View Full Version : what would you do?

02-24-2005, 10:56 PM
What would you do if this happened and you were one of the bystanders?


02-24-2005, 11:39 PM
The guy provoked the incident. You don't get in an argument with a big black lady when her man is behind her. Some racial diversity training would teach you talking shat to a black man's woman in front of him is going to escalate badly. Diversity training tells you how certain folks respond to given circumstances simply put. Some people have no common sense or balls. Sounds like justice was served with a 4yr sentence. Everyone needs an occassional arse whoopin to keep them in line:tu: .
Fred Durst said it best "Your mouth wrote a check your arse can't cash".:hammer:

02-24-2005, 11:59 PM
Terry...sounds like you have some experience, or at least an education in responding to something like this. ;) Like you, I'd have just kept my mouth shut.

Seriously, here in Texas where CHL are prevalent, if I'm standing there and someone sucker punches a family member and continues to wail on them to the point where their life appears threatened... he just got a big hole in his belly. I will take my chances in front of a conservative jury in Collin County.

I agree that if the guy on the phone had just kept his trap shut, it wouldn't have escalated. It goes back to the old saying that many of our momma's taught us..."if you can't say something nice, don't say it." Plus, everyone is in such a rush today. Granted, the lady was cutting in line. She was being disrespectful to all the customers and then spits in the face of the owner. But you're right... if the guy just ignores her and exhibits some patience, nothing happens (probably... I don't know. Maybe big, fat boy comes after the shop owner?).

02-25-2005, 08:30 AM
See, your both wrong. http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/statiictongue.gif That fat beyatch would have just kept on - he was on the phone, and she kept getting right in his face screaming, that didnt work, so she pushed her finger into his face. She wasnt gonna stop precisely because she had the fat dude in her corner. Almost the exact same thing happened on the DART light rail when I left the Dallas Auto Show last year.

Crowded train, because a Mavericks game had just ended, and this fat beyatch and her boyfriend got on the train. A man was standing in the center with his father and his young son. The human supertanker turned to say something to her boyfriend, and her huge ass nearly knocked the boy down! The boy's father asked the lady to watch out, and she started tearing into him, "cracker this, cracker that", finger in his face, etc. Her BF was there to back her up. Then a food vendor that was working the game actually sided with the beyatch and started in too. A few other people standing nearby were trying to calm the situation, but got dragged in as well. It all ended well though - the idiot boyfriend and then the food vendor said "Ya'll just lucky we don't blow this whole train up!" I knew it was over then! 8 DART officers were waiting at the next stop. When the doors opened, everyone in the car screamed "They said they are going to blow up the train!!" and they were promptly hauled off. http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/devil.gif

Moral of the story kids is don't ride the light rail to the Auto Show this year. http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif


02-25-2005, 09:44 AM
Seems like we all have to be UFC fighters just to function in todays society. :Bullshit

02-25-2005, 06:30 PM
So essentially what you guys are saying (points at Wes and Terry) is that if someone gets in all in your face yelling at you and pushing your face with their finger you'll show restraint and let them continue? You wont even tell them to please leave you alone? :confused:


Sounds like in your situation the fact that other people atleast spoke up might have kept something like this happening.

02-25-2005, 07:56 PM
Not sure why but I rarely ( NEVER ) find myself in those kinds of situations ...

Maybe no one wants to mess with the big ugly white guy.... :eek2:


02-25-2005, 08:47 PM
So essentially what you guys are saying (points at Wes and Terry) is that if someone gets in all in your face yelling at you and pushing your face with their finger you'll show restraint and let them continue? You wont even tell them to please leave you alone? :confused:


Sounds like in your situation the fact that other people atleast spoke up might have kept something like this happening.

From the video I saw, the guy on the phone was just commenting about this wacko lady to whoever he was talking to. I didn't see her ever address him, or him actually address her. But maybe I didn't read the fine print to well? The only person I saw her point her finger at and spit on was the guy behind the counter. That's not the guy who got whipped into tomorrow.

Edit... ok, my bad. I didn't see the entire clip that was hosted on the website you posted. I saw it on another link and it didn't show the entire confrontation. Honestly... I would not waste my time or breath giving this lady a reason to get in my face. Period. She's not worth me getting all riled up about (and I don't have a problem with high-blood pressure, so that's not the reasoning. :D ). I do not believe the lady was unprovoked, though. Again, it escalated b/c the guy decided to continue to engage her. I can honestly say that I have NEVER had anyone get THAT angry with me before...and I'm 37.

