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08-13-2002, 11:19 PM

Hey man . . . in regards to that suspension set up you quoted me a price for, once those components are installed will it be necessary to install a castor/camber kit for alignment purposes? If so can you get a hold of one and for how much? I'm still interested in the set up! :tu: Maybe at the next meeting we can do the "exchange"??? If you like I can call you and we can hash it out?? I do leave town on business this Sunday and will be back on the 31st of Aug so I can call ya' then.

Thanks Terry!


08-13-2002, 11:41 PM
Terry can chime in tomorrow when he reads it, but....

When Terry 'helped' lower mine (don't let him fool ya you will be working underneath the truck) the result was almost perfect. I had to purchase a cam bolt kit from NAPA and have it installed during the alignment. I paid $35 or so to get the parts, then delivered them to the shop. You can do a search on F150online.com for the cam-bolt part number.

An hour later I was within spec and enjoying the much firmer and a million times better-looking truck. PM me if you would like the number to the alignment shop.