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02-13-2005, 06:44 PM
Hey Rocks can ya help a brotha out??

Connected to the side of my AC/Heater is a module with the following lights.

Zone 1, 2, 3

The purge light is flashing yellow. What in the hell does that mean?



02-13-2005, 08:05 PM
Hey Rocks can ya help a brotha out??

Connected to the side of my AC/Heater is a module with the following lights.

Zone 1, 2, 3

The purge light is flashing yellow. What in the hell does that mean?



Just a guess but in my systemn there is a little rubber hose that gets plugged - its designed to make sure the exhaust is working - I unplug the hose - blow thru it and reconnect it

Works every time - BUT my system doesnt have the same lights as yours ...

02-13-2005, 08:52 PM
What is the brand name on the module?

02-13-2005, 08:59 PM
Never Mind didn't read the first post! I see its a zoning system! Ya let use know what model it is and we can help you out!:tu:

02-13-2005, 09:07 PM
Fellers...it isn't his furnace, but thanks for playing:D . He has a zone system. Sounds like the trol-a-temp line(Honeywell-Environcare), but I need to be sure.

Hey John, Howard will be watching the thread. Let us know what the brand is.


02-14-2005, 12:50 PM
Fellers...it isn't his furnace, but thanks for playing:D . He has a zone system. Sounds like the trol-a-temp line(Honeywell-Environcare), but I need to be sure.

Hey John, Howard will be watching the thread. Let us know what the brand is.



You were right. Trol-a-temp by Honeywell.


02-14-2005, 12:56 PM
That system has a "purge" cycle that it will go through if you have a call for heat that is immediatly followed by a call for cooling. Basicly it is to help protect the equipment from a short cycle and from temp extremes at the coil inside.

The yellow light may have just been letting you know that it was in the "purge" cycle at that moment.

Has the light gone off?


02-14-2005, 01:39 PM
I was changing the filter yesterday and saw that it was on. We had the system off over the weekend when the temps were pretty good. As of last night, about 8:00pm it was still flashing.

02-14-2005, 07:25 PM

You were right. Trol-a-temp by Honeywell.


Back when I was single, I would troll for temps at work too.. :evil

02-14-2005, 09:12 PM
Back when I was single, I would troll for temps at work too.. :evil


02-15-2005, 04:30 AM
According to Honeywell. The contunious flashing of the "Purge" light means.

Failier of the Discharge Air Temperature Sensor. it is possible that a connection is loose. If not , Sensor replacement is needed.

02-15-2005, 04:10 PM
As of this morning the purge light is still flashing.

What dose the discharge sensor do (besides the obvious) and is it required for operation of heat/cool functions?

02-15-2005, 04:42 PM
As of this morning the purge light is still flashing.

What dose the discharge sensor do (besides the obvious) and is it required for operation of heat/cool functions?

For normal operation, it isn't necessary. But, is recommended. Could help extend the life of your heat exchanger and your commpressor. In cooler climates while running the heat, the Discharge Air Temperature Sensor can act as a "safty" and sense a higher than normal discharge temperature and shut off the gas burners. Saving your heat exchanger excessive ware and tare, also pre-mature failer. In turn, doing the samething for your compressor while running the A/C.

02-15-2005, 06:47 PM
Is it normal for those to go out after only a couple of years and how many of these $$$ to replace?

02-15-2005, 08:07 PM
John, I"m going to go out on a limb here and predict a couple of things about your system. Please correct me where I"m wrong.

1. Assuming from the Zone Control Board that was installed in you home, there's a good chance that you don't even have a temparture senser installed. And, the "Purge" light has been flashing from the get go. And you just now noticed it.

2. Frymire was the installing company.

3. You have a two story home, two t-stat and, one heat-A/C system.


Air Conditioning Companys whoes primary income is within New Construction, get their work by being the "lowest" bid. One of the ways such companys gain profit is within purchasing material for the job. We do know that all companys, for the most part, work this way yes. But, there's some points of differents with HVAC new construction i'll attempt to point out. Lets take your Zone Control Board, this board is widely used in the New Construction market for various reasons, mostly for "cutting corners" or "increased profit". This board allows the system to be operated with out a bypass damper and a discharge temperture senser. Now, there's nothing illegal nor any installation code broken with this type of install. Nevertheless, it's not ideal and, most likely causing pre-mature system failure. Advances in technology have eliminated the need for by-pass dampering with Variable speed furnances.(most likely yours isnt variable speed) But, the need for a discharge temperture senser still stands. We, being a retofit company, wouldn't think about installing such a Zone Control as this for the reason of protecting our customer's investment. So, if most likely you dont even have a senser installed, I would highly suggest installing one. If there is one installed, I recommend repair or replacement of it. Doing this will help get a few more years out of your system.

Sorry for being so winded, hope this helps you. As for the price of repair, replacement or installation of it I'll be glad to talk with you over the phone.

02-16-2005, 09:02 AM
1. It's possible. It could have been flashing and I didn't see it.

2. I don't know who installed it. Centex was the builder.

3. Yep...2 stats, one unit. 2 story.

Shoot me a PM and we can exchange phone #'s. The last thing I need or want is to replace an AC/heating system.