View Full Version : Concealed Handgun License

11-10-2004, 11:26 PM
How many of y'all have your CHL? I really want to get mine but am going to wait untill I can buy a semi-auto so I can carry whatever I want, not just a revolver!

11-10-2004, 11:31 PM
I don't know if anyone is going to volunteer this info except for Ronald.

11-10-2004, 11:32 PM
Wouldn't telling folks you had it defeat the purpose:confused: . Anyway, I think JD got his a while back:eek2: . Most classes will let you rent or qualify with any semi you want and you can buy your own whenever. Point being you don't have to own a gun to go get your CHL.

11-11-2004, 12:11 AM

Good to see another responsible TALON member who believes/follows the 2nd Amendment.

My understanding too is that currently in TX. as long as you qualify with an auto (Moonshine correct me if I'm wrong, here) you qualify for a revolver as well. So, just qualify with a 9mm Auto or what-not, for example, and get certified.:tu:

What pistol(s) are you thinking about getting? What caliber? What shooting background do you have?

I certainly wouldn't get ANY smaller than 9mm obviously, but the .45 ACP is a hand-full - but manageable. You can't go wrong with Beretta, Colt, Kimber and Glock in the autos IMO.

It's just a matter of personal preference after that.

Good luck and get some range-time in,


BC Lightning
11-11-2004, 12:56 AM
I got my CHL back in april (turned 21 on a saturday and the class was sunday), it was long, but not hard at all, we shot glock 9mm i think the glock 17 but not sure, its well worth it IMO

Ronald you are right if you qualify for the semi that also quailifes for revolver, however if you only qualify for the revolver you can't carry a semi (not sure why you wouldnt do the semi, but some people in my class did on revolver :confused: )

Tex Arcana
11-11-2004, 05:30 AM
I got my CHL back in april (turned 21 on a saturday and the class was sunday), it was long, but not hard at all, we shot glock 9mm i think the glock 17 but not sure, its well worth it IMO

Ronald you are right if you qualify for the semi that also quailifes for revolver, however if you only qualify for the revolver you can't carry a semi (not sure why you wouldnt do the semi, but some people in my class did on revolver :confused: )

I've heard that they tell people that if they're not comfortable with something as mechanically complicated as a semi-auto pistol, that they should use a revolver, for simplicity's sake; also, in certain conditions, a revolver is more reliable than a semi, so maybe that's why they do it.

Me? I hang mine down looowww on my hip, in plain sight, whar I kin git to it, quick. The spurs also make alot of noise. :d

11-11-2004, 01:07 PM
I want to get a SIG with the interchangable barrells(calibers)! I have been around guns all my life and have been comfortable with any gun I have ever put in my hand. Also, If I had my CHL, I wouldn't be afriad to tell anybody! Whats it gonna hurt?

11-11-2004, 03:59 PM
The way the law is written, you do not have to qualify with your gun. The law states that if you are going to carry a Semi-Auto, that you must qualify with a semi-auto. Having said that you can borrow/rent a semi to qualify with. Once you qualify with a semi you can carry either a semi or a revolver, and the license is not restricted to a particular gun.:tu:

11-11-2004, 09:22 PM
I don't see what the deal is with saying you do/don't have your CHL anyway. The Feds/Texas DPS already know what you legally own, anyway.:cool:

The Sig is another fine pistol - can't go wrong with German engineering. I shot a Sig P226 9mm of my cousin's for a while, but I couldn't get over the frame-mounted safety. I'm a slide-mounted safety fan - purely personal preference.

Those multi-stage/ratchety Glock triggers take alot of practice to become proficient as I've seen. "Tactical-tupperware" just isn't for me. :D

11-11-2004, 11:51 PM
I got mine as soon as it came out. I decided not to renew it because I didnt feel it was worth the money and hastle. You have to keep taking the class and test every 2 or 4 years to keep the license. You also have to pay the renewal fees. When it first came available they randomly put some people on 2 year renewals and some on 4 year so everyone wouldnt be renewing at the same time. I was put on a 2 yr renewal which was unfortunate. I also felt that it made some police officers nervous knowing I had the license. Funny... I never carried a gun the entire time. Just my experience, also dont know if any of those laws/rules have changed.

As far as the class goes it was pretty cool finding out the various laws as to when you can use the gun and when you cant. The instructor really put the fear of the law in us though with the whole make sure you know when to use it and when not to use it stuff. He also warned than in not killing you prey you risk some heavy lawsuits. Also it was a pain to remember where you can take it and where you cant. No sporting events, not with so many feet of a school, not in any place that makes 50 percent or more of their sales from alcohol, not in any place that has a no concealed handgun notice posted, etc...

In my opinion it was just too much of a hastle. :(

Tex Arcana
11-12-2004, 02:18 AM
I don't see what the deal is with saying you do/don't have your CHL anyway. The Feds/Texas DPS already know what you legally own, anyway.:cool:

There are some great issues regarding that, mostly from people who feel that gun registration is the first step toward taking said guns away. I've already been advised that, if I do decide to gain my CHL, that the pieces I already own should never see the light of day.

11-12-2004, 09:58 AM
I don't see what the deal is with saying you do/don't have your CHL anyway. The Feds/Texas DPS already know what you legally own, anyway.:cool:

That depends on how and where you bought them. It is legal ( or was the last time I bought one ) to buy a gun from an individual.


Tex Arcana
11-12-2004, 05:56 PM
That depends on how and where you bought them. It is legal ( or was the last time I bought one ) to buy a gun from an individual.


Or inherit one... or two... :D

11-12-2004, 06:41 PM
A CHL is independent of the registration of the pistol. If the pistol was purchased through a FFL then there is a record, otherwise there is not.

I have never had anyone check the serial number of my pistol that I carry.

And if you are going to carry a pistol a .45 is the only thing to carry:tu:

11-12-2004, 07:57 PM

I see your of the Jeff Cooper / Elmer Keith persuasion and the "Old School" way of approaching the target! :tu:

I suppose it's the same argument for the "no replacement for displacement" mentality in the automotive world. knana

A CHL is independent of the registration of the pistol. If the pistol was purchased through a FFL then there is a record, otherwise there is not.

I have never had anyone check the serial number of my pistol that I carry.

And if you are going to carry a pistol a .45 is the only thing to carry:tu:

11-12-2004, 09:14 PM
45 is antiquated, well suited for old timers:D . Us younder bucks like the new stuff 10mm, 40S&W, and 357Sig. All hard hitters and super fast. Studies show people suffer more death and damage from trauma and shock delivered by higher velocity rds 1250-1450fps vs the old 850fps marble:rll: .

11-12-2004, 09:39 PM
I think I'll just carry a grenade. This way I can take everyone out with lots of death and damage. :rolleyes:

11-13-2004, 12:10 AM
45 is antiquated, well suited for old timers:D . Us younder bucks like the new stuff 10mm, 40S&W, and 357Sig. All hard hitters and super fast. Studies show people suffer more death and damage from trauma and shock delivered by higher velocity rds 1250-1450fps vs the old 850fps marble:rll: .

That's why we may be going to this:


FN Five-seveN Tactical

2133fps! knana

11-13-2004, 01:00 AM
That's why we may be going to this:


FN Five-seveN Tactical

2133fps! knanaAs much as I respect the ballistics that is a rainbow shooter if I ever saw one:vomit: . They make awesome rifles not sure about that thingy though.. I started out with old reliable S&W 357 revolver it never failed to fire or jammed but only 6rds suck in a gunfight. Then moved into an auto choosing the Beretta 92 since it was the standard issue M9 military pistol. But the 9mm is under powered and it was heavy and long with a 5.25" barrel. Then I moved into Glocks and never looked backknana the G18 (http://www.glock.com/g18.htm) is my choice for urban pistol 1100-1300drs per minute rocks!.. I have shot SigSauer, HK, most autos out there and Glocks are what I compete with. They are instictively accurate, reliable as daylight, and affordable. The secret is in their grip angle it puts the recoil straight back and points naturally. This keeps you on target where others have noticable muzzle rise or flip. Here are some pics from competition room is cleared all steels down, TIME! I took 9th in pistol out of 100 tactical shooters in 03. Brian scored 11th overall in 2004 which is awesome. Most cops can't hit the broad side of a barn:D .
Here is a poster shot of Moonshine with his Glock, the choice of TALON members south. He's a high gripper this can lead to train tracks:eek: .

11-13-2004, 01:20 AM
Of course the first thing you learn in tactical training is a pistol is purely a defensive weapon. It is a means to defend yourself until you can reach your tactical shotgun or rifle. Those two are offensive weapons and very affective at stopping aggressors. Pistols are easy to conceal and fun to plink with though. I ran out of slugs for the shotgun on a stage one time an started taking down steel targets at 50-65yds with my Glock it was hilarious the RO couldn't believe it:D .

11-13-2004, 01:21 AM
Highgripper and a lefty! :)

Not too many barns over here, so I've got that much going for me. :d We'll have to go shoot some time, bro.... :evil

11-13-2004, 01:25 AM
Did someone say shotgun? :)


11-13-2004, 01:28 AM
I think it is a conspiracy over in Dtown all mgmt is left handed, lol! Yeah as long as you bring the class 3 I'm thereknana . Shooting a shotgun is cake unless you are bent over sideways sweeping a room and running between stations. Here is Brian handing out judgement with his Beretta 1200. This was the last competition he ran the Beretta, LOL. He always told me it was the same as my Benelli M1S90. Next thing I know the 1200 is gone and he has a M1S90:hammer: bogart! Let me know if you can get us some time in a shoot house or course and I am there!


11-13-2004, 01:33 AM
That looks like the military limited prod M4 edition. Here is my M1 in action shell falling. She is fast and smooth like silk. I like the pistol grip stock and Brian is a standard stock shooter.

11-13-2004, 01:42 AM

What're you thinking? :eek: You looking to open up you're fist with that cycling Glock slide?


Taking down big-game is all about "shot-placement"! I've seen this first-hand with rifle and bow in the field.:cool:

Trophy Bull-Elk in CO./AZ. have been taken with .243/.270 if they put it where it counts. .300 Win. Mag. or even up to the .458 Win. Mag. for African big-game, too.

Bullet-weight/velocity is all about what you want to accomplish with distances/etc. in mind.

11-13-2004, 01:48 AM
Here is video of a Glock 18 rocking out what would the homies think:eek: knana


11-13-2004, 02:02 AM

What're you thinking? :eek: You looking to open up you're fist with that cycling Glock slide?


Taking down big-game is all about "shot-placement"! I've seen this first-hand with rifle and bow in the field.:cool:

Trophy Bull-Elk in CO./AZ. have been taken with .243/.270 if they put it where it counts. .300 Win. Mag. or even up to the .458 Win. Mag. for African big-game, too.

Bullet-weight/velocity is all about what you want to accomplish with distances/etc. in mind.
For a minute there,I thought I would make it through this thread without feeling the need to respond. No, Ronald has to post some stupid sh!t about taking out a fricking Elk with a 243 and then he list it lined up with a 270 as if they where comparable rounds..........:rll: :rll: :rll: .


11-13-2004, 02:11 AM
I guess this is where I insert a :ron: My uncle in Kansas use to hunt deer with a 22 magnum pump winchester rifle open sights. It is illegal to hunt deer with a rimfire in TX. But he was old and set in his ways he knew how to shoot and dropped them every time with a 22. Then he switched to bow hunting because it was more sporting and quiet. He hasn't hunted with a rifle in 20+ years. I'd rather hunt sorry people than animals I like animals. Except for cats and varmints.

11-13-2004, 02:24 AM
I guess this is where I insert a :ron: My uncle in Kansas use to hunt deer with a 22 magnum pump winchester rifle open sights. It is illegal to hunt deer with a rimfire in TX. But he was old and set in his ways he knew how to shoot and dropped them every time with a 22. Then he switched to bow hunting because it was more sporting and quiet. He hasn't hunted with a rifle in 20+ years. I'd rather hunt sorry people than animals I like animals. Except for cats and varmints.

:rll: :rll: :rll: ........At least you didn't tell me about how the indians used to throw rocks at them.

11-13-2004, 02:25 AM
*Disclaimer* Firearms are dangerous and can cause serious injury or death. They are sometimes contraversial like religion & politics. I store mine in an 800# safe at a remote location and store the ammo seperately in approved containers. I only handle them with proper hearing and eye protection at appropriate venues. Such venues being legal hunting or organized sporting events. Why anyone would want a CHL is beyond me that is what the Police are for. Lock your doors and keep fresh batteries in the flashlight. My 96lb German Shepherd has deturred more crime than a firearm ever could have. Bee safe and love your TALON neighboor.:tu:

11-13-2004, 02:26 AM
:rll: :rll: :rll: ........At least you didn't tell me about how the indians used to throw rocks at them.You ever hear of David vs. Goliath:eek: 1AM bonus shot for me:beer: :banana:

11-13-2004, 12:05 PM

Yeah...that first pic is the Military version of their website. Here's a pic of me in the middle with mine. You'll notice I carry it in a somewhat unorthodox manner with the stock up and over my shoulder. Much more maneuverable, easy to switch from right to left hand carry and no telegraphing around corners. Recoil is still easily controlled with the pistol grip and forehand.


