View Full Version : The greatness of the "Listeater"

True Blue Aggie
12-10-2004, 12:07 AM
Not sure of anyone who keeps up with A&M and the current events at the school, but what you are about to read is the funniest sh!t I have ever heard of at A&M.
This morning, students were camped outside of the Kyle Field ticket windows, waiting to buy Cotton Bowl tickets. Most of these kids had camped out since Mon.-Tues. to get some of the 2,000 tickets sold to students. There was (and always has been) a list that is at each window, that you sign to confirm your place in line and you have to be present at all times to stay on this list (hence the campout).Well, at 6:00am (two hours before ticket windows open) this fatass girl http://beatthehell.net/images/listeater.JPG
walks up to one of the windows. At 8:00am (the time the ticket windows open) she proclaims that she waited in line for two hours and was not moving. People start to get pretty mad and threatening, so she eats the list. She literaly EATS this list. Says she is right with God, and EATS this list. The best part is that the dumbass behind the ticket counter ends up selling her tickets to the game, as the first person in line.
Needless to say, there are pages and pages of funny stories from the LISTEATER episode, and song lyrics, and yells (football game yells), t-shirts, video, pictures (see pic above)...etc.

If you are interested, there are pages of posts regarding LISTEATER on the website provided below.....but the best line so far is this statement that is a play on words for a statement about A&M....

"From the outside looking in, you can't understand
From the inside looking out, you can't explain.
From the back of the line, YOU CAN'T EAT THE LIST!"


True Blue Aggie
12-10-2004, 12:10 AM
Ms. 2005 Cotton Bowl Student Ticket Listeater

Bud Light presents real American heroes
(real American heroes)
Today we salute you, Ms. 2005 Cotton Bowl Student Ticket Listeater
(Ms. 2005 Cotton Bowl Student Ticket Listeater)
you stand your ground against the angry masses to get your tickets, because deep down you know you are right
(right with god...oh yeah...right with god)
carefully you stuffed that list in your mouth as if it was coated with chocolate frosting
(you could have had a donut)
As others looked on in sheer horror and amazement, you swallowed hard and ruined nights of dedication
(all girls should swallow)
And even though you a carry a few extra pounds, you tossed those concerns aside and devoured that slice of paper fiber goodness
(bring on Kobayashi)
so crack open an ice cold Bud Light Ms. 2005 Cotton Bowl Student Ticket Listeater, because thanks to you ticket window eight will now forever be remembered as ticket window "ate"
(Ms. 2005 Cotton Bowl Student Ticket Listeater)

12-10-2004, 12:50 AM
I must need an anger management class, because I would have beat that woman unconscious if I'd been camping out there for two days.

BTW, did this actually happen, or is this yet another goofy A&M thing that I don't understand?

True Blue Aggie
12-10-2004, 07:32 AM
This actually happened. Yesterday morning or Wednesday morning. This is not a goofy A&M thing at all. Hell, the whole incident was on the 10 o'clock news in College Station, with Coach Fran making the statement that people should eat the donuts (he brought donuts for the students waiting for tickets) and not eat lists.....

12-10-2004, 07:21 PM
i would have rolled her ass down a hill. list eating bitch.

Aggie Mom
12-10-2004, 07:23 PM
So..... did she swallow? :cool:

12-10-2004, 07:39 PM
So..... did she swallow? :cool:
Yep. All Aggie chicks do. :D

12-10-2004, 09:32 PM
I would have just beaten that focking fat hog with the half eaten cruller I was holding. Are you sure she didn't eat some of the people in line too?

Mental note...throw out the rest of that ham...


True Blue Aggie
12-11-2004, 10:37 AM

There is actual video of the event at this website. The 2nd link works, and the video is 11 min. long, but WELL worth it.....

Beat the Hell outta LISTEATER! WHOOP! :rll: :rll:

Edit.....Here is additional commentary on this event at Fark.com

12-11-2004, 10:40 AM
Have fun at the game kid.