View Full Version : Is it Monday yet?

08-04-2002, 10:48 PM
I am on call for the day job until Thursday. I had to baby sit a new chiller plant they started up Saturday at the DCC (Dallas Convention Center) Expansion since the EMS controls are not operational:rolleyes:. That place be huge yo! Anyway I swapped my brother trucks Saturday night so I could take the K9 to work with me to work the midnight to 8am shift. He is the next best thing since the company doesn't like guns at work:nono: The dog had fun chasing rats, rabbits and the occasional homeless person. So my brother brings my truck back today and said he took some girl out in it and she screamed a lot. He chased a crotch rocket up to 120 and such. Not exactly what I wanted to hear but he did "get lucky" :banana: at the end of the night and my truck is still in one piece so I guess that is okay:) I worked 19 of the 24 hours today, I would rather have changed TALON's plugs instead:hammer:

08-05-2002, 06:37 PM
Is your brother paying to have the stains removed? You should make him change the plugs:cool: