View Full Version : TFC 2004 fallout

12-05-2004, 02:51 PM
My thoughts on yesterday.

Great turnout. I think everyone had a pretty good time overall which was one of the main goals. Some data from yesterday.

Winner - TrueBlueAggie
Runnerup - sonicbluetommy
Semifinalist - 03LightningRocks (3rd)
Semifinalist - Mark#2 (4th)
Mr. Congeniality - StormShadow (5th place)

Low Elapsed Time - 03LightningRocks (11.33)
Low Reaction Time - StormShadow (.506)
Closest to dial-in* (Madness, tliss, sixpipes) *explanation to follow

I counted 34 Lightnings, but there may have been a few more that I didn't see. 22 paid entries and 7 first round buy-backs generated a revenue of $400. Fee payed for trophies was $120 (thanks Scott) so the club netted $280 from yesterday's event. Doug and I discussed potential expenditures and I think we have come up with an interesting way to invest the money and still let the club enjoy it.

The biggest disappointment yesterday was the loss of traction in the starting area (especially in the left lane) after the first two rounds. If I ever see another front-wheel drive car go through the water box and drag water all the way to the starting line again, I will not be responsible for my actions. Many of the imports that were there, did their "burnout" in the water box and spun all the way to the starting line trailing water with their back tires as well. Idiots all. The track workers were at fault for not cleaning up the mess before we started each elimination round. I think the lack of traction was due 100% to water and lack of attention by the course workers. Very disappointing. Unfortunately, I had to leave the track for about an hour after the second round and only made it back in time to see the finals. I apologize for not staying on top of the issue. I'm not blaming the owners of the Hallsville facility because there was a serious roll-over that delayed the event for about an hour. But there is no excuse for taking shortcuts that potentially endanger drivers and/or their vehicles.

Which brings us to next year. We need to seriously consider a change of venue for the event for 2005. It is one thing to overlook the situation when we only have to drive from Dallas, but it is quite another thing when folks are driving in from Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana and have to put up with those kind of problems. Cherokee County Raceway (Rusk, TX) and Thunder Valley Raceway (Noble, OK) are similar distances that should be considered. I think the Rusk facility is top notch and they do host NHRA Sportman races during the year. I'm just not so sure we should continue the event at Hallsville. The down side is that we may not be able to insure new personal bests for all the first time visitors, but people that are willing to spend time and money to attend, deserve a well-run event that does not put their vehicles at risk. :cool:

12-05-2004, 03:45 PM
Er...UH...Let's keep the record straight.............I was third...Mark was fourth...:D .

That would be an 11.33.....;)

12-05-2004, 03:51 PM
Er...UH...corrected your highness.....................:bows

12-05-2004, 03:53 PM
I agree about the water...and changing the venue. There would just be one little problem. Hallsville is about the only quarter mile track still open at this time of year. I checked on this back when we first started discussing changing tracks.
Maybe we could get rusk to open for us, but I bet it won't be cheap. I can also tell you that I would never had gotten away with running the times I did at any other track. Going below 11.5 with no cage is a huge problem for most venues...:rolleyes:
Maybe we can get Hallsville to give track prep more consderation for our next event. I don't know...I'm just throwing ideas out there to see what happens.:cool:

12-05-2004, 04:05 PM
Anybody running faster than 11.5 without a cage should maybe have their head examined. I really don't see that allowing people to risk their lives and the potential lives of others is really a plus for Hallsville. Especially since I didn't notice an ambulance on the premises when the Grand Am decided to leave the track. The 11.5/12.0 rule is there for a reason. If you took a close look at the vehicle, that driver would have been seriously injured or maybe even killed had he not had his cage. I was really glad to see Terry Hogg recently add a cage to his Gen I. Some of you guys are approaching 120 mph terminal speeds: so what happens if something unexpectedly goes wrong? If I ever go sub-12, I guarantee you I will either get a cage or detune to plus-12 times (which is where I am now). You only have to have one scary incident on the track to realize things happen beyond your control sometimes. So enough about the safety thing.

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/6061/1P1000241-med.jpg (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/6061/1P1000241.jpg)

We are not married to the date, I'm just asking everyone to be open minded about a venue change. The Arkansas guys drove all the way down to support the event and I think we should accept part of the responsibility for putting on a safe and fair event. The track owner is a very nice guy and he bent over backwards to make sure we were being taken care of. It's not personal, just business. :cool:

12-05-2004, 04:06 PM
I can also tell you that I would never had gotten away with running the times I did at any other track. Going below 11.5 with no cage is a huge problem for most venues...:rolleyes:

get a cage then...safety 1st :nono:

12-05-2004, 04:07 PM
I plan on "headin to hallsville" a few more times this winter. Maybe we can lean on the old man a bit and see if they can do anything about the prep. I will say that the track was Tons better than the last time we went and that it was satisfactory up untill the very end of the day.

