View Full Version : How to build a professional website?

01-17-2005, 10:27 AM
I know this isnt a simple question and there is probably alot to it. But I would like any and all help I can possibly get.

Im wanting to build my church a better website. They currently already have a domain and website. But it looks like one of those dial up bulletin boards from the early 90s instead of an upto date website. It has alot of information on it like events, prayer requests, etc but its very hard to navigate and seldomly gets updated...

here is an example of a church website that I like alot... this is my mother in laws church and their sites seems alot more up to date and professional... So basically Id like to build something like this....


I have alot of expierence in Corel Draw and a few design programs because I use them to do logos, artwork, etc for my store... but actual website building I have little expierence. But Id like to learn. I have used homestead.com and other simple free website builders where you basically just drag, drop, type text, import pics, etc but nothing very complicated...

does anyone have any knowledge in this field and would be willing to give me a little info and help to get started???


01-17-2005, 07:17 PM
just to start you need to learn some about: Frontpage, cgi, ssi, html,and probably wouldnt hurt to learn java. also depending on the server you are running it on and the actual software you might need to learn a little about the apache config file to get it all to work.

there are plenty of websites that give tutorials and general info, id start by running a search on google.

or you could pay doug to do it :tu: