View Full Version : Isolationism might be the answer.

11-30-2004, 01:34 PM
I know isolationism doesn't work, but sometimes I think it wouldn't be such a bad idea. Maybe we should just close our borders, keep our own folks at home and let the rest of the world take care of itself.

Check out our neighbors to the north. They allow a cow infected with the mad cow virus to be transported into the U.S. and get pi$$ed when we suspend all Canadian imported cattle.


An excerpt from the article:

Relations between the Bush administration and Canada got off to a rocky start when Bush, a new president, chose Mexico instead of Canada as the first country he'd visit.

The French influence is obvious in their culture.

11-30-2004, 02:12 PM

I feel your sentiments, but the US has become too large and the world too small - especially with all the trails we've been down since 1776.

Personally, I think that given the whole equation, the current foreign policy of "walk softly, but carry a big-stick" will serve us well. I say stay the course.

On the other hand, think of who might take our place if we turn to isolationism. :cool:

11-30-2004, 03:17 PM
On the other hand, think of who might take our place if we turn to isolationism. :cool:
That has always been and is still possibly the best reason to stay on track, but sometimes I just get sick of all the bitching and complaining from those countries (Insert France et al) that have all the answers. Work for a French-owned company for a couple of years and you'll see what I mean. :cool:

11-30-2004, 03:43 PM
My thoughts on the matter....carry a big stick and swing it at everybody. If you b!tch about something, we come take over your country. It should be the United States of Earth as far as I am concerned. A few countries will be assimiliated and the rest will be turned into parking lots for our huge SUVs.

This is how it will be when I become king :D .


11-30-2004, 04:00 PM

Dad, an uncle and a cousin work at the Michelin plant back home and they b!tch about the French for basically the same reasons. Dad's actually shaken hands with Eduoard Michelin. :cool: :rolleyes:

The first IT job I had out of college was for EDS / Production Support...never again - same mentality, basically. Jacka$$es! :hammer:

That has always been and is still possibly the best reason to stay on track, but sometimes I just get sick of all the bitching and complaining from those countries (Insert France et al) that have all the answers. Work for a French-owned company for a couple of years and you'll see what I mean. :cool:

11-30-2004, 06:53 PM
i vote for it. let the world deal with itself. but in reality the US is too much of a consumer of the world economy. its too bad more people or companies dont support USA made products, then major corporations wouldnt move their factories to foreign countries in lieu of cheaper labor. then more americans would have money to buy these said products. or something. maybe i got off on a tangent lol.:evil

12-01-2004, 12:14 PM

Dad, an uncle and a cousin work at the Michelin plant back home and they b!tch about the French for basically the same reasons. Dad's actually shaken hands with Eduoard Michelin. :cool: :rolleyes:

The first IT job I had out of college was for EDS / Production Support...never again - same mentality, basically. Jacka$$es! :hammer:

Are you saying Michelin is a French company? If so, I'll never buy their tires again. Incidentally, whats up with "Chevrolet"? Is'nt that a French name?

Try calling Nortel and leaving a message. You'll have to wait thru a French greating. Its annoying. Yeah I know theres a bypass key, but sometimes I listen anyway. Its like trying not to look at road kill...you can't help but look.

12-01-2004, 01:37 PM
My thoughts on the matter....carry a big stick and swing it at everybody. If you b!tch about something, we come take over your country. It should be the United States of Earth as far as I am concerned. A few countries will be assimiliated and the rest will be turned into parking lots for our huge SUVs.

This is how it will be when I become king :D .

Sounds good Tom... I want a spot in the Monarchy as well, maybe second in command... however I dont want to actually do anything... other than party and play... I got it.. Minister of Public relations http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrinflip.gif

12-02-2004, 02:40 PM

I feel your sentiments, but the US has become too large and the world too small - especially with all the trails we've been down since 1776.

Personally, I think that given the whole equation, the current foreign policy of "walk softly, but carry a big-stick" will serve us well. I say stay the course.

On the other hand, think of who might take our place if we turn to isolationism. :cool:

"Walk softly"???? Where did you get that idea? Bush gave Osama months of warning he was coming with his mouthing to get his public ratings up. He should of sent in covert forces way ahead of any blabbering and then blasted the hell out of them before they had a clue we were coming. One of his biggest foreign policy mistakes (not the invasion but the blabbering). Why give the enemy all the warning in the world you are coming for them?

And I agree with the isolationism-it's a nice thoery but would be the equivalent of burying our heads in the sand. The world has become to much of one economy and the US to big of a consumer for that to happen.

12-02-2004, 09:30 PM
what about just texas as its own country its still in the law books that if we dont like the way the whole place is going we can become arte own lil happy place , :tu:

12-02-2004, 11:39 PM

Yep, French owned:

Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin
Michelin et Cie
Headquarters:12 cours Sablon
Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)-France

Shareholder Relations
Jacques-Henri Thonier
12,cours Sablon
63000 Clermont-Ferrand -France
Tel.:+33 (0)4 73 98 59 00
Fax:+33 (0)4 73 98 59 04
Toll-free calls in France
0 800 000 222
e-mail :actionnaires-individuels@fr.michelin.com

Eric Le Corre
23,place des Carmes-Déchaux
63040 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 9 -France
Tel.:+33 (0)4 73 32 77 92
+33 (0)1 45 66 10 04
Fax:+33 (0)4 73 32 27 16
+33 (0)1 45 66 13 19

23,place des Carmes-Déchaux
63040 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 9 -France
Tel.:+33 (0)4 73 32 24 54
Fax:+33 (0)4 73 32 73 92



By "walk softly, but carry a big-stick" as Teddy Roosevelt put it, I mean use diplomacy and all it's "nicities" initially, but when the time comes, wield that big-stick Pulp-Fiction/Old-Testament style.:evil

Also, I'm thinking that bin Laden had already assumed that the US would hit him with retalitory strikes, soon thereafter in Iraq/Afghanistan - it was just a matter of when/where?

Also, the US probably had Special Forces, etc. over there within the day, if not before then? The CIA probably figured that with all the "chatter" before 9/11, that something was up.

OBL isn't dumb, that's obvious and he knows how the US thinks. He's already cost us 9/11 and he's still on the loose, evidently.

I just hope they catch him, dead or alive, along with al Zarqawi and shut them all down. :flaming:

Are you saying Michelin is a French company? If so, I'll never buy their tires again. Incidentally, whats up with "Chevrolet"? Is'nt that a French name?

Try calling Nortel and leaving a message. You'll have to wait thru a French greating. Its annoying. Yeah I know theres a bypass key, but sometimes I listen anyway. Its like trying not to look at road kill...you can't help but look.

12-03-2004, 05:29 PM
Actually, it's "speak softly". International negotiations backed by the threat of force. Bush's policy is very reminiscent of Teddy Roosevelt's "Big Stick Diplomacy". We don't perform sneak attacks or send in secret troops to murder people. We asked the government of Afghanistan to give up UBL, and when they didn't, we took them over. We asked the UN to enforce policies against Iraq and they didn't, so we took matters into our own hands. When it comes down to it with North Korea or Iran in the coming years, they will know when it's time to do what we ask. A country that thinks we might sneak in and kill their leaders has no reason not to attack first.

Lightning Dude
12-04-2004, 01:43 AM
what about just texas as its own country its still in the law books that if we dont like the way the whole place is going we can become arte own lil happy place , :tu:

Texans are quite funny(b/c of living in the North most of my life I do not qualify as a texan).