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View Full Version : Another Street racing death

10-18-2004, 10:08 PM
On the news tonight a 15 year old girl died this weekend. They said she was in an SUV that was "jumping" stuff. It looked like they lost control and went under a semi trailer. Her friends said they street race every weekend and she got in the SUV willingly:hammer: . If you live in that hood beware the police tightening down.

10-19-2004, 02:00 AM
Did they say where excactly it happended?

10-19-2004, 08:02 PM
It happened out at rail head. Its an whare house district. The cops my tighten down a little bit but it wont last long. The part they were jumping was a slight incline between 2 parking lots..

What i find funny about the location is that you can see all the way down the straight road from the main road. Cops always drive by and dont do anything. Hell few weekends ago 2 cops were at a gas station right around the corner as like 2 full race mustangs on trailers, few of my fully built turbo hondas and I pulled down the street. There was already a large group racing and the cops never showed up. The only time the cops do anything is when everyone gathers at the parking lot right around the corner (hardware store) with the whataburger next to it. When the cops do show up its because the manager calls them complaining about all the non customers just parking in there lot/gathering as the hardware store has no loitering signs. But as long as you grab a bite to eat at the whataburger the cops realy dont mess with you.

Yes i will admit i go out there. I dont street race anymore like i did in the past. Im in no way saying street racing is right but kids like the fools trying to see how far they could launch there cars/suvs in a very crowded parking lot full of people, cars and semi trailers is just plain dumb, and yes there was more than one car doing it. My heart goes out to the 15yrold girls family. The girl just moved do the DFW recently and her parents knew she had interests in going to the street races. She also died instantly and a day before her birthday.

10-19-2004, 08:51 PM
My heart goes out to the 15yrold girls family. The girl just moved do the DFW recently and her parents knew she had interests in going to the street races. She also died instantly and a day before her birthday.


10-19-2004, 09:13 PM
so it wasnt an actual "racing" accident? they were just being stupid jumping things? man, thats worse than dieing racing imo.

10-20-2004, 12:17 AM
so it wasnt an actual "racing" accident? they were just being stupid jumping things? man, thats worse than dieing racing imo.

Yea theres like a dip/incline between 2 parking lots, they were taking turns jumping it during the races supposedly...