View Full Version : Arlington beer and wine sales vote on Feb 5th

01-31-2005, 12:06 AM
Not sure if everyone saw it but there was a insert in our water bill about the upcoming vote for sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption.

I'm going to vote for it, hopefull everyone else does as well. Down in my neck of the woods we aren't able to but beer/wine, hopefully this will change that.

The date to vote is Sat Feb 5th and you can early vote until Feb 1st.


Bob Duncan Community Center
2800 S. Center St

Kooken Education Center
1100 S.W . Green Oaks Blvd.

Sherrod Education Center
423 N. Center St

Turning Point High School
5618 W. Arkansas Lane


01-31-2005, 12:17 AM
I am normally for the freedom to purchase. Arlington is a large city and will probably be okay. Duncanville recently passed beer and wine and we are the worse for it I believe. The stores shifted normal goods like fruit juice and bread to carry more beer. Most of the gas stations have closed in their car wash bays converting them to walk in coolers.

01-31-2005, 02:06 PM
Up in Allen, our Albertson's now carries Beer and wine. I can't even remember what used to be in that area.

I haven't noticed a difference as far as the rest of the neighborhood though.