11-13-2004, 11:39 PM

http://www.nhtoc.com/gallery/images/full/800-99-1386.jpgI could think of lots of captions for this picture:rll: . I wish you guys did that at my house!:
1) To catch that stray dog that shits in my grass.
2) To pop those *******s that leave flyers on my door.
3) Catch the kids riding bikes across my yard.
4) Scare the **** out of those big kids who still trick or treat.

11-14-2004, 10:55 PM
I have a CHL, but I never carry. Guns are too loud and scary. :D

11-14-2004, 11:17 PM
I have a CHL, but I never carry. Guns are too loud and scary. :D

Tex Arcana
11-15-2004, 12:42 PM

11-15-2004, 11:00 PM
:rll: Get it right though, man...that's a magazine! :nono: :D

11-15-2004, 11:02 PM
:rll: Get it right though, man...that's a magazine! :nono: :DYou must forgive Tex he watched too much A-Team in the 80's.

11-15-2004, 11:05 PM
Where do you guys go to do that tactical stuff? It looks like alot of fun!

11-16-2004, 01:33 AM
By ".243/.270", maybe I should've made it more clear - that particular class of round.

.270 can do it/drop an elk with proper shot-placement, but it's on the light-side of for an elk round.


You ever shot any of the suppressed MP-5 class of weapons? MP5-K?

I understand that all you hear is the action "clanking around" inside the weapon and the sound of the rounds hitting the target down-range! :eek2:

For a minute there,I thought I would make it through this thread without feeling the need to respond. No, Ronald has to post some stupid sh!t about taking out a fricking Elk with a 243 and then he list it lined up with a 270 as if they where comparable rounds..........:rll: :rll: :rll: .


11-16-2004, 02:07 AM
They are not Hollywood quiet H&K designed the MP5-SD to reduce firing noise 30-40dB so you could maintain tactical communications and avoid confusion during fire fights. It is somewhere between a paintball and 22 rifle depending on the ammo used. You can't suppress supersonic crack.

11-16-2004, 05:05 PM
I do all that tactical stuff at work. It is a lot of fun....right up to the time we are doing the real deal at which time I tend to question why it is that I'm doing it. ;)

By ".243/.270", maybe I should've made it more clear - that particular class of round.

You ever shot any of the suppressed MP-5 class of weapons? MP5-K?

I understand that all you hear is the action "clanking around" inside the weapon and the sound of the rounds hitting the target down-range! :eek2:

Never shot a suppressed one. We do have some removable suppressors for the MPs, but have never had occasion to justify their use. Having never used one, I can't comment on noise levels from personal use, but you can use subsonic ammo which will leave you with the noise of the action and something similar to a paintball gun as Terry described. I can't comment on the effectiveness though.

I've never shot or handled a MP5-K...that's usually dignitary protection stuff. They are basically the same weapon with no stock and a cutdown barrel and foregrip though. All of ours are the A3 model with the collapsible stock. They are excellent weapons, but the roller balls in the locking mechanism tend to break often and are expensive to repair.

11-17-2004, 12:26 AM

What ammo./weight bullets does your team usually run through the MPs?

I keep a staggered mix of 147 gr. Win. Black Talon and Federal Hydra-Shock in the Beretta 92 FS.

So are you on these entry-teams I've seen busting up meth-labs, etc? I've actually witnessed one SWAT engagement before and those fellers don't mess around! :eek2:


Right, you want a sub-sonic round which you can suppress. 147 gr. in the 9mm and and the .230 gr. in the .45.

I do all that tactical stuff at work. It is a lot of fun....right up to the time we are doing the real deal at which time I tend to question why it is that I'm doing it. ;)

Never shot a suppressed one. We do have some removable suppressors for the MPs, but have never had occasion to justify their use. Having never used one, I can't comment on noise levels from personal use, but you can use subsonic ammo which will leave you with the noise of the action and something similar to a paintball gun as Terry described. I can't comment on the effectiveness though.

I've never shot or handled a MP5-K...that's usually dignitary protection stuff. They are basically the same weapon with no stock and a cutdown barrel and foregrip though. All of ours are the A3 model with the collapsible stock. They are excellent weapons, but the roller balls in the locking mechanism tend to break often and are expensive to repair.

11-18-2004, 11:14 AM
It is a lot of fun....right up to the time we are doing the real deal at which time I tend to question why it is that I'm doing it. ;)

:tu: So true. Ah, the good old days of working Patrol all night, spending most of the day in court only to have the case reset, grabbing maybe 2 hours of sleep before going back to work Patrol all night again, and then getting the Tac call out just after you've crawled into bed the next morning.