View Full Version : Thanksgiving Day 9-pt. buck !
11-27-2004, 11:58 PM
Personal best for me! knanaLet me tell you, I've busting my @ss for years and this one is almost handed to me.
I've been hunting another of the Grandparent's properties since it's been so windy lately and relatively warm - not the home-place I took pics from recently.
Whitetail don't like windy conditions since it confuses their sense of smell/sound as they don't know where any danger is approaching, so they stick to heavy timber - which isn't good for hunting.
I change my approach Wed., and hit another one of our "green pastures" tucked way down low in an ox-bow in a tall creek bank way above with the green down low away from the wind to give them a sense of protection. It was late-afternoon and still windy with no luck.:confused:
I couldn't sleep Thu. morning and was up at 3am - breakfast at 4am and geared up at 5am and having coffee with the parents. I'm out there at 6:30am and making final checks with the .300 Win. Mag. and ready to sit on that high-creek bank overlooking the green-patch and wait for "Moose". :bows
I'm making my way ever so quiet as there is luckily no wind and there is a HEAVY frost on all the oak leaves.
Note: No wind is good for hunting as it draws them out IF you're quiet and scent-free and the colder the better for rutting reasons since COLD just drives them ape-sh!t especially during the rut!
I'm not but 100-150 yds. into my stalk in and I see this 5 acres patch of pasture grass all frosted over and this funny shape moving kinda' fast.
All I could see was the dark back of something and what looked like antlers. F#CK - a nice sized buck! :d Took a 2x-take and sure-enough - he had his head down the whole time (sniffing/snorting) and he was looking to find some girlie-girls of the deer kind. :bows
He never even saw me - 50-60 yds. away and I saw he was coming up on a brush-hogged path Regan had cleared earlier in the year. I hopped ahead a bit and waited for him. He was at a fast walk and I had to act fast.
I lined up the .300 on him and followed his rib-cage across the swath and let him have it just as he entered the tall-grass.
It rolled him away from me and he got up and ran smooth into a bois-d'arc tree and fell back down. He started to get back up a few times as I could see as I ran up there.
I dressed him on the spot and called Dad/Elaine the news - my first 9-pointer! knana
The deal is he's a 9-ptr, but he only weighed in at 90 lbs.! The deal is elk/mule-deer/white-tail all eat heavy before rut, and work it all off "fighting and f#cking" the rest of the season - as some would say. :D
The biggest one brought in at my check-station in OK . was a 10-ptr. at 168 lbs. field-dressed.
Note: I was going to take the buck to get checked in in the L for a working-L pic, but it was still bleeding pretty good, and we had to carry a ton of luggage back to Frisco on the Bed-Rug - note the L in the background in the first pic. Also, I was pressed for time as the deer processing outfit was filling up fast and I had to make my appointment.
We have a processed doe on the way too courtesy of Regan, so we'll be eating a ton of venison until next year.
The funny thing is, Elaine was cruising through Madill and spotted me at the check-in and joined me. This guy in a new red SUV of some sort stopped by us as we were checking the scales, etc. and he asked me if I would stand next to my buck in the truck for a pic.
He mentioned that his terminally ill (cancer) friend loved to hunt deer and was no longer able to hunt and enjoyed seeing other hunters having a successful hunt.
I told him I would be happy to and that I hoped his friend enjoyed the pic and that he gets well soon. :tu:
Hope everyone had a good Thanks-Giving!
11-28-2004, 12:29 AM
Tell AggieMom it answered to Peaches:rll: :D
Aggie Mom
11-28-2004, 12:33 AM
Tell AggieMom it answered to Peaches:rll: :D
Real funny, my gender confused deer is still in the back yard...breathing. I feed him apples tonight.
11-28-2004, 01:35 AM
We had a Big-8 ptr. run past the dining room window Wed. a.m. over coffee with Dad and I made a mad-dash for the .300 in my boxers/tshirt and Mom put the "ain't happenin' " real fast on that notion.:rolleyes: They're sorta' pets as the women see it, evidently.
Regan nailed a doe a few years ago with his Hoyt 300+ fps bow on the house-place as he was coming back from a hunt and I think he still has 1/2 his a$$ chewed off by Mom to this day. :D What fun!
Scratch Peaches ears for us. :) No offense intended by my post as to deer-hunting.
11-28-2004, 01:48 AM
Nice Buck Ronald!!! Congrats :beer: .
11-28-2004, 03:56 AM
Thanks Uncle Rocks! :tu: :beer:
Nice Buck Ronald!!! Congrats :beer: .
Aggie Mom
11-28-2004, 08:44 AM
It's a nice deer Ronald. And, I have no problem with hunting.....unless it's my pet deer, then I turn into GI Jane and stalk the guy.
11-28-2004, 11:34 AM
Congradulations on the Kill Ronald, now all you need to do is get that head up on the wall.
11-28-2004, 07:14 PM
Nice lookin' buck. :) Great way to spend your turkey day. I went hunting Wednesday and shot a doe up in Haskell County. Saw a VERY nice 8 pointer that I would have loved to shoot, but I was a guest on the lease, and only allowed to take a doe.
11-28-2004, 08:09 PM
I've tried every way possible, but I've never found a good way to cook up those antlers where they taste good. ;)
11-28-2004, 10:04 PM
Jerky and Chili .........
Apart from that you should work on "Thank you"s from the wedding.
11-28-2004, 11:42 PM
Thanks for the congrats, ya'll ! knana
Since he isn't quite a trophy wall-hanger, I think I'm going to do a European mount (similar to below) on a big slash-cut of a big cedar tree since that wood has alot of really nice red/purple/yellow/brown color mix.
The skull is currently "seasoning" back home via Mother-Nature. I hear the boiling in bleach and borax isn't the way to go.
What round/rifle did you take the doe? The .300 WM punched a tiny entrance hole and almost a dime-size exit hole. The 190 gr. Black-Talon didn't open at all as I see it and I hit him a bit forward in the shoulder region as he was at a fast walk/trot.
You can see the entrance wound in the last pic.
I hear that some people claim that soaking venison in milk overnight will cure the "gamey" taste.
We marinate our venision steaks in Italian salad dressing and seasonings overnight in the 'fridge and it works for us.
Venison isn't for everyone - personally, I like it as does Elaine. Try this:
Elaine says she's working on them and should ship tomorrow or so - something about mailing labels or something. I'm on to her to mail them - trust me. I feel bad it's taken us this long.
We're working on our time-management approach.
11-29-2004, 08:40 AM
I hear that some people claim that soaking venison in milk overnight will cure the "gamey" taste.
Actually, I was just making a joke about not being able to eat the actual antlers themselves. My dad and I have typically hunted only for the meat and consequently made a practice of just taking does. We always joked with our hunting buddies about not being able to put enough salt on the "horns" to make them taste good. :D I can't get too critical though, as I must confess to having two shoulder mounts hanging on the wall. European mounts look good too.
As far as venison tasting gamey, I fully believe that's just a byproduct of the meat not being handled properly after being harvested. We hunt in a 4 deer/limit 2 buck county, so I always made it a practice to take 4 doe every season. Not only did it stock my freezer, it helped out the population as we were overrun with deer. I used to live off venision, especially in college. I'd never bought ground beef from the store in my life until I got married. :hammer:
11-29-2004, 09:41 AM
ahhh, thats weak compared to this one....
11-29-2004, 09:50 AM
What round/rifle did you take the doe?
.25-06, 100 gr Barnes X bullet at 3245 FPS out of a Savage 100FP Tactical, Stockade stock, Rifle Basix trigger set at 2 lbs.
It's a 1/3 MoA rifle, and I've probably killed 30 whitetails with it. Never takes a 2nd shot. :D
11-29-2004, 09:57 AM
Show-off ! :eek2: :D
.25-06, 100 gr Barnes X bullet at 3245 FPS out of a Savage 100FP Tactical, Stockade stock, Rifle Basix trigger set at 2 lbs.
It's a 1/3 MoA rifle, and I've probably killed 30 whitetails with it. Never takes a 2nd shot. :D
11-29-2004, 11:40 AM
Elaine says she's working on them and should ship tomorrow or so - something about mailing labels or something. I'm on to her to mail them - trust me. I feel bad it's taken us this long.
We're working on our time-management approach. Ronald
I was just giving you S$$t, Ronald.
11-29-2004, 04:45 PM
I've been thinking about the differences in my OK. 9 ptr. and the 9 ptr. my new brother-in-law, Steve, took in IN. last year - between Terra Haute and Indianapolis.
Mine: 90 lbs. dressed with a modest rack.
Steve's: 179 lbs. dressed (almost 2x the body weight of mine) and with a much THICKER rack. :bows
The difference is that corn/soybean/wheat is huge in Indiana, whereas OK. doesn't have that - just acorns and whatever browse they can find. Too, I'm almost positive they're the same age - I'm going to age mine next time I'm back home and can check-out the teeth.
Check out the attached .jpg.
11-29-2004, 05:07 PM
nice buck ronald! one of the RoadWay mechanics had a 8pt with a 16.5 inch spread hanging on his toolbox. last year my mom shot a 10pt. and my sister when she was 12 shot a 12 pt
my grandfather has shot some nice bigger ones, hes got several caribu (sp?) his den looks like a true trophy hunters trophy room
11-29-2004, 07:17 PM
Thanks! You're sister cute? :D :evil J/K, that's the "single Ronald" talking.:d
Sounds like you come from quite the hunting family. Any kills of your own? If/when you nail you're first nice buck ... you'll be hooked! :bows
You just reminded me, Gaven ... I found out Thanksgiving Day that I'm going to be a first-time uncle! :) If he's a boy...he's going to be Gaven Blake Brown.
