View Full Version : Idiots
03-08-2005, 01:17 AM
Just got chased by a suv full of drunks for no reason. They were swerving all over the road and slowed down by me, one attempted to throw something at my truck i had just punched it, he missed so i had to exit and was still being followed. About 3 to 4 miles into it said f*ck it and got on it not knowing what the hell they were gonna do and id rather not find out b/c it was about 5 of them and 1 of me. Finally lost them after a long straight away. That has been by far the most wreckless driving i have ever seen especially when 18 wheelers are trying to get out of their way. Some people are just flat out stupid and to be that careless especially when it was pretty heavy traffic that sh*t pi$$es me off. Just thought i would share the experience. @$$holes :hammer:
03-08-2005, 01:27 AM
Just got chased by a suv full of drunks for no reason. They were swerving all over the road and slowed down by me, one attempted to throw something at my truck i had just punched it, he missed so i had to exit and was still being followed. About 3 to 4 miles into it said f*ck it and got on it not knowing what the hell they were gonna do and id rather not find out b/c it was about 5 of them and 1 of me. Finally lost them after a long straight away. That has been by far the most wreckless driving i have ever seen especially when 18 wheelers are trying to get out of their way. Some people are just flat out stupid and to be that careless especially when it was pretty heavy traffic thats sh*t pisses me off. Just thought i would share the experience. @$$holes :hammer:
Guys like that really do need to run into guys like me:mad: ....Man that kind of sh!t pizzes me off.
03-08-2005, 08:59 AM
5 to 1 sounds real good in court:evil
03-08-2005, 09:04 AM
ill admit to some foolish things in my younger days, but with so many CHL around id be afraid to be a young punk nowadays
03-08-2005, 01:22 PM
5 to 1 sounds real good in court:evil
It's kind of funny how the "deadly force" rules kick in isn't it...LOL. I like the, "family man under assault by the street thug", defense...:evil
03-08-2005, 08:39 PM
Im still young and i do some stupid sh*t but not when driving. I had a friend die in a drunk driving accident and to see them driving the way they were pi$$ed me off. They swerved 3 lanes into me and i had to hit the shoulder and brakes to avoid getting hit. Also w/ those odds screw that, there was no way i was stopping b/c that other guy that stopped recently at the railroad tracks and got pulled out of his car and beat to death for no reason goes to show what kind of dumb @$$es there are out there.
03-09-2005, 10:59 AM
Im still young and i do some stupid sh*t but not when driving. I had a friend die in a drunk driving accident and to see them driving the way they were pi$$ed me off. They swerved 3 lanes into me and i had to hit the shoulder and brakes to avoid getting hit. Also w/ those odds screw that, there was no way i was stopping b/c that other guy that stopped recently at the railroad tracks and got pulled out of his car and beat to death for no reason goes to show what kind of dumb @$$es there are out there.
Ever think to call the cops while this was occuring ???
Glad you're ok!
03-09-2005, 11:24 AM
Ever think to call the cops while this was occuring ???
Glad you're ok!
Calling the cops sure sounds good on the surface, but it isn't going to do sh!t for your immediate protection. It's not like they can stick Joe Friday on a transporter beam and drop his ass in a cop car behind the perps.
Here is how it goes down. Innocently cruising with thoughts of nothing going through your head. Vehicle shows up out of nowhere and begins to do strange sh!t. You take evasive action, WTF he just took another agressive move. Adrenaline pumping, crap, the guy is trying to run me off the road. Cop...wheres a cop??? Oh fricking seven eleven flirting with the skank chick behind the counter getting free donuts. Oh cap he just cme at me again...must maintain don't wreck.
Digging around in the car for a cell phone while being chased by a nut job is not an option.
Nice suggestion....but when your actually under attack....not a viable option. Even if you manage to dial the phone, get the right cop, remember exactly where you are(by the way, this constantly changes when being chased), and do all this without crashing...while some guy tries to run you off the road, the cops will never catch up t the situation in time to help.
Gun Fire and/or escape are the only options.....I know..been there...done that.
He did the only and correct thing he could do...get the hell away.
Rocks:tu: :tu:
03-09-2005, 12:11 PM
Here's what happens when you call 911 in a situation like this.
03-09-2005, 12:19 PM
lol...I must say, you guys are some pessimists.
I've called 911 in a similar instance and it worked out fine. I'm sure there will be horror stories, but those are the exceptions. Do you not think the dispatch and police know how to follow a fleeing car ? They do it everyday. So, I guess if you're out on the open highway after robbing a bank they are just going to give up because there's not an officer right behind you ? You guys are pretty short sighted.
As far as searching for your cell phone, not being able to give your location etc, perhaps thats military training coming in handy, because it's pretty simple. Know your location, and know your aware.
Can't wait to see how long this one gets :d
03-09-2005, 06:56 PM
To compare chasing a bank robber to a cop trying to figure out where a road rage is happening makes no sense. Very different priorities for the police. I have yet to see a helicopter brought out for a case of road rage.
I am talking from experience, not speculation. If your really under won't have the time or reference to get help from a cop.
The funny thing is...when someone here finds themselves under this situation...they will see how silly trying to get help from a cop is. Just as I did...
I'm done with the issue now, I just don't think it is fair to insinuate someone should have done this or should have done that if we where not there.
There is a huge difference in someone trying to run you off the road and simply being followed around as I suspect was the case in your situation.
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