View Full Version : crawford . . .

08-05-2002, 07:16 PM

Sorry but I just got to your reply. I ended up having to work this past weekend, 12 hour days and was too beat to even mess with the puter. I was supposed to go out of town tomorrow morning for a week on business but now it looks as though it's cancelled. If you'd like maybe we can meet at the end of the week somewhere close to both of us? Just let me know what's good for you and if I'm in town I can more than likely make it.

Yeah. . .I'm sure I missed a good meeting. :( Next one! :tu:



08-07-2002, 09:26 AM
Finances aren't looking too good for me right now. I need to hold off until the 15th. Will you be around at the end of next week?

08-07-2002, 11:19 AM

Yep yep! I didn't leave town for business after all, so I'll be here come the 15th. Keep in touch and we can work something out. Take it easy buddy!



08-07-2002, 02:21 PM
Sounds good, thanks for your patience. Being broke sucks! :D

08-09-2002, 01:45 AM
well..when the money was rolling in I was spending it like no tommorow...now that I am comfortable and look forward to school..I don't giva chitt......Unix...here we come.. :eek: plus I got great satisfaction at watching the FEDS arrest Rigas...my ex boss :D I must be unlucky or something...running a sunk ship...LOL....

hopefully i can soak up some brew at the hooter's lunch...was moving the night of arlington hooter's and obviously missed the best chicks en masse or something :mad: