View Full Version : Red02 & Wesman (Rx7 beatdown)

08-20-2002, 11:54 AM
I was on my way to the house on Saturday evening and decided to take Cooper St. up to Park Row. As I'm merging onto northbound Cooper I spot a wicked red L with enormous chrome 20's. Who else in the Arlington vicinity could it be? Had to be Wesman.

I noticed a red 3rd Gen RX7 buzzing around him like a fly on poop. Even though Wes and I had never met, it was our duty to collectively layeth the smacketh down on the poor souls in the Mazda. After much back-n-forth and a few waves between us, we finally encounter a red light at Cooper and Arkansas. Three-wide and the race is on. Light turns green and the L's are outta the hole with force. The Rx7 is falling back quickly, weezing as it goes. We shut it down about 2 truck lengths ahead of the Mazda. As the expensive rice pulled alongside, both dudes were shaking their heads in awe. :) Torque.

The fun continued another few miles up the road until I turned off onto Division. Wesman made the U-turn, along with the RX7, and I called it a night. Wes probably pounded them silly all the way back down.

It's awesome to meet another L owner who, while driving, realizes how fun these trucks can back.

08-20-2002, 02:45 PM
lol..good to meet you man. I made the U-turn...they turned behind you but seemed to stay behind a bit.....I would have given them a little more :)

Next time I see you around we should stop and chat for a few. I think i read about you on F150online....something about beating up on a somewhat stock Silver L.....I'm sure he thought it was me.....you seemed to have hurt his feelings.


08-21-2002, 04:56 PM
LOL. I read about that guy in the red L on F150online. I thought it might've been you that pounded that silver truck!

Now that I live in Arlington full-time we'll have to hook up and cook some rice.