View Full Version : Legal help

12-07-2004, 11:03 PM
O.k. guy's get ready for a novel!

I live down here in the sticks and am having an issue with a road buy my house. I live outside city limits were the county has to take care of our roads. Well the issue is my road. We own about 15 acres on the corner of an intersecting FM rd and Hwy.( Imagine a triangle and one of the sides being the Fm rd and the other the Hwy, everything else is ours) The problem is that a long time ago someone decided to make a short cut from the FM rd to the Hwy which comes right through our property.(this road is the other side of the triangle!) We own the land on each side of this road and the only easements are to our house and our building from which we run our buisiness. A few years back the county was issuing 911 adresses and gave this road a county road number. They paved it and everything was good. Well now the road has gone to **** and we can barely drive down it. The county seems to just overlook it, and they use it just as much as anybody so they know it needs fixed. We constantly have 18 wheelers flying down it and tearing it up.

Now to the questions.
Do I have legal right to close the road since I have land on both sides of it?
If I start maintaining it through my private funds, can I close it?

I need something legal to throw at the county road commishener so he will get off his ass and do something about it!

Sorry for the novel, this has been bugging me for a while now!

12-08-2004, 01:10 AM

You need to take a CLOSE look at your easements/contracts and see what legal "legs" you have to stand on.

I'm thinking that you have no legal recourse against THE MAN, since alot of zoning/planning is based upon "manifest destiny" and Lebensraum (room to grow in).

It sucks - I know...just my $.02. My parents home-place has a county dirt road running on the edge of it. Trust me! County commissioners only listen to the constituents with $$.

Good meeting you at Hallsville!


12-08-2004, 01:18 AM
I think this has something to do with Eminent Domain http://www.barsalou.com/eminent_domain.htm

Did you ever recieve compensation for this land?

12-08-2004, 07:40 PM
You need to take a CLOSE look at your easements/contracts and see what legal "legs" you have to stand on. Agreed. You need to look at your Deed of Trust for any easements held by the county or "Others".
Contact a Real Estate Lawyer.