View Full Version : Has this ever happened to you ?

08-30-2002, 10:43 PM
Had dinner with some friends and was returning home around midnight... was in no rush so I set the cruise to 70mph.

Cruising in the middle lane and came up to a black Taurus in the right lane (cruise is still set) Noticed car to the right is going the same speed right beside me - one of my pet peeves, cuz all a knucklehead has to do is talk on the phone, adjust a radio knob, and woops they're in your lane...so I push coast....coasting.... car is still next to me. Okay, so I speed up to 75, car is next to me.

Tap the brakes and get down to 65, car is in front of me, I let off the accelerator and now going 60mph. Car in front of me is slowing down, me going 55mph now and catching the same car. What the hell is this guy's problem ?

So I floor it and now I'm going 90, and I see this car accelerating in my rear view....as car gets near (lane beside me), I slam on the brakes and he flies by me...so now I'm going 60 again...and guess what, he's 10 car lengths ahead and I'm catching him again... I'm like, STAY AWAY, I do not want to race you, I have no desire to race you, you are a driving a Ford Taurus (no offense Sixpipes) ;) So...as I approach him again, I move away a lane and floor it again...he accelerates again, as he gets near, I take the next right - I assume he would have done the same thing if he wasn't afraid he'd slide out of control from the lane he was in.

I would've otherwise floored it instead and kept going in triple digits and totally lose this guy, but why should I put myself in jeopardy of a big speeding ticket for someone that would not STAY AWAY.

Why would someone purposely be so annoying on the road ?
Is this some sort of "setup" I don't know about ?? Never had anything like that happen before....just the strangest thing.

:confused: Dean!

08-31-2002, 12:11 AM
Not a setup .. THey are either just playing with you or worse are UNABLE to drive their own speed... They ride in the draft of someone all the time.. Drives me nuts.. I especially like the ones that ride in your blind spot for miles...


08-31-2002, 12:21 AM
It's not the driver, its the car. Tauruses make you do strange things. :cool:

08-31-2002, 03:04 AM
Agreed! Hard headed drivers....defensive driving instructors tell you to break it up...don't drive in packs...space is the name of the game...yet time and time again....you will have the slowpoke in the fast lane (left lane) and one in the middle...then one on the right....some kind of formation :bs

but then on the other hand, the drafters and blind spotters.....I think they are trying to read the Talon Sticker on the back glass....or they are just drooling over our Lightning's..not sure...someone take a poll :rolleyes:

loved that Autobahn near Hahn AB in the late 70's.......178 MPH Turbo Porsche in 1973...fastest production car in the world..Porsche of Germany painted them lemon yellow...lime green.....hot pink...right out of the factory...with duck tail spoilers on the rear... (yes they work at 150 plus, no rice here mate) and mucho rubber.....when the torch lights come on (momentary pull of the turn signal switch activates the high beams) in Germany..this means get the **** out of the way....and when they come up on your ass at 170 plus....you better move or they will crawl up your ass.....something about the Germans...they grant that respect and seem to get out of the way...another land.... :beer: ein bier bitte...

08-31-2002, 05:41 PM
Something about racking the slide on the chrome .40 cal seems to move them outta the way as well...strange phenomenon:hammer:

08-31-2002, 10:12 PM
I think they are trying to read the Talon Sticker on the back glass....or they are just drooling over our Lightning's..not sure...someone take a poll

If you had the Big A$$ Talon sticker they can see you for miles- no need to tailgate LOL:d