If someone is threatening me or my family, then I already stated what I will do. :)

If someone is just being obnoxious (cutting in line, etc) then I typically just let them do it (not to me personally... just being an obnoxious person in public). I don't find it worthwhile to confront people who do things considered "wrong" (that line is completely blurry in our society today anyway) unless they are putting myself or my family in harm's way. They have their own set of rules, and me speaking to them in a confrontational fashion will not get any kind of decent response. When is the last time any of us were confronted about an improper action and we just stopped, thought for a minute, apologized and everyone had a group hug? It doesn't happen outside of small, tight-knit circles. Instead things just escalate.

02-26-2005, 08:48 AM
Have you noticed how many ignorant people there are? Its not worth it unless they are a direct physical danger to me or my family.

What really appalls me is the total lack of concern for the guy that just got beat down. Everyone is going about their business and don't seem too worried that there is another human being laying down hurt- I'm sure he needed some medical attention after taking some hits from the big boy.

02-26-2005, 10:14 AM
Have you noticed how many ignorant people there are? Its not worth it unless they are a direct physical danger to me or my family.

What really appalls me is the total lack of concern for the guy that just got beat down. Everyone is going about their business and don't seem too worried that there is another human being laying down hurt- I'm sure he needed some medical attention after taking some hits from the big boy.
I agree, but we all know the reason why.. no one wants to get involved. Then when the cops come, you are going to get called into court (on your own time) to testify, etc. It aint right, but it is what it is. :flaming:

02-26-2005, 01:43 PM
Seems like we all have to be UFC fighters just to function in todays society. :Bullshit
All I have to say about that is ......................................... HE GOT KNOCKED DA F@#! OUT knana

02-26-2005, 02:22 PM
All I have to say about that is ......................................... HE GOT KNOCKED DA F@#! OUT knana

Cheap shots tend to do that to a person

02-26-2005, 02:28 PM
I disagree Will, from the looks of it, he was squared up with him pretty good....And after buckin' up to the dudes' ol' lady, I would have to say he knew somethin' was about to go down besides him. :banana:

02-26-2005, 02:31 PM
Just check'd it out again.....That dude has a DEADLY :eek: left upper-cut. :beer:

02-26-2005, 02:35 PM
"What she gotta check out biatch!?!?" An Absolute floor moppin'. Post more Will............... :evil

02-26-2005, 02:52 PM
I disagree Will, from the looks of it, he was squared up with him pretty good....And after buckin' up to the dudes' ol' lady, I would have to say he knew somethin' was about to go down besides him. :banana:

Check it out agian Trai, The guys cell phone rings and he looks down at it for a sec. Thats when the big guy takes his shot. The shots that hurt the most are the ones you never see. Whether the guy "deserved" an ass whoopin or not, once the big guy had him down and out, the rest of the jackasses should have stepped in to break it up.

Growing up with Adam I've played peace maker plenty of times :) Even when the odds were against us.

02-26-2005, 03:16 PM
The guy isn't even looking at big, fat boy when he gets decked the first time...the only shot that really mattered in this "fight".

I'm not saying it would have made a difference. The guy would have had no chance had he really squared off. He's a runt compared to the big guy.

Whatever... one guy is spending 4 years in jail and paying out the @$$ in a lawsuit. He deserves it. He's just a big thug.

jim woods
02-26-2005, 04:18 PM
I find the video to be really sad. What is worst is the punishment is not nearly enough .A 4 year sentence will only be 1 year with early releases,parole,good behavior, etc. Any monetary judgment awarded will Never be paid by the big guy.You think that big guy and his girl has any assets that the victim can sue for?Equity in home, 401k,stocks,bonds, savings account? I think not.You think the big guy is sorry for his actions and learned from it? Don't think so.All the victim can hope for is that the big guy will get what's coming to him in jail.

