View Full Version : AutoTap running on the laptop in the L?
10-02-2004, 06:19 PM
I've been thinking about aftermarket gauges, etc. and would like to see whats going on with the L running down the road.
This looks like something I'd like to check into further: . Check out the video, too.
There's a Ford specific upgrade/patch available, too:
I'm wondering what info. (Gen. 2 L specific) that it could show.
10-02-2004, 06:48 PM
I have one of those for sale:D . They work good.
10-03-2004, 08:19 PM
Uncle Rocks,
Does this include the Ford specific disc, too?
Anyone have any experience with this laptop setup? I'm kicking around the idea.
I called my Dad, as he's a Senior-Level machinist, and I'm thinking Dad can make this for a HUGE fraction of the cost as this is a relatively simple setup.
I have one of those for sale:D . They work good.
10-03-2004, 09:11 PM
I guess my question would be "why?" Seems like a lot of money to spend on something that won't really do anything for you at this stage, since you don't race and stuff....
Just my 2 cents...
10-03-2004, 09:44 PM
I'd just like to see what's going on in the L's "internals" real-time.
Besides, I never said I had completely ruled out "mods" or track-sessions in the future.
10-03-2004, 10:05 PM
The Autotap marketing is misleading
If you buy the ford version you get all the ford parameters - There is no special FORD CD
I had one - Sold it to Microsuck - It would be perfect for what you want - Dont waste money on the laptop stand
Just get a laptop with a serial port and seatbelt it into the pass seat or the center seat - You WONT use it enough to justify the fancy stand...
10-04-2004, 06:37 AM
The Autotap marketing is misleading
If you buy the ford version you get all the ford parameters - There is no special FORD CD
I had one - Sold it to Microsuck - It would be perfect for what you want - Dont waste money on the laptop stand
Just get a laptop with a serial port and seatbelt it into the pass seat or the center seat - You WONT use it enough to justify the fancy stand...
Exactly my opinion:cool: . It's just one CD for all Fords. You plug it in...enter your VIN, click on the parameters you want to see...and your off and running.
10-04-2004, 12:05 PM
OBDII converters can be bought cheap, I have the predator which shows real time, but isnt very easy to read. I plan on buying a cheap LCD panel and a cheap Micro ATX computer to put under the seat with a OBDII serial converter. Then you can basically run whatever software you want. There is a lot of free base software out there for OBDII reading. And with the laptop you can buy a USB GPS mouse ($45 - $50 on ebay) and use microsoft streets and maps and have a GPS system, and a real time diagnostics screen! Im all about reading all the real time data when im driving, exspecially the air temps...the Autometer guages just dont show everything, but look nice.
10-04-2004, 12:14 PM
I have one of those for sale:D . They work good.
how much rocks?
10-13-2004, 11:19 AM
Well, Laney bought the AutoTap "Enhanced" software for me. I played around with it for a while the other evening on the L. knana
I'm looking to check out IATs between the stock airbox, open cone filter and the AirRaid soon among other things.
I understand there are actually two IAT sensors, correct? ... one at the MAF and another after the MAF and the IC. Also, I understand the 2nd IAT reading is the real determinant for HP/TQ - this true?
10-13-2004, 11:42 AM
IAT1 is before the supercharger. So you are basically seeing what temperature the air is that the truck is sucking in.
IAT2 is after the intercooler, so you see what the temp of the air is after going thru compression of the supercharger and the cooling of the intercooler.
10-13-2004, 03:02 PM
Also, I understand the 2nd IAT reading is the real determinant for HP/TQ - this true?
Not necessarily. It depends on how you think about it. For instance, if you are using the info you gather in conjunction with many, many dyno runs, one could draw a relationship or pattern of IAT 2 to H.P./Torque. But one could also do the same relationship using IAT 1. Obviously, if the ambient temperature is higher, both readings will be higher.
By the way....congrats on the data logger. Now you can drive everyone crazy with all the info you gather:d .
10-13-2004, 03:53 PM
Not necessarily. It depends on how you think about it. For instance, if you are using the info you gather in conjunction with many, many dyno runs, one could draw a relationship or pattern of IAT 2 to H.P./Torque. But one could also do the same relationship using IAT 1. Obviously, if the ambient temperature is higher, both readings will be higher.
By the way....congrats on the data logger. Now you can drive everyone crazy with all the info you gather:d .
Thats true. And in my case I have an ice box for the IC, so IAT2 reads lower or equal than ambient at times. I know this has increased horsepower and mostly torque, I've dyno proven that. But you would think the cpu would trip out seeing the IAT2 lower that IAT1 but it handles it well and the motor reponds to the IAT2 change. Im not sure how much 1 and 2 relate and how the computer calculates them and if 2 if more of a true reading for the computer to use.
10-13-2004, 08:16 PM
............. But you would think the cpu would trip out seeing the IAT2 lower that IAT1 but it handles it well and the motor reponds to the IAT2 change. Im not sure how much 1 and 2 relate and how the computer calculates them and if 2 if more of a true reading for the computer to use.
I too would like to know this.............How about it Mr. Terry....:confused: .
That's real interesting about the IAT 2 reading lower than ambient. I was tempted at one time to get the power cooler, but the guy that sells them is an AssWhole and never responded to some of my questions about them. Maybe a home made unit is in my future.
10-14-2004, 03:12 PM
I too would like to know this.............How about it Mr. Terry....:confused: .
That's real interesting about the IAT 2 reading lower than ambient. I was tempted at one time to get the power cooler, but the guy that sells them is an AssWhole and never responded to some of my questions about them. Maybe a home made unit is in my future.
I can try to post some pics on my homemade box if you'd like.
Tex Arcana
10-14-2004, 04:50 PM
Well, Laney bought the AutoTap "Enhanced" software for me. I played around with it for a while the other evening on the L. knana
I'm looking to check out IATs between the stock airbox, open cone filter and the AirRaid soon among other things.
I understand there are actually two IAT sensors, correct? ... one at the MAF and another after the MAF and the IC. Also, I understand the 2nd IAT reading is the real determinant for HP/TQ - this true?
Now you need to build a CarPuter, so you can integrate it all into the truck with a single touch-panel... :d
10-14-2004, 07:03 PM
I can try to post some pics on my homemade box if you'd like.
is that the box ken cryder built for andrew?
10-14-2004, 07:37 PM
I can try to post some pics on my homemade box if you'd like.
That would be cool........pun intended:D .
10-15-2004, 01:26 PM
is that the box ken cryder built for andrew?
Yeah. It is.
10-15-2004, 01:27 PM
That would be cool........pun intended:D . ha ha...Jeeese Ron
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