View Full Version : Heater Smells

11-24-2004, 11:25 PM
But I don't think it is antifreeze that I smell.

My truck has about 9k and I bought it at the end of Feb 2004. I didn't run the heater much before summer, but I had a smell that I thought was just the heater burning the new off.

Well, here it is getting cold again, so I turn on the heater, and no surprise, it still stinks. I checked the coolant, and it doesn't seem to be getting any lower. The windshield doesn't fog up, and the carpet isn't wet. Yet I have this kinda sweet smell. What it really reminds me of is the smell of the plastic when you walk down the floor mat aisle in the automotive department at walmart. It is bad enough to start giving me a headache, and I rarely get headaches. Is this a normal smell for a new L? Is it just something that is going to have to burn off? Has anybody else had this?

11-25-2004, 12:04 AM
I get a slight smell in mine when it hasn't been turned on in awhile. It goes away in a few minutes though

11-25-2004, 01:00 AM
Yeah... I just let my truck idle and ran the heater on high for about 10 minutes... it seems like it is going away, or I'm getting used to it.