I am also flexible and wherever the event is held I will be there. I enjoy hitting different tracks and seeing the different scenery. Thunder Valley is pretty cool and I wouldn't mind going there. Never been to Rusk but I've heard good things about them.

True Blue Aggie
12-05-2004, 04:10 PM
If we go to Hallsville again, it just means that we get to make more "John Force" burnouts across the starting line :evil :evil

12-05-2004, 04:21 PM
What about bringing our own starting line help ?

They clearly needed help the starter was also the only guy cleaning up the starting line. SInce we had 10 trucks or more NOT running in the TALON class perhaps we should consider offering some help next time ...


12-05-2004, 04:28 PM
I plan to get a cage............The point I was trying to make with that comment is that Hallsville is pretty easy about the rules for the rare occasion a person wants to go faster than his norm. I typically keep my times within the safety rules.

The real issue concerns the fact that there are not a whole lot of choices during the Fall. Moving the time of the event may make it easier to find a different place. But the date would almost have to be as early as October, from looking at track closing dates.

Like I said...just throwing out ideas.


12-05-2004, 04:32 PM
What about bringing our own starting line help ?

They clearly needed help the starter was also the only guy cleaning up the starting line. SInce we had 10 trucks or more NOT running in the TALON class perhaps we should consider offering some help next time ...

Now that is a good idea!!!!!!!!!! As I was stewing on the way home last night, I realized that I never once said anything to them about the problem. Maybe if one of us had pointed out the water issue, they would have dried it up.

12-05-2004, 04:33 PM
What about bringing our own starting line help ?

They clearly needed help the starter was also the only guy cleaning up the starting line. SInce we had 10 trucks or more NOT running in the TALON class perhaps we should consider offering some help next time ...

I'd Volunteer :tu:

12-05-2004, 04:39 PM
What about bringing our own starting line help ?

They clearly needed help the starter was also the only guy cleaning up the starting line. SInce we had 10 trucks or more NOT running in the TALON class perhaps we should consider offering some help next time ...

I would also have been happy to volunteer. I wasn't taking pictures, so I was just watching the bracket racing anyway. Give me the mop or the sprayer! :)

I'm not sure they'd allow that since that might cause a problem with their insurance, though.

12-05-2004, 04:41 PM
Ron, that's a good point. If no one complains, maybe the track owner doesn't know there's a problem. But there is no way those guys at the starting line didn't know there was an issue with traction late in the day. Doug has a great idea. We don't have to man the mops, but we could certainly have someone at the starting line to help look for problems. Very good idea. :cool:

12-05-2004, 04:45 PM
I say let's offer to pitch in and man the mops. Showing the starting line help "problems" will only lead to tired and pissed off workers at the end of the day. I don't know what they're being paid, but having some guys pointing out every little issue (but doing nothing but pointing) is going to get irritating before too long.

But there is no doubt that the FWD cars made the track inconsistent for the rest of us. :( That being said, they are here to stay, and they paid to race, too.

A small track like H-ville should be glad for the extra help. Just not sure if we'd be allowed to.

Thunder Valley would be a cool place to have the event as well, and they race late into the year.

12-05-2004, 04:49 PM
Thunder Valley would be a cool place to have the event as well, and they race late into the year.

Where's Thunder Valley ?

12-05-2004, 04:55 PM
Noble Oklahoma.

12-05-2004, 04:58 PM
I would also have been happy to volunteer. I wasn't taking pictures, so I was just watching the bracket racing anyway. Give me the mop or the sprayer! :)

I'm not sure they'd allow that since that might cause a problem with their insurance, though.

Doubt they have insurance

I never signed a release and was right next to the track taking pictures - I asked 2 staff members what I needed for a press pass they said just go take pictures.

I think that running the mop would help as would anything else that would let them focus on track prep and NOT wear themselves out doing it all single handed

For the record we complained about traction last year it did no good
That day 3/4 of the attendance was lightnings

12-05-2004, 05:01 PM
If its an IHRA sanctioned track, they have to have insurance of some sort. They may be really relaxed about it... which I know they are relaxed about other "rules", so this may be another area that is overlooked, too. Sixpipes mentioned no ambulance on hand, which is most definitely a violation of the IHRA/NHRA sanctioning bodies.

It's worth a shot to see if we can help work the cleanup around the starting line/water box.