I can infer what Regan and Jenna have been up to lately. :D
nice buck ronald! one of the RoadWay mechanics had a 8pt with a 16.5 inch spread hanging on his toolbox. last year my mom shot a 10pt. and my sister when she was 12 shot a 12 pt
my grandfather has shot some nice bigger ones, hes got several caribu (sp?) his den looks like a true trophy hunters trophy room
11-29-2004, 09:05 PM
As far as venison tasting gamey, I fully believe that's just a byproduct of the meat not being handled properly after being harvested. We hunt in a 4 deer/limit 2 buck county, so I always made it a practice to take 4 doe every season. Not only did it stock my freezer, it helped out the population as we were overrun with deer. I used to live off venision, especially in college. I'd never bought ground beef from the store in my life until I got married. :hammer:
I agree. In more than 25 years of hunting deer, I have yet to "soak" the meat in anything overnight.
I always process my own deer. I have seen deer laying in the floor at "professional processors", soaking in bile and rotted juices. Don't anyone kid yourselves, they all treat the meat like crap. Typically, the deer tht arrive in the first two weeks of the season are just mass processed in the evenings. The butcher then packs up deer meat in the quntities that his experience dictates you deserve. The deer that you killed is most likely in someone elses freezer. You could very well have the deer that Billy Bob the drunk brought in on the hood of his peekup.
Process your own deer and you will find there is never a gamey taste. Prepare the meat just as you would beef. Don't over cook it. I have had deer prepared by others that was so G.D. dry from over cooking that it was like eating a tennis shoe. There are no special diseases to kill by heat.....LOL.
11-29-2004, 09:08 PM
I can infer what Regan and Jenna have been up to lately. :D
I take it that Regan has been out of town alot and Jenna seems to be shipping alot of UPS packages with nothing in them.
11-29-2004, 10:46 PM
Uncle Rocks,
I've heard the same thing from GrandDad since my diaper-days regarding deer AND beef processing at packing houses.
Regan's had numerous deer processed at this particular packing house through the years and this one has been the best so far.
My first 8 ptr, both Regan and I and 2 cousins dressed/packaged it all and it was a B!TCH! :crying: :hammer: Whew!
Dont' get me wrong, I'd like to get the whole game down - from hunting "strategery" :D in the early fall, dressing, packing, to successfully marinating/grilling the venison later in the year.
The funny thing is - I drive back and forth to the GrandParent's different ranch pastures (hunting legally) morning/noon/evening and I see all these turn-around spots at the edge of all the green fields on the dirt roads.
Translation: Illegal drive-by deer hunting. :mad: Probably the same SOBs that are dumping their trash in our creeks! :flaming:
Probably the sorriest-damned thing I've seen so far was a lease-hunter on one of the neighbors' properties - he nailed a BIG buck! Dad/Regan/I saw it and it was a big-antlered monster as we went home for lunch.
The hunter went into town for beer/food/supplies evidently - his trophy was still hanging upside down from a nearby tree.
We drove back by there mid-afternoon and the head/antlers were gone! Some drive-by SOB slashed it off and ran! :mad:
My "OCD side" wants to process my next hunt myself, now. :cool:
I agree. In more than 25 years of hunting deer, I have yet to "soak" the meat in anything overnight.
I always process my own deer. I have seen deer laying in the floor at "professional processors", soaking in bile and rotted juices. Don't anyone kid yourselves, they all treat the meat like crap. Typically, the deer tht arrive in the first two weeks of the season are just mass processed in the evenings. The butcher then packs up deer meat in the quntities that his experience dictates you deserve. The deer that you killed is most likely in someone elses freezer. You could very well have the deer that Billy Bob the drunk brought in on the hood of his peekup.
Process your own deer and you will find there is never a gamey taste. Prepare the meat just as you would beef. Don't over cook it. I have had deer prepared by others that was so G.D. dry from over cooking that it was like eating a tennis shoe. There are no special diseases to kill by heat.....LOL.
11-30-2004, 07:24 PM
Thanks! You're sister cute? :D :evil J/K, that's the "single Ronald" talking.:d
Sounds like you come from quite the hunting family. Any kills of your own? If/when you nail you're first nice buck ... you'll be hooked! :bows
You just reminded me, Gaven ... I found out Thanksgiving Day that I'm going to be a first-time uncle! :) If he's a boy...he's going to be Gaven Blake Brown.
I can infer what Regan and Jenna have been up to lately. :D
RonaldWell my sis nowadays is a vegatarian, go figure. my family has always been a hunting family. dad, grandfather, mother, sister (once), uncles, cousins, and even my asshead almost step dad.
also, its awsome about nephew Gaven, there isnt enough Gaven's in the world. the world could use some more Gaven's :beer: :rll:
05-03-2005, 11:06 PM
As an update for those intersted, the skull/antlers are almost done and Dad and I are working on getting the Husquvarna chain/blade installed and working on cedar trunks to mount it in the garage.knana
05-04-2005, 08:03 PM
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