View Full Version : Clogged windshield washer sprayers
01-14-2005, 08:05 PM
It's been so long since I've used my windshield washer that the resevoir fluid smells like something is growing in it, but the bigger problem is one of the sprayers on the hood isn't working and the other one barely works. How do you clean these things? I obviously don't want to poke at the exterior of the nozzle because it will damage it. Do I take them off and soak them in something or am I going to have to get them replaced?
01-14-2005, 08:37 PM
Ive soaked mine in some house hold all purpose cleaner on my civic before. Something like 409 should do the trick.
01-14-2005, 09:16 PM
Hold on there, dude. Before you haul off and try to remove the nozzle(s), and potentially damage the plastic nozzle or worse, damage your hood, just get an old toothbrush (or buy a new one) and clean the wax/crud build up from the nozzle outlet. You can just poke the bristles straight into the nozzle a few times to dislodge the material blocking it/them and operate the sprayers to blast it out. Sometimes simpler is better. Oh, and use the toothbrush on the nozzles whenever you wax the truck, which should be fairly often. That will keep that from happenning. That, and operating the washers right before you wash your truck each time.:tu:
Hope that helps.
01-14-2005, 09:46 PM
Ok, I got them off the hood. It was pretty easy, just push the clips in on either side. One of them is clogged solid. I tried letting them sit in 409 (it was already out on the counter top). 30min later I dried it off and it's still clogged solid. I poked a straight pick tool from the bottom and didn't appear to be obstructed. The outlet of the nozzle is perfectly clean, even the little bit I can see inside of it. I even tried a toothbrush (girlfriend's...jk) to clean it out... There's no build up on the outside of it, and even though I don't wax very often , I always stayed away from the washer heads anyway.
My only hope is to try something a little stronger...I'm thinking CLR but I'm worried about the reaction with the plastic.
01-14-2005, 10:18 PM
Maybe you should just go get new ones. They can't be that much. Besides, they're sure to work then.:D
01-14-2005, 10:31 PM
Maybe you should just go get new ones. They can't be that much. Besides, they're sure to work then.:D
You are probably right about getting new ones...I probably need to cut my losses on trying to get this one unclogged. I'll end up spending more in time than just picking up a new set.
For prevention, I probably just need to use them a little more, I've only filled the resevoir once in the 3 years I've had the truck. I try and keep rain-x on the window and not to use my wipers if I can help it.
01-15-2005, 10:59 AM
I give up! I let the soak all night in pure CLR and didn't help any. I think they are about $10 each at the dealer, so off to buy some new ones.
01-15-2005, 12:31 PM
Yeah, us poor slobs that have to use our trucks for daily drivers have to drive in the rain, have to use the wipers quit a bit!!! I have had good luck in keeping the glass from getting too worn by using Barkeeper's Friend on it from time to time. The only problem with that is, you can really damage your paint if you let it get on the paint. You have to mask off the bodywork and keep the water hose ready to rinse that stuff off. It's always something.
That fluid can get pretty yucky over time, too. There can be all kinds of impurities that can grow and ferment in there. That stuff used to wreak havoc in the old GM piston pump type washers like I had in my '71 Chevelle and '70 Impala police car. Junk!!!
01-15-2005, 04:56 PM
At least you have some! When I put my cowl hood on, I didn't want to mount them in the hood and I still need to get around to fabbing something up to mount them on the windshield cowl or something.
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