View Full Version : Securitry Threads MOVED
09-15-2004, 09:59 AM
ALL- The reason we moved the security threads was not in an attempt to gain more supporting members - It was because the forum is indexed by google and yahoo and I dont want the search engines or the gerneral public to see how to exploit Fords latest screwup ...
Hope you understand
09-15-2004, 03:51 PM
Co-worker with an 02 F150s had the stamp, no workie.
Looked over my '04 L when I got home today, saw the stamp but it too did not work.
Neighbor's Expedition had the stamp and too did not work.
Add the '03 Harley F150 from this morning, that's 4 that does not hold up to the myth/rumor.
Not trying to be a pest by posting, but I would like to know how many has this worked on? Just the 1?
09-15-2004, 04:02 PM
Mach1 -
Untill we figure out whats going on we are tryingto keep the information off the Internet and you keep reposting it here.
There are more than one Lightning that it has worked on - Still collecting data
The reason it works on some and not others is likley related to the way the pad works.... Looking more and more like a coincidence
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