02-26-2005, 09:39 PM
I find the video to be really sad. What is worst is the punishment is not nearly enough .A 4 year sentence will only be 1 year with early releases,parole,good behavior, etc. Any monetary judgment awarded will Never be paid by the big guy.You think that big guy and his girl has any assets that the victim can sue for?Equity in home, 401k,stocks,bonds, savings account? I think not.You think the big guy is sorry for his actions and learned from it? Don't think so.All the victim can hope for is that the big guy will get what's coming to him in jail.
Their are ALOT of ways to look at it............. First of all, neither one of us where there so who knows what the guy who got his lights turned off said to the nice young lady :) . As you can see , the guy from behind the counter did a complete u-turn. Smart guy I might ad. He kinda knew which way this was going. As for the other guy, he got all in that guys' woman's face. Very disrespectful. The man was simply protecting his turf........... Look at it this way, if he had the balls to jump up in a woman's face while her hubby looks on, he better be able to swing with the best of them because basically thats what hes saying. Thats why its hilarious......... I dont condone violence but if I where put much in the same disrespectful situation, the results would have been about the same. Its up to the dumb ass to be able to fight back. HE GOT WHAT HE ASKED FOR, maybe not what he deserved, but he did ask for it. :banana:

02-26-2005, 10:57 PM
Is there another part of this video I missed? http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/confused.gif

jim woods
02-26-2005, 10:59 PM
Trai, this is a very interesting discussion.Everybody is watching the Same video but there is such a wide interpretation of what is happening in the video.To me it appeared that he did his best to diffuse the situation by not paying attention to her.Only after all her badgering and pushing her finger in his face twice he faced up with her.And even then it look like to me he was trying to diffuse the situation with her and her boyfriend.But everybody will see the video and have their own opinion of what is going on and I can respect that. ;)

Tex Arcana
02-28-2005, 12:47 PM
Not sure why but I rarely ( NEVER ) find myself in those kinds of situations ...

Maybe no one wants to mess with the big ugly white guy.... :eek2:

It's your breath, Doug... :d

Tex Arcana
02-28-2005, 01:03 PM
4 years was not enough for this thug.. his woman should've gotten time, too, for instigating the whole thing. The shop owner should get nailed for not controlling the situation, if not by stepping in and asking her to leave, then by calling the cops when she got loud. And the fat guy should get an addition year for stealing the nailed guy's cellphone (he drags him into the middle of the phone, then bends down and picks it up, and walks out with it).

The fact is, everyone there should've tried to defuse this, especially when the fatass suckerpunched the white guy. But that's where we've gotten to in this society (and pertyy much all others), where we're too gutless to stop something wrong going on.

The white guy didn't deserve to get his light punched out, the owner/proprietor didn't deserve to get spit in the face. The "woman" had no right to do what she was doing, especially when it provoked the rest, which is why I feel she was at least as liable as the fatass in instigating it all in the first place. She deserves jailtime as well.

02-28-2005, 06:59 PM
Here is my take. I don't neccisarily fault the big black guy or the white guy that got punched or the shop owner. I place all of the blame on "the nice young woman" for being a bia bia. The way I look at it, I don't care if your female, if you are cussin me and spit in my face and put your hands on me like that then you are getting laid out. The big guy just came in and saw his woman squared up so naturally he is defending her (probably could have been handled differently than sucker punching the poor guy), the cell phone guy just had enough of someone getting in his face and I feel like he restrained himself as best he could but you never look away when someone is in your face(thats where he messed up) I also think that every other person in that place is sorry because they didn't even try to stop the beatdown or help the guy once the other guy was gone.

02-28-2005, 08:44 PM
I'm with you Adam, man, women or punk teenage kid. Get in my face and lay finger on me and its on. By law as soon as he touched him its then considered self defense and he can knock your arse out. This could have turned fatal for the white dude. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6....

BC Lightning
02-28-2005, 11:13 PM
I don't care if your female, if you are cussin me and spit in my face and put your hands on me like that then you are getting laid out.

She steps up like a man, she'll get droped like a man

02-28-2005, 11:31 PM
You genius arse young folks:D . In this ever increasingly liberal society we live in you can't do the macho or even the right thing half of the time. If anyone of those guys stepped in to help brother man would have been suing them:rolleyes: . There is some law that if you are attacked by three or more people it is considered ?@? an organized crime. Which justifies use of deadly force:banana: . I bet if you shot the dude everyone else would sue you for hearing damage and mental distress:vomit: . That attacker had big slow dumb power. Anyone with intermediate defense/fighting skills would have him kissing the ground in a hurry. Large boys are usually easy victims since they rely on their bulk and intimidation rather than skill and speed. More people should settle disputes with firsts instead of guns. How many times in school did you end up being friends after whoopin his arse or at least earn his respect.

03-01-2005, 12:16 AM
How many times in school did you end up being friends after whoopin his arse or at least earn his respect.

Never! It was allways about the payback.