. I drive fast on the hiway, but have never taken the bait to race anyone. It's not worth it!
Good luck with all that legal stuff!
04-20-2005, 03:24 PM
haha, thats funny, i just found that post. yes ronald, that truck does have quite a legal record. by the way mike, how is she runnin for you? call me some time. id love to get to see it again. I've read a few of your threads and it seems like that truck has had an identical effect on all of its owners.
Ok, I dont know how this thread got "reopened" This happened almost a year ago. I guess someone was bored and looking to stirr up some drama. I'ts quite an embarrasment actually, I've learned alot since that day. but Andrew...the truck runs just as good if not better than ever. No probs at all since last time you saw it. And I would have to agree that the truck carries an odd history with it, and has an evil effect on its owners. You would think the police would have a seperate profile on my truck by VIN now. I'll give you a shout later if you want to see it.
04-20-2005, 03:32 PM
It seems somewhat hypicritical to see some of the lecturing this guy is getting. I have read plenty of stories of people on hear racing other cars (and trucks) on the road, I bet a few of those srories happen after a get together, or on the way home from a night on the town with a little alcohol involved. i do hope he has learned fom this, and don't condone street racing or drinking/driiving. I drive fast on the hiway, but have never taken the bait to race anyone. It's not worth it!
Good luck with all that legal stuff!
Thank You...
LOOK at the DATE this is an OLD THREAD (thanks Andrew :tu: ) , I had a few beers that night over the period of like 6 hours! I was not drunk at all....the cop WOULD have given me a DWI if he thought I had too much to drunk...Also in my own defense the hwy I was on was VACANT at the time....And yes I smoked the Chevy. Anyways...drop the thread.
04-20-2005, 06:46 PM
I am curious as to which one of us has NEVER had a drink or two and driven. My haircutter is about to go to jail for DUI. She feels terrible and she didnt hurt anyone, but while I now dont do it, to lay any kind of judgement on someone else is preposterous. I cant tell you how many times I did it growing up..
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