View Full Version : Electrical Gremlins

02-22-2005, 05:50 PM

Hoping you can help shed some light on something for me. I’ll try to keep this as short as possible. Is there any way that a chip can cause an electrical short on the transmission relays? I don’t think so but want a professional opinion.

I had the passenger side head replaced after launching a plug a few months back, and when I got the L back my driving lights didn’t work so I took it right back in. They said a relay had blown and fixed it under warranty, then a couple of weeks later I re-installed the mods (chip, filter, 2# pulley, throttle body) and within 50 miles trouble hit me. It wouldn’t shift into 1st to start off and then when it shifted from 2nd to drive it pounded the shift point hard, then it got worse. It wouldn’t even make enough power to drive it onto the flatbed wrecker. Took it back and they chased the problem down to my “aftermarket relay” on my E-fan. I told them the fan had been there for 2 years without a problem, but they fixed it under warranty again (replaced relay). Then after getting it back again I put the mods back on, and after a very short time of driving all the problems came back. Today it wouldn’t even make enough power to drive up my driveway, so it’s back in the shop again.

My thoughts are they messed up something doing the head work and now are just throwing darts at a wall replacing relays :flaming: :bs

Any help you could offer would be appreciated!!


02-22-2005, 11:15 PM
I would put silicone over the PCM contacts so they don't void the warranty. Sounds like either a bad solenoid pack in the trans or they pinched or melted the harness running behind the passenger head to the trans. The only thing I have ever seen a chip do is not start at all when loose or defective.

02-23-2005, 08:00 AM
That sounds just like the symptoms of the tranny going into safe mode, which will make it start up in second (lack of power) and raise the line pressure to the max (banging second gear). It might also skip 3rd gear and go directly into overdrive from second. Like Terry said, check the harness going to the tranny solenoid pack or make sure it's plugged in all the way.

02-23-2005, 09:36 AM

Thanks for the information. Just spoke with the shop and they are thinking its the circuit pack in the tranny too. Hopefully they can kill the gremlins.:throw:
