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08-27-2002, 12:07 AM
I couldn't resist the urge anymore!! Like most women in there late 20's have the burning need to have a child. Well I have the burning need to build a 200+mph street car. Here is a peek at the platform vehicle. My L is great and does more than expected but 150 gets boring after a while you know ;) What better combination is there that Corvettes and Lightnings? I feel like I am sleeping between those Coors Light Twins:D:banana: I know I need some serious help:d I have often said it would be a lot cheaper to be addicted to crack instead of speed:rolleyes:
Zero interest ends Sept. 3rd get yours today!

08-27-2002, 01:05 AM
nice car ,put a full pic of it
will you selling your L:nono: ?

08-27-2002, 07:51 AM
I am going to keep both for a while so I can kick Cobra butt at On Track:banana: Then I will probably strip down the L and trade it on an 03:tu: I have a feeling my truck won't run another 10K miles:nono: I just turned 20K miles.

08-27-2002, 09:11 AM
Now see, I KNOW I couldn't slip THAT past the wife... Sigh...

08-27-2002, 10:09 AM
When did your dad get a Z0? :D

Damn. You never hinted around about it! I'll be by later this week to uh, settle up with you (and get a ride). Very nice!:tu:

08-27-2002, 07:08 PM
Damn..... a Z06 I presume:tu:

Are all those mods going back on the 03?

If not I'd be interested in any thing that fit a lowly 99 :twitch:

08-30-2002, 09:54 AM
I got a new toy this week too. :tu:
Hey Apex, when I start modding you going to help on this one too? :d
No it's NOT green! Look:

08-30-2002, 10:38 AM
69 was a good year.... :)

Here's my kitty cat.


Lil Nicky88
08-30-2002, 05:34 PM
Hey BlkLightning - why don't you take that up to Sammy's BBQ on Thursday nights. It's at Dalrock and 66. There is a hotrod show there every week. I have a couple of buddies that are always out there.

08-30-2002, 06:05 PM
I live behind the church (the big one) right there. I work until 8 though, don't get home until 8:45-9pm and they are usually thinned out by then.

08-30-2002, 06:28 PM
hehe ..... keep 'em guessing Terry ...... :confused:

NO One will know about the Lingenfelter twin in there. And you know me, I won't tell :nono:


08-31-2002, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Logan
69 was a good year.... :)

Here's my kitty cat.


Heehee...that's the cat's meow, buddy! I feel left out, everyone else has two toys...I need to get me another toy!

Congrats on the new ride, Terry!


09-10-2002, 09:48 AM
She doesn't like the daylight much but I did get a pic in of the PR fighter squadron.:tu: Notice how I got silver metallic tint on the L and black metallic tint on the C5.:cool:

09-10-2002, 11:46 AM
Black vettes are just plain cool.

Hell on Wheels
10-02-2002, 09:22 AM
Why are you worried that your truck will not make it to 30k miles. is it normal for a lightning to not make it that many miles.

10-02-2002, 02:27 PM
Does anyone have nay useful input for the new guy here on why my truck may not make 30K?:d

Hell on Wheels
10-02-2002, 02:52 PM
I am ina wheelchair and just bought a "01 silver lightning. with 17000 miles. Suppolibly the older guy who owned it was gentle. Which i know it is a lightning and who can be completely gentle on a lightning. Since the chair, i am limited to only driving this vehicle, so i am worried that it is going to fry and i am screwed, even though i have 100,000 mile warranty. So that is why i am concerned.:burnout: :burnout:

10-02-2002, 02:58 PM
L's are not the most reliable vehicle but they may be the most fun:) If I was just looking for reliable I would get a Honda something or Toyota Tundra truck. L's occasionally spit a plug out of the head or blitz a tranny but they are worth it to us. Moonshine has almost 60K on his wagon:eeek2: Only problems were a launched plug at 54K and I don't know of what else. Choose the mods wisely and keep AAA's # handy:tu:

Hell on Wheels
10-02-2002, 03:08 PM
I love my toys. I have installed stereos since i can remember despite the chair. I jsut got tired of noice and want speed. With a truck, my lift works much better then throughing the chair in the passengar seat. So some what it is a toy, and hey got to have something to pic up chics with. :twitch:

10-02-2002, 04:26 PM
I have 47 k on mine and it hasnt seen light duty...
Its running fine

10-02-2002, 04:35 PM
I'll lose my "Post Hore" status if I admit the mileage on mine.

Hell On Whels, do you have all the maintenance receipts from the previous owner?
Approaching 20k, there might be one or two preventive maintenance things you could start thinking about. IMHO

Just a thought ...:D

Hell on Wheels
10-02-2002, 04:37 PM
I do not have the receipts. What would you recommend for maintenance.

Hell on Wheels
10-02-2002, 04:39 PM
Sorry guys don't want to sound stupid. New to the muscle truck world. When it comes to Custom Stereos, there is not much of anything i have not tried, but engine performance i am new to the game. Thanks alot guys.

10-02-2002, 05:43 PM
First, get the oil and filter changed. This should be done every 3000 miles and since you don't really know when the last one was .........

Second, have the fuel filter changed. Concensus here is every 10k miles.

Hope this helps ...

10-02-2002, 06:45 PM
57000 miles on my 99 when I traded it in... Ran great with no major problems except a worn out rear diff...

10-02-2002, 07:03 PM
Hell on wheels,
Let me explain why L8 Apex stated "L's are not the most reliable vehicle".
Terry hammers his truck:hammer: , tosted his tranny twice?:throw: and drives the wheels right off the thing:burnout: just like they're designed to do:p

I just hit 47K on mine with no major issues. These trucks are easily the best bang for the buck of any vehicle out there IMO:tu:

10-02-2002, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by 99WhiteBeast
...... These trucks are easily the best bang for the buck of any vehicle out there IMO:tu:
Agreed, :banana:
but he should start a maintenance schedule now. Only so he has current data. IMHO

10-02-2002, 09:35 PM
Almost to 11k miles on mine and no "major" problems, and mine is a lemon. :hammer:
Drivetrain has been bullet proof, it's everything else that's falling apart.

10-02-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by BlkLightning
........ Drivetrain has been bullet proof, it's everything else that's falling apart.
Well, I'm listening. Can you elaborate on problems?:confused:

10-02-2002, 10:59 PM
Ok, you asked for it. :flaming: These are in mostly the right order, and the mileage is as best I can remember it (for most).

1. 9 miles. Dash lights short out. Ford has to order an entire gauge cluster from SVT, 5 days in the shop under warranty.

2. 50 miles. Discover passenger side grab handle leaks water intermitantly. Even during heavy rain sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes during the lightest drizzle it does. Haven't even bothered reporting this one, they'd never fix it.

3. 1,600 miles. Muffler falls off the truck. Dealership repairs under warranty.

4. 4,500 miles. Take the truck in for it's first mods, discover the transmission dust cover is mounted with only 1 bolt and is pushed up into the transmission, leaving it open to the elements. Luckily it isn't hitting anything internally. Also discover rear axle housing is leaking somewhere. Don't bother reporting either one.

5. 6,000 miles. Muffler is trying to fall off truck again, give up on that and take it back to Terry to get custom stuff put on. Discover Ford tightened the clamps so much during the "repair" that the pipe and muffler entrances are cinched into ovals, and have been leaking exhaust the whole time since the "repair".

6. 6,500 miles. Light switch knob comes off the switch, retaining clip is gone or something. Have to turn fog lights on by hand. On the list of things to take it in for.

7. 6,750 miles. Tachometer physically sticks at 4k RPM, have to bang the dash to un-stick it. On the list of things to take it in for.

8. 7,250 miles. Driver side rear speaker is buzzing and rattling. On the list.

9. 8,500 miles. The notorious "clunk" rears it's ugly head. Not going to even bother mentioning it to Ford, will fix it aftermarket eventually.

That's it for now. I've driven it almost 5k miles with the last 3 issues because I don't want to get stuck in another crappy Focus loaner or have to take off all the mods. Absolutely disgusted with the "build quality", or rather the complete lack thereof.

Put 40,000 miles on a Z28 without any issues (until the tranny gave with 70,000 miles on the odo). Put 30,000 miles on a WS6 with no issues at all. Both of these cars are supposed to suffer from build quality issues. :rolleyes:

In all honesty I love the truck, and it does one thing well (go fast). But as soon as an alternative comes along (that slowpoke Silverado SS is looking better by the day) I'm going to jump out of this heap so fast Fords head will spin. And to think, I traded an 02 Corvette for this junker. :crying:

Hey Terry, you have any interest in modding up a Silverado SS?

10-03-2002, 12:15 AM
Hey Jeremy I was about to issue an APB for you. Glad to see all is well. My favorite is the sticking tackometer. Nothing like a good reason to beat on the dash:tu: I leave the vette in the garage and race the L it is much more fun to drive. The vette is a PITA to get in and out of.

10-03-2002, 10:22 AM
LOL Terry. I'm still here, just keeping out of the radar for awhile since I bought the new car. Trying to sell some other toys, if I can manage to do that soon I'll come buy an Accufab from you.

Any ideas on taking it in for warranty work for the above mentioned stuff? Nothing that my mods would have any impact on... but some dealerships are picky. Thoughts?

10-03-2002, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by BlkLightning
Ok, you asked for it. :flaming: .....
Holy Smokes Batman. :eek2:

10-04-2002, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by blueoval01
Holy Smokes Batman. :eek2:
Hehe, everyone tells me my truck is the friday truck. Nobody else has all these problems. Ahh well, that's half the fun I think.

Debating my options... might end up just keeping the truck out of spite. Eyeballing 350z, GTO, Silverado SS as alternatives. I hear the 2005 Lightning is supposed to be 500 hp in response to the Dodge truck... might have to wait to see that with my own eyes. :tu: