View Full Version : what tool to use ?

11-13-2004, 06:06 PM
i have an exhaust leak thats kinda bad.... so I thought I would jake up the truck and find the leak and tighten it up wherever it is.... well I found the leak which is the good news, bad news is I dont have the tools to fix it... and dont really know what to get...

its where the collectors are... there is a triangle pattern of bolts. There are 2 on bottom and 1 on top... well on both sides, there is no top bolt at all... there is a ton of air coming out there... well I have some bolts to go in there to fix the problem, but I cant get a socket or wrench up in there to tightn it... i can barey get my hand in there to just put the bolts in...

on drivers side, i can get a wrench around the bolt and the nut, but have no room to tightn it... on the passenger side, i cant even get my wrench around either bolt or nut.... is there a special tool for this... some sort of "L" shaped wrench or something? im sure you guys have done this before.... what did yall do?


11-13-2004, 08:22 PM
You just need a swivel for your socket wrench, and maybe a couple of long extensions to reduce the angle you are driving the bolt with. I've done this before and don't remember having any difficulty with getting to it and I didn't have any tools that were out of the ordinary.

11-13-2004, 08:44 PM
I used a socket and a sievel to do the job, we probley knocked the bolt loose when welding up the exaust but a couple of long exastesion and a sievel socket will do the job!!! And a stuby wrench for the other side!!! :tu:

11-13-2004, 09:37 PM
my swivel sucks...

11-13-2004, 10:43 PM
They make a stubby rachet wrench thats what I also use it fits nicely in there use 2 of them together and that should get her done!!!:tu:

11-13-2004, 11:02 PM
This is entertaining:beer:

11-13-2004, 11:14 PM
I used a socket and a sievel to do the job, we probley knocked the bolt loose when welding up the exaust but a couple of long exastesion and a sievel socket will do the job!!! And a stuby wrench for the other side!!! :tu:Knocked the bolts loose...:rll:

11-13-2004, 11:25 PM
Knocked the bolts loose...:rll:Or someone didn't have the right tools to tighten them the first time:twitch:
You have to watch out for the bolt lossening power of a welders magnetic field:eek: :bs .