View Full Version : Dealership Fined for selling me 2004 Lighting

jim woods
10-01-2004, 05:53 PM
This is something I never heard of before but seams to be true and I was involved in it.
I have always wanted a Lighting for the past 5 years but could never afford it. After saving for a while for a good down payment I was ready to buy. I went to 3 DFW Ford Dealerships to see the Lightings. I saw all the colors but black. All stock Lightings. The price was all the same at all three dealerships. The price I got was the XPLAN price because of the company I work for. 30100.00 minus 1000.00 rebate. So the price was 29100.00 plus TTL. At all three dealerships.
The next morning at 9AM, I went to the 4 dealership to see the black. I test drove it/gawk etc. They gave me the same price for Xplan and rebate 29100.00 plus TTL. I still could not make my mine up on black or red. It was about even for me. I told the sales manager I was going to the other dealership to look at the red again. He did not want me to leave and keep telling me about how the BLACK is the best color.I told him I wasnt sure and was going to leave to the other dealership. He told me hold on a minute he had a Special for me. He offered me the the same price as the other dealers and a Free window tint,bugshield, and a rubber black bed mat/not a bed liner but just a bed ruber mat. Well that was all I needed and said I will take it.After we got all the paper work finish for Ford Motor Credit 0 percent for 6 years, they started putting on the stuff. I went to eat and did some other stuff. I came back in 3 hours they had the truck was ready and I was excited. I left for home in my new truck.

This is where the story gets Crazy. One of the dealerships I visted a couple days before call me after I got home. He asked me did I buy a truck yet. I said yes I just got it. He was very nice and said he wish he had the color I wanted and we talk about the truck. At the end he ask if I mind what kinda deal i got. I said sure. I told him the SAME as all the dealers offered me 29100.00 plus I got a free bed mat,window tint,bugshield. All of sudden he was all upset and ask me where did I buy the truck. I told him the dealer. So he says Ok and hope you enjoy the new ride and was nice at this point. So we said by.
About 2 hours later the dealer that sold me the truck call me and said they made a huge mistake and wanted the truck back and they would trash all the paper work before it was proccesed. I was shock and said NO!. The salesman beg me and I said NO. So we ended the conversation. 5 Min later the general manager call me . He said he was very sorry for all the trouble and needed to get the truck back. He offerd me free oil changes for life and all sorts of other Crap. I said no. A deal is a Deal. So we hung up. I put my phone on a answering machine. No joke they left 10 messages in 2 hour time period.
I pick up the phone when I heard the dealer talking; it was the dealer who I spoke to about what kinda deal I got. He told me what all the trouble was about. Under the rules of X PlAN sale from FORD that no dealer can sell it for less or offer any other incentives for the customer. X plan price ONLY.He said this WAS VERY STRICK and they dealer will probably loose there "SVT" tag and get fined from ford and also get their BLUE STAR status revoked. I told him I did not know about all this stuff. He said dont worry about it and it is not of Any fault of the buyer. He said that the said "dealership" is know by all the other Ford dealers as a "ROUGE Dealer" and is hated by all the other FORD franchises in DFW area.

10-01-2004, 06:13 PM
WOW!! that crazy! Thats cool you stood strong and told them they cant have your truck back,, Congrats on the new ride!!! After the 5th phone call I would of drove up to the dealer, And do a John Froce burn out smiling ear to ear!! you cant have ME LOL

10-01-2004, 06:22 PM
:eek: :eek:

10-01-2004, 06:37 PM
wow thats crazy... congrats on the super deal and welcome to talon...

oh, and by the way..... black "IS" the best color!!!!!

10-01-2004, 06:39 PM
You may have missed an excellent opportunity to have a mod friendly dealer for life


10-01-2004, 06:41 PM
thats true.... maybe they will kiss yo ass... maybe you can get pulleys, chips, etc and still KEEP your warranty... something to consider :eek2:

jim woods
10-01-2004, 07:36 PM
Ok people this story get more juicy. I went a head and answered the phone from the dealership at 3PM today Friday. Same day I bought the truck at 9AM. The general manager again. He was very polite and told me the whole story about why they needed the truck back. I acted like I did not know.He told me that the Sales manager made a huge mistake by giving me the free stuff and giving me the X Plan price. The mistake would get them fined from Ford and possibly lose their SVT and Blue Oval status. He said of course a couple people here would lose their jobs.He said he was very sorry for all my trouble.It was not a phoney Salesman act, I could tell the tension/depression in his voice. He again said he wanted to get the truck back and wanted to make it fair for all my waste of time.So he offered this to me. They would give back my down payment check(which was not cash yet) and a company check for 1000.00. and trash all the paperwork as if I never made the deal. Well, for me that was very fair. I went back to the dealership. Both the salesman manager and the general mananger were so happy to see me. I could see the dark circle around thier eyes from the stress this caused them.They again apologized for all this and quickly took me to F and I (fianance and insurance) I got back all the paperwork and the downpayment. Then we went to the cashier office and I got a check for 1000.00. Well we talk for a few mor minutes then i left and went striaght to their bank. All good. I cash the check. Well I sitting at home now with an extra 1000.00 than I had before the day. I located anther black L and I am going there in the moring to buy it. So really I am going to get a Lighting now for 28100.00 plus TTL since I got that extra 1000.00 ..Yea, alot of people told me I would get more money if said no but I just wanted to be fair for the dealer and me.What a day!

10-01-2004, 08:51 PM
What a deal! They just paid for your chip filter and pulley

10-01-2004, 09:16 PM
It was good of you to be fair and right with them after their goof-up.

I've always been one for "paying it forward" and inclined to believe in karma in a round-about way.


Hinduism & Buddhism. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
Fate; destiny.

Ok people this story get more juicy. I went a head and answered the phone from the dealership at 3PM today Friday. Same day I bought the truck at 9AM. The general manager again. He was very polite and told me the whole story about why they needed the truck back. I acted like I did not know.He told me that the Sales manager made a huge mistake by giving me the free stuff and giving me the X Plan price. The mistake would get them fined from Ford and possibly lose their SVT and Blue Oval status. He said of course a couple people here would lose their jobs.He said he was very sorry for all my trouble.It was not a phoney Salesman act, I could tell the tension/depression in his voice. He again said he wanted to get the truck back and wanted to make it fair for all my waste of time.So he offered this to me. They would give back my down payment check(which was not cash yet) and a company check for 1000.00. and trash all the paperwork as if I never made the deal. Well, for me that was very fair. I went back to the dealership. Both the salesman manager and the general mananger were so happy to see me. I could see the dark circle around thier eyes from the stress this caused them.They again apologized for all this and quickly took me to F and I (fianance and insurance) I got back all the paperwork and the downpayment. Then we went to the cashier office and I got a check for 1000.00. Well we talk for a few mor minutes then i left and went striaght to their bank. All good. I cash the check. Well I sitting at home now with an extra 1000.00 than I had before the day. I located anther black L and I am going there in the moring to buy it. So really I am going to get a Lighting now for 28100.00 plus TTL since I got that extra 1000.00 ..Yea, alot of people told me I would get more money if said no but I just wanted to be fair for the dealer and me.What a day!

10-01-2004, 11:08 PM
If it was me and the delaership was near the house
I would consider going back there and making a new deal -

I saw on F150Online that some people were getting $4000 rebates on Lightnings

Since that dealership has a vested interest in you it might me worth it to keep them on your side - Especially when it comes to service time - A friendly service writer is worth his weight in gold once you start modding...


10-02-2004, 01:03 AM
To bad you lost the zer0 for 72 since it ended Thursday:( . Good luck L hunting.

10-02-2004, 07:52 AM
well if you wont be able to get the zero percent anymore that 1000 dollars wont do you much good on the intrest you will be paying on the truck. Maybe they can work something out for you. considering

10-02-2004, 08:25 AM
I honestly didn't realize X-plan was $30,100. I thought I was seeing where it was $28,900 or something like that. Guess I got an X-plan price on mine, too.

This was very interesting reading, and I agree with Ronald... you did the right thing in returning the truck, and you pocketed $1000.

What would have happened if the dealer had already tinted the windows of the truck and THEN sold it to you for X-plan? There are a number of dealers in the area who tint the windows of their vehicles, or at least some of their more high-profile vehicles.