View Full Version : Here's why there's no $$ in painting rear tails

01-18-2005, 04:49 PM

Granted, I think they look a little strange, but I don't see how they can sell that for $50 + shipping. It must be a cheap process they use. The cost of the paint alone for the ones I've done is $30.

01-18-2005, 04:58 PM
those are some cheap knock offs... they arent real lightning taillights though....

01-18-2005, 05:00 PM
Plus instead of being painted, it looks like the surface is just a dark reflective plastic. http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/bash.gif

01-18-2005, 05:25 PM
Yeah, I agree that they don't look that good. But when I have $30 in materials and 3.5+ hours in labor to do them right... and someone can buy something that, at least on paper, looks kind of like the same thing for dirt cheap....

01-18-2005, 05:30 PM
Yea but it doesn't have the WES pedigree. :bows

01-18-2005, 05:32 PM
Yea but it doesn't have the WES pedigree. :bows

:d Thanks for the kudos, Adam.

01-18-2005, 05:36 PM
I'm buttering you up so you that you might do mine too. :beer:

If your still interested in doing some PM me a price. No hurry because I hardly ever drive my truck anyways.

01-18-2005, 06:21 PM
You missed the part about the $25 domestic shipping. :rll:

Tex Arcana
01-19-2005, 06:01 PM
Damn, Wes, talk about cuttin' you off at the knees...:(

Speaking of, how are your tails doing? Still getting fog in 'em?

01-19-2005, 06:33 PM
The right one gets a bit of condensation when I wash it in direct sunlight (lens is obviously really hot). It is easy to dry it out, though. I just think I didn't use enough adhesive on that one as I did on my left one and both of yours. Live and learn.

But if I wash it with the lense out of direct sun, it doesn't have any fogging at all. The paint inside is holding up extremely well, and I think it sets the truck off. For my tastes, it looks 1000x better than the chrome/mirror look.

I hope you are still pleased with yours. :)

Adam, shoot me a PM.

01-19-2005, 08:10 PM

They are black gun-metal. The surface behind the clear lense is a black chrome basicly. Reflective like chrome but black. Friends shop has them.

01-19-2005, 10:54 PM
PM sent.

Tex Arcana
01-20-2005, 02:02 PM
The right one gets a bit of condensation when I wash it in direct sunlight (lens is obviously really hot). It is easy to dry it out, though. I just think I didn't use enough adhesive on that one as I did on my left one and both of yours. Live and learn.

But if I wash it with the lense out of direct sun, it doesn't have any fogging at all. The paint inside is holding up extremely well, and I think it sets the truck off. For my tastes, it looks 1000x better than the chrome/mirror look.

I hope you are still pleased with yours. :)

Adam, shoot me a PM.

Wes, I love 'em. I get lots of compliments; one day, when I had it parked out in front of the store, I had more people stopping and gawking over it, than were remotely interested in the store!! :eek2: :(

I get fogging, but it's wierd, it switches back and forth based on how cold a day it is, and which tail is in the sun. http://viral-humanity.info/gallery/albums/smilies/confused2.gif
The colder it is, or at night, they both will fog some.

Beyond that, I am dead happy with them. They look fantastic. :tu::beer:

01-20-2005, 04:18 PM
Here's what I recommend...do not wash the truck with the tails in the sun. My truck sits in the sun obviously. After all I drive it. ;) But, I have only gotten some minor fogging when I have washed the thing with the tails in the sun.

Once they fog up it can take some time to get the condensation out.

01-20-2005, 05:22 PM
Here's what I recommend...do not wash the truck with the tails in the sun. My truck sits in the sun obviously. After all I drive it. ;) But, I have only gotten some minor fogging when I have washed the thing with the tails in the sun.

Once they fog up it can take some time to get the condensation out.

Wes... did you check out that small circular piece of tape I mentioned to you while I was at your house?

Mine did the same thing. I noticed the tape is in the same place in both lenses and the one leaking appeared to have crystallized (the glue) and had pulled away letting moisture in. I pulled it off... cleaned the spot where the glue was... and then put another piece of tape on it. No more moisture... I normally was it at the house but used high pressure wash a couple of times for convenience sake over the winter. Still nothing.

I don't remember what kind of tape I used... it wasn't standard stuff.

Okay... off topic... when are we swapping out for the whipple? Did you order it yet? My tools are ready and so am I!!!

01-20-2005, 05:48 PM

I checked the little circular piece of adhesive and they both seem fine on both lenses. So I don't think that is the problem. ???

I am not sure I'm going to pull the trigger on the Whipple. I'm not going to push the stock motor past 13+psi, and I'm not 100% sold on the fact the Whipple will make _that_ much of a difference at the same boost (with no other mods).

Obviously once you start doing exhaust mods, etc and you have to pulley up the stock blower (or ported stock blower, or whatever) to get you back to your original boost level...the more air the blower can flow is very important. You keep overspinning a stocker and it makes too much heat, causes reliability problems, etc.

But I have no intention of modding this truck a lot, and so I'm not sure if I can really take advantage of what the Whipple (or KB, for that matter) can offer.

Tex Arcana
02-01-2005, 05:42 PM
Here's what I recommend...do not wash the truck with the tails in the sun. My truck sits in the sun obviously. After all I drive it. ;) But, I have only gotten some minor fogging when I have washed the thing with the tails in the sun.

Once they fog up it can take some time to get the condensation out.

Latest update: left tail seems to stay fogged, no matter what. Since the move, the truck's set outside, and the I'm sure weather isn't helping.

I'm thinking of pulling the tail when things warm up a bit, pulling the tape, blowing some canned air (which tends to be dry and might help displace some of the moisture), then setting it in a warm, dry oven for a few hours (no more than 125deg), which *should* help dry out the air considerably, and hopefully the tail as well. Any thoughts on that?

02-01-2005, 06:36 PM
There just may be no way around the fogging if the thing is subjected to lots of water.

But I have driven my truck in rain this winter and have not had any issues.

The last time mine fogged a bit, I took them off and just took a hairdryer and blew it into the open holes where the lights go... didn't remove the tape/breather. It was enough to dry them out completely.

Tex Arcana
02-02-2005, 02:19 PM
There just may be no way around the fogging if the thing is subjected to lots of water.

But I have driven my truck in rain this winter and have not had any issues.

The last time mine fogged a bit, I took them off and just took a hairdryer and blew it into the open holes where the lights go... didn't remove the tape/breather. It was enough to dry them out completely.
Yah, that sounds like a good idea as well. I think the canned air idea might work, too, since it's made to displace moisture. IIRC, the vent hole access the space between the lenses and the clear cover, but that the lens spaces and the cover space are separate? I need to go look at it. :rolleyes: