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11-05-2004, 01:17 AM
The folks at SCT are hard at work to bring you cheaper products. They are now offering a base model flash programmer. It has LED's on it for settings and no LCD display or diagnostic ability. It is a 100 bucks less than the full blown Extreme Flash tuner. Making it 325 with one tune 375 with three tunes. I may order a few if there is enough interest.
Secondly, SCT has extended their "Any Chip" rebate program until Dec 31st. They will pay $50 per chip when you purchase their new Eliminator 4 program switch chip. I have not checked cost on these chips yet. My whole goal for the SCT was to get away from the mess and hassle of chips and into the flash technology:tu: .

THERE are NO more SCT 9100 blue LCD programmers. Superchips was making them for SCT and they came upon a disagreement. So SCT released their new SCT 9300 Xcalibrator it is cheaper and has LEDs to show which tune you are flashing instead of a LCD screen. For those of you who have SCT9100's be glad.

11-05-2004, 01:22 AM
I really love this software! I had a customer today wanting a firmer 1-2 shift but leave the rest the way they were. I simply went into the trans parameters and modified the 1-2 by 5% and he was loving it:tu: . Another was having a a check engine light from a 160 stat and Efan kit. A small adjustment of warm up time table and no more SES light. I could even fix Jeff's EGR system code if he would step up:tongue: .

11-05-2004, 08:10 AM
PM sent

11-05-2004, 10:41 AM
I would be interested in the new programer I don't need all that fancy display stuff!!!! :evil

11-06-2004, 09:08 PM
Hey terry, my truck runs good now. I would like the shifts to be more firm then they are. It use to throw you in the seat when just driving it normal and now I can't get it to chirp second :confused: . When you getting that software you were telling me about so you can email me some new tunes. Off topic what brand of headers do you recomend if I stay with some shorties?

11-07-2004, 02:06 AM
I will order a few cable kits Monday and a basic flasher for Bobby in my stock order. I can put line pressure in the tune I thought you have a VB? Raising trans pressure is a little harder on the tranny in the long run. Shorties are the devil I don't recommend them at all. I would say Basanni or JBA make a good shorty.

11-07-2004, 09:42 AM
I have the ftvb,2400 stall, and 4:10's in the drive train. I can save a little more and get a good set of Kooks and high flow cats. Let me know when you get those kits in and I can shoot you some money in paypall.

11-07-2004, 10:08 PM
Can't wait to use the new programmer!!!:tu:

I will order a few cable kits Monday and a basic flasher for Bobby in my stock order. I can put line pressure in the tune I thought you have a VB? Raising trans pressure is a little harder on the tranny in the long run. Shorties are the devil I don't recommend them at all. I would say Basanni or JBA make a good shorty.

11-09-2004, 11:16 AM
I updated my first post today. I called SCT and could not order anymore 9100's the blue tuners with LCD screens. They got sideways with Superchips and quit using them. So they made the 9300 Xcalibrator to replace this product. I ordered 5 of them and a few programming cables. They should be in later this week. Feel lucky if you have a 9100:tu:

11-09-2004, 11:57 AM

What software are you using to reprogram the SCT9100? Is it the "Pro" version? Not that I plan for my truck to be radical enough to really justify the cost of buying the Pro version, but it would be nice to be able to make small changes to may program.

You say us 9100 owners should be glad, but what about future product development issues? Sounds like its dead in the water to me. :( Just curious as to your thoughts on this.

11-09-2004, 12:42 PM
I am an SCT exclusive dealer so I have the Advantage software. The main reason for the new tuner is to flash the 05 and newer PCMs that use a different application than the SCT 9100 was capable of. This supports SVT Focus, PTEC-based Lincoln LS, Ford Explorer, Tbird, and all other EEC-V and CAN vehicles. It also supports 2003-2005 6.0L Diesel.http://sctflash.com/xcalibrator.php

11-09-2004, 09:49 PM
So do they still have the basic programmer for me or do I need to get one of these new ones?

I updated my first post today. I called SCT and could not order anymore 9100's the blue tuners with LCD screens. They got sideways with Superchips and quit using them. So they made the 9300 Xcalibrator to replace this product. I ordered 5 of them and a few programming cables. They should be in later this week. Feel lucky if you have a 9100:tu:

11-09-2004, 10:25 PM
So do they still have the basic programmer for me or do I need to get one of these new ones?That is the 9300 cheesy

11-12-2004, 07:41 PM
Are you going to have any of the new programmers in stock before the FAll CLASSIC???

11-12-2004, 09:20 PM
Yeah, I am fighting them over pricing right now but I will have them by next Friday.

11-13-2004, 12:53 PM
Great!!! Please PM me or post up when you get them! I need one BAD!!!!

11-14-2004, 12:28 PM

I am going to make the drive up there to pickup the sct when you get it in and wanted to schedule(sp?) a time for you to do the dyno-tune with it for me. Are you open on Saturday's? If not I will take a vacation day to do this! It is very important that I get this thig running and shifting like it used to!!! It ain't even fun to drive anymore!

11-14-2004, 12:41 PM
A tune is just a tune if you are having mechanical problems with your truck those need to be fixed separately. SCT's can't rebuild trannys. The dyno is closed Saturday.

11-14-2004, 01:01 PM
Its not mechanical. When I had a local tuner fix a problem I was having with the 1st to 2nd gear shift hitting the rev limiter and tune it for the cold weather, I guess they messed with the firmness of the shifts! It went from shifting hard to sluggish the same day!(It was still shifting hard when I pulled the chip in thier parking lot!) Whatever they did SUCKS! Well just let me know when you have the time to dyno tune the truck with the SCT, when they come in that is. I will bring it up to you! I hope to get it done before the FAll CLASSIC!!! How long does it usually take to do a dyno tune?

11-18-2004, 10:35 PM
New SCT Xcalibrators are in!

11-18-2004, 10:45 PM
SWEET! What do we need to do from here? Do you need to know my mods yet or do you need time to play with the new tuners? Also, how would you prefer payment? Do you do PayPal? I might come by and pick it up, don't know if I can get away from the office or not yet. Won't know that untill tomarrow!

11-18-2004, 11:33 PM
Here is it very simple and they say it write a lot faster than the old units. Two buttons SELECT and PROGRAM. The programming should be the same I have no tried one I just opened the box. Call before you come and we can probably get it done:tu:


11-18-2004, 11:48 PM
O.k. I will try to figure out what I've got going in the morning and give you a call! What time do you open usually? Do we have any idea about pricing yet?(total i mean) Have to tell the boss, if you know what I mean. She won't let me hold on to any form of currency, plastic or paper, or we would be broke! The only thing I can use on my own is paypal. For some weird reason she lets me use that? Women??????

11-19-2004, 12:07 AM
Pricing should be $375 for the SCT with 3 tunes.

11-19-2004, 12:33 AM
I'll be there in the morning!!!! I'd be the first to get one!!!!:D

Pricing should be $375 for the SCT with 3 tunes.