True Blue Aggie
12-05-2004, 05:12 PM
Ron, that's a good point. If no one complains, maybe the track owner doesn't know there's a problem. But there is no way those guys at the starting line didn't know there was an issue with traction late in the day. Doug has a great idea. We don't have to man the mops, but we could certainly have someone at the starting line to help look for problems. Very good idea. :cool:
Trust me, there was plenty of ass chewin coming from me to the Starting Line crew. The guy staging everyone was well aware of the starting line situation, and the excuse I was offered (SBTommy was witness) was that the track conditions were going away by the minute as darkness fell, the radials on the starting line were dragging water up to the starting line, and that their starting line crew were spraying as much VHT as possible to make the track stick.

He even made a point to show me that the cars leaving right before me and Rocks were sticking because of the constant track prep....:Bullshit

In either case, I was pretty ticked off, and I made sure that the Hallsville crew knew it. If they thought I was a a-hole about it, they could get in line with the rest of the people that think I am a a-hole....:d

12-05-2004, 05:17 PM
LOL....the ambulance was between the fuel shack...and the tree with the light in the top of it. It is silver...and resembles an Ice Cream truck. I don't think they have anyone to drive it though. Don't worry...if anybody had of gotten hurt, I was prepared to rush over and help:eek: .

Oklahoma may be too far North for some of the eastern fellows. That would add about 4 hours to their trip.

I really believe we can make the Hallsville thing work. With the turnout we had, I would bet Dennis will have a bit of pull next year. I have talked to the guy that owns the track quite a bit over the past couple years. He will be more than happy to work with us. His heart is in the right place...I bet he didn't even realize we where having issues.....

12-05-2004, 05:18 PM
I'm getting the feeling some of you didn't have as much fun as I did. True I was very pissed that I spun my arse off in the left lane but dang, I had a blast and I refuse to let that hang a black cloud over the whole thing. Bottom Line it was fun and the track prep was ok up untill the very end.

12-05-2004, 05:27 PM
Trust me, there was plenty of ass chewin coming from me to the Starting Line crew. The guy staging everyone was well aware of the starting line situation, and the excuse I was offered (SBTommy was witness) was that the track conditions were going away by the minute as darkness fell, the radials on the starting line were dragging water up to the starting line, and that their starting line crew were spraying as much VHT as possible to make the track stick.

He even made a point to show me that the cars leaving right before me and Rocks were sticking because of the constant track prep....:Bullshit

In either case, I was pretty ticked off, and I made sure that the Hallsville crew knew it. If they thought I was a a-hole about it, they could get in line with the rest of the people that think I am a a-hole....:d
I find it a bit insulting that you think you are qualified to be an A-Hole. I have spent alot of time and energy on acheiving the A-Hole status. I mean look at ya.....you can't even say the word Ass Hole...:rolleyes: .

It's so cute when a "nice guy" tries to get all bad ass...LOL.

Seriously though....it is a little irritating to hear that the starting line guy acted as if we where screwed up....that is just rediculous. I think maybe he would have gotten the message if you had shoved the water hose up his ass and turned the water on.

The problem was that they where spraying way too much water in the burn out box. I even saw a pic in the gallery of, Butter Face, holding the hose up in the air like she was watering the lawn. There isn't a dry spot anywhere around her in the pic. Less water would have also allowed us room to drive our front wheels around the box.

True Blue Aggie
12-05-2004, 05:28 PM
I would never think I could be as big of a a-hole as you Rocks...

:bows Rocks

12-05-2004, 05:45 PM
I'm getting the feeling some of you didn't have as much fun as I did. True I was very pissed that I spun my arse off in the left lane but dang, I had a blast and I refuse to let that hang a black cloud over the whole thing. Bottom Line it was fun and the track prep was ok up untill the very end.
Adam, I'm with you. I had a good time, but we need to look for ways to improve the event for next year.

I know the Arkansas guys were not happy with the track prep because I talked with some of them before they left. Folks aren't going to spend the time and effort to make next year's event unless we insure that this year's problems will be addressed. I think it is only fair to provide some feedback to the Hallsville track owner and give him an opportunity to address our complaints before any definite venue changes are made. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the track owner didn't know what was going on at the starting line. :cool:

12-05-2004, 08:54 PM
I'm not sure who all reads this, but here is the Hallsville Raceway forum. http://www.oldwestracing.com
Maybe we can bring up the track prep issue here.

12-06-2004, 02:44 PM
Ron, that's a good point. If no one complains, maybe the track owner doesn't know there's a problem. But there is no way those guys at the starting line didn't know there was an issue with traction late in the day. Doug has a great idea. We don't have to man the mops, but we could certainly have someone at the starting line to help look for problems. Very good idea. :cool:

There was also the issue of the wreck causing the last 3 rounds to be run in less than 25 minutes allowing for very little track prep time or time to point out problems (or for all of us to get together and figure out the left lane problem). The event should have been started before 2pm given the number of trucks we had entered (17 in the second round) and the fact they were allowing non-L's to run in between rounds (to allow more track prep before each L-round). Just helpfull suggestions for next time.